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1 Special Issue Affect Walmart Inc.
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Sustainable Forestry Supporter | ||
# of Data Sources | 2 | |
Companies Affected | # | % |
Retail | 1 | 0.1 |
General Merchandise Stores | 2 | 3.6 |
Wholesale Trade | 2 | 0.4 |
All 58,040 Companies | 242 | 0.4 |
CSRHub Has 92 Active Source(s) and 335 Total Source(s) for Walmart Inc.
out of 279 Active and 985 Total Sources for All Companies
out of 279 Active and 985 Total Sources for All Companies
22 Flags for Walmart Inc.
Investigate 2227 Data Value(s) From 335 Active and Inactive Sources That Contribute To Walmart Inc.
List includes Data Source; Data Element; Original Data Value; Date Last Updated. (Items in green contribute to current ratings.
Items in blue contribute to historic ratings. For some companies and some subcategories, there may be too many data items to report them all.)
Source | Element | Minimum value | Value | Maximum value | Data description |
5050 Women on Boards | Click here to see the 8 items available from this source | ||||
5050 Women on Boards | The percentage of women on U.S. company boards | 0.0% | 24.0% | 57.0% | NA |
5050 Women on Boards | % of Women | 0.0% | 27.0% | 64.0% | the percentage of women on U.S. company boards |
5050 Women on Boards | City | NA | Bentonville | NA | NA |
5050 Women on Boards | Sector | NA | Consumer Defensive | NA | NA |
5050 Women on Boards | State | NA | AR | NA | NA |
5050 Women on Boards | Total Board | 1 | 11 | 33 | NA |
5050 Women on Boards | # of women | 1 | 3 | 9 | NA |
5050 Women on Boards | 5050 Rating | 0 | 3+ | GB | The number of women on the Board converted into a rating. |
3BL Media Members | 3BL Member | NA | Yes | Yes | 3BL members team are served by content experts for advice, seamless formatting, content uploads, scheduling, tracking and more. |
Big 4 Audit Clients | Click here to see the 2 items available from this source | ||||
Big 4 Audit Clients | Audited by Big 4 | NA | Yes | Yes | Big 4 audit clients are what arguably make the largest audit companies in the world worth working for. These companies, as you may already know, are Deloitte, PwC, Ernst & Young, and KPMG. |
Big 4 Audit Clients | Auditor | NA | Ernst & Young | NA | Name of the Big 4 Auditor |
AccountAbility | Top 100 most accountable companies according to AccountAbility | 11.2 | 44.1 | 77.7 | NA |
American Family Association (AFA) | Is a company Christmas friendly in its advertising? | Naughty | Nice | Nice | If a company has items associated with Christmas, but did not use the word "Christmas," then the company is considered as censoring "Christmas." |
Alliance for Bangladesh Worker Safety | Members of Alliance for Bangladesh | NA | Yes | Yes | NA |
AMEE | Click here to see the 22 items available from this source | ||||
AMEE | waste_hazardous_kg | 72001000 | NA | 0 | NA |
AMEE | waste_non_hazardous_kg | 962755000 | NA | 0 | NA |
AMEE | amee_industry_score | 0 | NA | 100 | NA |
AMEE | city | NA | NA | NA | NA |
AMEE | amee_score_status | NA | deprecated | NA | NA |
AMEE | country_code | NA | U.S.A. | NA | NA |
AMEE | emissions_scope1_tco2e | NA | NA | NA | NA |
AMEE | emissions_scope2_tco2e | NA | NA | NA | NA |
AMEE | total_assets_local | 1000 | NA | 1506867000000 | NA |
AMEE | waste_status | NA | no_data | NA | NA |
AMEE | water_status | NA | no_data | NA | NA |
AMEE | water_withdrawn_l | NA | NA | NA | NA |
AMEE | emissions_status | NA | no_data | NA | NA |
AMEE | sustainability_report_url | NA | NA | NA | NA |
AMEE | sustainability_report_year | NA | NA | NA | NA |
AMEE | emissions_total_tco2e | 70790000 | NA | 9 | NA |
AMEE | employees_total | 1 | NA | 508714 | NA |
AMEE | line_of_business | NA | NA | NA | NA |
AMEE | annual_sales_local | 286 | NA | 240745100000 | NA |
AMEE | Emissions per assets | 2.8321 | NA | 0.0 | NA |
AMEE | Emissions per employee | 235484.5 | NA | 0.07 | NA |
AMEE | Emissions per sale | 4.2576 | NA | 2.8e-07 | NA |
As you sow 2013 | Click here to see the 4 items available from this source | ||||
As you sow 2013 | Resolution Status | Omitted | Dialogue, Withdrawn | Withdrawn | Status of the company's multiple shareholder resolutions. |
As you sow 2013 | Resolution Summary | NA | As You Sow engaged in dialogue with Walmart, pressing the company to adopt extended producer responsibility policies to(…), Walmart is the second largest U.S. retailer of consumer electronics, and such devices contain toxic materials such as lead, (…) | NA | Individual resolution summary page |
As you sow 2013 | Proxy resolution for the company | NA | | NA | Web address for the resolution |
As you sow 2013 | Issues | NA | Consumer Packaging, Electronic Waste | NA | Sustainability-related issues that companies are facing. Focuses on Bisphenol A, Carbon Bubble, Coal, Consumer Packaging, Electronic Waste, Executive Compensation, GMOs, Hydraulic Fracturing and Nanomaterials |
Barron's Top 100 Sustainable | Rank | 100 | 74 | 1 | Barron’s list of the Most Sustainable Companies in the United States. |
Barron's Top 100 Sustainable 2023 | Rank | 100 | 21 | 1 | Barron’s 2023 list of the Most Sustainable Companies in the United States. |
Barron's Top 100 Sustainable 2024 | Rank | 100 | 61 | 1 | Barron’s 2024 list of the Most Sustainable Companies in the United States. |
Better Buying Purchasing Practice Index--Corporate 2020 | Rated by Better Buying Suppliers | NA | Yes | Yes | The list of suppliers that registered on the Better BuyingTM platform. |
Brand Finance 2008-09 | Click here to see the 4 items available from this source | ||||
Brand Finance 2008-09 | Brand Index 2008-09 | 34.5 | 71.8 | 94.7 | NA |
Brand Finance 2008-09 | Brand Value 2008-09 | 77 | 40616 | 40616 | NA |
Brand Finance 2008-09 | Enterprise Value 2008-09 | 277 | 244058 | 635959 | NA |
Brand Finance 2008-09 | Group | NA | Global 500 | NA | NA |
Brand Finance 2009-10 | Click here to see the 4 items available from this source | ||||
Brand Finance 2009-10 | Brand Value 2009-10 | 11 | 41365 | 41365 | NA |
Brand Finance 2009-10 | Enterprise Value 2009-10 | 70 | 190803 | 528713 | NA |
Brand Finance 2009-10 | Group | NA | Global 500 | NA | NA |
Brand Finance 2009-10 | Brand Index 2009-10 | 44.6 | 70.3 | 96.0 | NA |
Brand Finance 2010-11 | Click here to see the 4 items available from this source | ||||
Brand Finance 2010-11 | Group | NA | Global 500 | NA | NA |
Brand Finance 2010-11 | Brand Index 2010-11 | 44.0 | 71.2 | 98.4 | NA |
Brand Finance 2010-11 | Brand Value 2010-11 | 28 | 36220 | 44294 | NA |
Brand Finance 2010-11 | Enterprise Value 2010-11 | 0 | 154325 | 475066 | NA |
Brand Finance 2011-12 | Click here to see the 8 items available from this source | ||||
Brand Finance 2011-12 | Brand Rating 2012 | B | AA- | AAA+ | NA |
Brand Finance 2011-12 | Sector | NA | Consumer, Cyclical | NA | NA |
Brand Finance 2011-12 | Brand Value / Enterprise Value (%) | -4816.5% | 34.1% | 316.60555871% | NA |
Brand Finance 2011-12 | Brand Value 2012 | NA | $19799 | NA | NA |
Brand Finance 2011-12 | BSI | 50.0 | 70.2 | 88.5 | NA |
Brand Finance 2011-12 | Domicile | NA | UNITED STATES | NA | NA |
Brand Finance 2011-12 | Enterprise Value | NA | $69827 | NA | NA |
Brand Finance 2011-12 | Reviewed ? | NA | YES | NA | NA |
Brand Finance 2012-13 | Click here to see the 8 items available from this source | ||||
Brand Finance 2012-13 | Brand Value 2013 | $11 | $20876 | $67875 | NA |
Brand Finance 2012-13 | BSI | 50.0 | 70.2 | 89.6 | NA |
Brand Finance 2012-13 | Domicile | NA | UNITED STATES | NA | NA |
Brand Finance 2012-13 | Sector | NA | Consumer, Cyclical | NA | NA |
Brand Finance 2012-13 | Brand Value / Enterprise Value (%) | 1.0% | 31.9% | 4.7473237754% | NA |
Brand Finance 2012-13 | Brand Rating 2013 | BBB | AA | AAA+ | NA |
Brand Finance 2012-13 | Reviewed | NA | SJD | NA | NA |
Brand Finance 2012-13 | Enterprise Value 2013 | $0 | $80150 | $435751 | NA |
Brand Finance 2013-14 | Click here to see the 7 items available from this source | ||||
Brand Finance 2013-14 | Brand Rating 2014 | A- | AA | AAA+ | These are calculated using Brand Finance's ßrandßeta® analysis which benchmarks the strength, risk and potential of a brand, relative to its competitors, on a scale ranging from AAA to D. It is conceptually similar to a credit rating. The data used to cal |
Brand Finance 2013-14 | Brand Value / Enterprise Value (%) | 0.9% | 24.6% | 1.07% | NA |
Brand Finance 2013-14 | Brand Value 2014 | $10 | $20876 | $87304 | A brand strength is assessed by using our Brand Strength Index framework. This benchmarks the strength, risk and future potential of a brand relative to its competitors by assessing input measures, brand equity measures, and output performance across four |
Brand Finance 2013-14 | BSI | 51.3 | 74.1 | 94.2 | NA |
Brand Finance 2013-14 | Domicile | NA | UNITED STATES | NA | NA |
Brand Finance 2013-14 | Enterprise Value 2014 | $66 | $86897 | $526619 | NA |
Brand Finance 2013-14 | Sector | NA | Consumer, Cyclical | NA | NA |
Brand Finance 2014-15 | Click here to see the 4 items available from this source | ||||
Brand Finance 2014-15 | Enterprise Value 2015 | $0 | $101302 | $438990 | NA |
Brand Finance 2014-15 | Brand Value 2015 | $61 | $23074 | $128303 | A brand strength is assessed by using our Brand Strength Index framework. This benchmarks the strength, risk and future potential of a brand relative to its competitors by assessing input measures, brand equity measures, and output performance across four |
Brand Finance 2014-15 | BSI | 50.5 | 75.2 | 93.4 | NA |
Brand Finance 2014-15 | Brand Rating 2015 | A- | AA | AAA+ | These are calculated using Brand Finance's ßrandßeta® analysis which benchmarks the strength, risk and potential of a brand, relative to its competitors, on a scale ranging from AAA to D. It is conceptually similar to a credit rating. The data used to cal |
Brand Finance 2015-16 | Click here to see the 4 items available from this source | ||||
Brand Finance 2015-16 | Brand Rating 2016 | A- | AA | AAA+ | These are calculated using Brand Finance's ßrandßeta® analysis which benchmarks the strength, risk and potential of a brand, relative to its competitors, on a scale ranging from AAA to D. It is conceptually similar to a credit rating. |
Brand Finance 2015-16 | Brand Value 2016 | 10 | 54452 | 37216 | A brand strength is assessed by using our Brand Strength Index framework. This benchmarks the strength, risk and future potential of a brand relative to its competitors by assessing input measures, brand equity measures, and output performance across four |
Brand Finance 2015-16 | BSI | 42 | 70 | 159 | NA |
Brand Finance 2015-16 | Enterprise Value 2016 | 0 | 162590 | 498735 | NA |
Brand Finance 2016-17 | Click here to see the 4 items available from this source | ||||
Brand Finance 2016-17 | Brand Rating 2017 | NA | AA+ | NA | These are calculated using Brand Finance's ßrandßeta® analysis which benchmarks the strength, risk and potential of a brand, relative to its competitors, on a scale ranging from AAA to D. It is conceptually similar to a credit rating. |
Brand Finance 2016-17 | Brand Value 2017 | NA | 156410.0729 | NA | A brand strength is assessed by using our Brand Strength Index framework. This benchmarks the strength, risk and future potential of a brand relative to its competitors by assessing input measures, brand equity measures, and output performance across four |
Brand Finance 2016-17 | BSI | NA | 74.6093 | NA | NA |
Brand Finance 2016-17 | Enterprise Value 2017 | NA | 479638.7535 | NA | NA |
Brand Finance 2017-18 | Click here to see the 4 items available from this source | ||||
Brand Finance 2017-18 | Brand Rating | BBB | AA+ | AAA+ | These are calculated using Brand Finance's ßrandßeta® analysis which benchmarks the strength, risk and potential of a brand, relative to its competitors, on a scale ranging from AAA to D. It is conceptually similar to a credit rating. |
Brand Finance 2017-18 | Brand Value | 33 | 150750 | 452433 | A brand strength is assessed by using our Brand Strength Index framework. This benchmarks the strength, risk and future potential of a brand relative to its competitors by assessing input measures, brand equity measures, and output performance. |
Brand Finance 2017-18 | BSI | 46 | 446 | 1177 | Brand Strength Index |
Brand Finance 2017-18 | Enterprise Value | 189 | 503712 | 1676673 | Millions of dollars |
Brand Finance 2018-19 | Click here to see the 4 items available from this source | ||||
Brand Finance 2018-19 | Brand Rating | A- | AA+ | AAA+ | These are calculated using Brand Finance's ßrandßeta® analysis which benchmarks the strength, risk and potential of a brand, relative to its competitors, on a scale ranging from AAA to D. It is conceptually similar to a credit rating. |
Brand Finance 2018-19 | Brand Value | $4168 | $83593 | $187905 | A brand strength is assessed by using our Brand Strength Index framework. This benchmarks the strength, risk and future potential of a brand relative to its competitors by assessing input measures, brand equity measures, and output performance across four |
Brand Finance 2018-19 | Enterprise Value | $0 | $284472 | $920690 | NA |
Brand Finance 2018-19 | BSI | 49.9 | 222.4 | 349.7 | NA |
Brand Finance 2019-20 | Click here to see the 4 items available from this source | ||||
Brand Finance 2019-20 | Brand Rating | BBB | AA+ | AAA+ | These are calculated using Brand Finance's ßrandßeta® analysis which benchmarks the strength, risk and potential of a brand, relative to its competitors, on a scale ranging from AAA to D. It is conceptually similar to a credit rating. |
Brand Finance 2019-20 | Brand Value | $4168 | $77520 | $187905 | A brand strength is assessed by using our Brand Strength Index framework. This benchmarks the strength, risk and future potential of a brand relative to its competitors by assessing input measures, brand equity measures, and output performance across four |
Brand Finance 2019-20 | BSI | 46.0 | 78.9 | 95.0 | NA |
Brand Finance 2019-20 | Enterprise Value | $0 | $306775 | $920690 | NA |
Brand Finance 2020-21 | Brand Rating | BB | A+ | AAA+ | These are calculated using Brand Finance's ßrandßeta® analysis which benchmarks the strength, risk and potential of a brand, relative to its competitors, on a scale ranging from AAA to D. It is conceptually similar to a credit rating. |
Brand Finance 2021-22 | Brand Rating | A | AAA- | AAA+ | These are calculated using Brand Finance's ßrandßeta® analysis which benchmarks the strength, risk and potential of a brand, relative to its competitors, on a scale ranging from AAA to D. It is conceptually similar to a credit rating. |
Brand Finance 2022-23 | Brand Rating | 2 | 9 | 11 | These are calculated using Brand Finance's ßrandßeta® analysis which benchmarks the strength, risk and potential of a brand, relative to its competitors, on a scale ranging from AAA to D. It is conceptually similar to a credit rating. |
Brand Finance 2023-24 | Brand Rating | BBB | AA+ | AAA+ | These are calculated using Brand Finance's ßrandßeta® analysis which benchmarks the strength, risk and potential of a brand, relative to its competitors, on a scale ranging from AAA to D. It is conceptually similar to a credit rating. |
BlackEngineer Most Admired Companies 2009 | Most Admired Companies for Minority Professionals in 2009 | 100 | 37 | 1 | Most Admired Companies for Minority Professionals in 2009 were chosen based on a survey completed by hundreds of respondents that consists of 64 questions given to Hispanic, Native American, Asian, black, and other employees in science, technology, engine |
BlackEngineer Most Admired Companies 2011 | Most Admired Companies for Minority Professionals in 2011 | Killer's Row | Killer’s Row | The Top Twenty | Most Admired Companies for Minority Professionals in 2011 were chosen based on a survey completed by hundreds of respondents that consists of 64 questions given to Hispanic, Native American, Asian, black, and other employees. |
Best Workplace for Commuters 2009 | Best Workplace for Commuters list | NA | Yes | Yes | NA |
Better World Companies | Better World product rating | F | F | A+ | Better World Shopper is a site dedicated to providing people with a comprehensive, up-to-date, reliable account of the social and environmental responsibility of every company on the planet AND making it available in practical forms. |
Climate Action 100+ Assessments | Click here to see the 15 items available from this source | ||||
Climate Action 100+ Assessments | Capital allocation alignment | N | N | Partial | The company is working to decarbonise its future capital expenditures. |
Climate Action 100+ Assessments | Climate Governance | N | Partial | Y | The company’s board has clear oversight of climate change. |
Climate Action 100+ Assessments | Climate policy engagement | N | Partial | Y | The company has a Paris-Agreement-aligned climate lobbying position and all of its direct lobbying activities are aligned with this. |
Climate Action 100+ Assessments | Decarbonisation strategy | N | Partial | Y | The company has a decarbonisation strategy to meet its long and medium-term GHG reduction targets |
Climate Action 100+ Assessments | Just transition | NA | N | Not assessed | The company considers the impacts from transitioning to a lower-carbon business model on its workers and communities |
Climate Action 100+ Assessments | Long-term (2036-2050) GHG reduction target(s) | N | Partial | Y | The company has set a target for reducing its GHG emissions by between 2036 and 2050 on a clearly defined scope of emissions. |
Climate Action 100+ Assessments | Medium-term (2026-2035) GHG reduction target(s) | N | Y | Y | The company has set a medium-term 2026 to 2035) targets for reducing its GHG emissions. The company has set a target for reducing its GHG emissions by between 2026 and 2035 on a clearly defined scope of emissions. |
Climate Action 100+ Assessments | Net-zero GHG Emissions by 2050 (or sooner) ambition | N | Partial | Y | The company has set an ambition to achieve net-zero GHG emissions by 2050 or sooner. |
Climate Action 100+ Assessments | Medium-term (2027-2035) GHG reduction target(s) | N | Y | Y | The company has set medium-term (2027 to 2035) targets for reducing its GHG emissions. The company has set a target for reducing its GHG emissions by between 2027 and 2035 on a clearly defined scope of emissions. |
Climate Action 100+ Assessments | Short-term (up to 2026) GHG reduction target(s) | N | Partial | Y | The short-term up to 2026 GHG reduction target covers at least 95% of scope 1 & 2 emissions and the most relevant scope 3 emissions where applicable. |
Climate Action 100+ Assessments | Secondary sector | NA | Not Applicable | NA | Secondary business sector |
Climate Action 100+ Assessments | TCFD Disclosure | N | Partial | Y | The company has committed to implement the recommendations of the Taskforce on Climate- related Financial Disclosures TCFD). |
Climate Action 100+ Assessments | Scope 3 cat-detail | NA | Yes (purchased goods and services - Category 1 of the GHG protocol) | NA | Details of Scope 3 GHG Emissions - Indirect Emissions that are not owned and not directly controlled by the reporting company. |
Climate Action 100+ Assessments | Scope 3 cat | NA | Applicable | NA | Scope 3 GHG Emissions - Indirect Emissions that are not owned and not directly controlled by the reporting company. |
Climate Action 100+ Assessments | Short-term (up to 2025) GHG reduction target(s) | N | Partial | Y | The short-term up to 2025) GHG reduction target covers at least 95% of scope 1 & 2 emissions and the most relevant scope 3 emissions where applicable) |
CalPERS Proxy Voting 2012 | Click here to see the 3 items available from this source | ||||
CalPERS Proxy Voting 2012 | Proxy voting decisions for the company | NA | | NA | NA |
CalPERS Proxy Voting 2012 | Proxy filed | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
CalPERS Proxy Voting 2012 | Annual Meeting Date | NA | 41461 | NA | NA |
CalPERS Proxy Voting 2014 | Click here to see the 3 items available from this source | ||||
CalPERS Proxy Voting 2014 | Annual Meeting Date | NA | 6/6/2014 | NA | NA |
CalPERS Proxy Voting 2014 | Proxy filed | Yes | Yes | No | NA |
CalPERS Proxy Voting 2014 | Proxy voting decisions for the company | NA | | NA | NA |
CalPERS Proxy Voting 2015 | Click here to see the 3 items available from this source | ||||
CalPERS Proxy Voting 2015 | Proxy filed | Yes | Yes | No | NA |
CalPERS Proxy Voting 2015 | Annual Meeting Date | NA | June 5, 2015 | NA | NA |
CalPERS Proxy Voting 2015 | Proxy voting decisions for the company | NA | 4,959,910 | NA | NA |
Corporate Climate Action Transparency Index (CATI) | Click here to see the 2 items available from this source | ||||
Corporate Climate Action Transparency Index (CATI) | CATI Score | 0.0 | 34.4 | 79.8 | The Corporate Climate Action Transparency Index (CATI) dynamically assesses corporates’ climate action across their value chain. CATI aims to direct corporates' focus and efforts to reducing GHG emissions from their emissions hotspots and disclose carbon |
Corporate Climate Action Transparency Index (CATI) | Industry | NA | Retailers,Textile | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2006 and 2007 | Click here to see the 3 items available from this source | ||||
Carbon Disclosure Project 2006 and 2007 | % of purchased electricity from renewable sources | 0.0% | 0.0% | 45.5% | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2006 and 2007 | Please indicate whether you publish information about the risks and opportunities presented to your company by climate change, details of your GHG emissions and plans to reduce emissions through any of the following communications: i) the company’s Annual | No | NA | Yes | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2006 and 2007 | Response State | Declined to participate | Answered questionnaire online | Answered questionnaire | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2008 | Click here to see the 19 items available from this source | ||||
Carbon Disclosure Project 2008 | Please specify the methodology used by your company to calculate GHG emissions. | no response | NA | answered | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2008 | ii) formal communications with shareholders or external parties | no response | Yes | answered | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2008 | % of purchased electricity from renewable sources | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2008 | Section 3 Index | NA | 1371 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2008 | Do you engage with policymakers on possible responses to climate change including taxation, regulation and carbon trading? If so, please provide details. | no response | Yes | answered | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2008 | Section 2 Index | NA | 1596 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2008 | iii) Has your company developed emissions intensity targets? | no response | Yes, we have developed emission intensity targets. (Please answer questions (a) and (b) below.) | answered | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2008 | Does a Board Committee or other executive body have overall responsibility for climate change? If not, please state how overall responsibility for climate change is managed. If so, please answer parts (i) and (ii) below. | no response | No executive body has overall responsibility for climate change. | answered | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2008 | General and regulatory risks management | no response | We have taken or planned action. | answered | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2008 | Do you invest in, or have plans to invest in products and services that are designed to minimize or adapt to the effects of climate change? | no response | Climate change has led to investment or planned investment in order to maximise climate change opportunities. | answered | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2008 | Do you assess or provide incentive mechanisms for individual management of climate change issues including attainment of GHG targets? If so, please provide details. | no response | No, we do not. | answered | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2008 | Do you forecast your company’s future emissions and/or energy use? | no response | Yes, we do. (Please answer questions (i) to (iii) below.) | answered | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2008 | iii) voluntary communications such as Corporate Social Responsibility reporting | no response | Yes | answered | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2008 | Response State | No Response | Answered questionnaire online | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2008 | Does your company have a system in place to assess the accuracy of GHG emissions inventory calculation methods, data processes and other systems relating to GHG measurement? If so, please provide details. If not, please explain how data accuracy is manag | no response | Yes, we do have a system. | answered | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2008 | (i) Has the information reported in response to Questions 2(b)- (c) been externally verified or audited or do you plan to have the information verified or audited? | no response | Yes (Please go to 2(d)(ii)) | answered | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2008 | Section 4 Index | NA | 1255 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2008 | i) Does your company have a GHG emissions reduction plan in place? If so, please provide details along with the information requested below. If there is currently no plan in place, please explain why. | no response | Yes, we have a reduction plan in place. (Please proceed to part (ii) ) | answered | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2008 | Please indicate whether you publish information about the risks and opportunities presented to your company by climate change, details of your GHG emissions and plans to reduce emissions through any of the following communications: i) the company’s Annual | no response | No | answered | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | Click here to see the 195 items available from this source | ||||
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 17.1.1. Have the emissions increased or decreased? | increased | decreased | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 23.7. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 5.1. Description | NA | At this time, we are unable to identify any specific physical opportunities that rise to a level that would enable commercial action. Wal-Mart’s process for identifying risk or opportunity is to gather relevant information from as broad a | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 3.1. Other Risks | NA | We consider our company to be exposed to other risks. | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 2.1. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 21.2. 2011 | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 18.5. Specify the standard against which the information has been verified/assured. | NA | “Corporate Greenhouse Gas Verification Guideline”, ERT, Washington DC, June 2005, | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 13.4 Emissions in metric tonnes CO2-e. | NA | At this time, while we have undertaken many initiatives to reduce emissions from the use or disposal of the company's goods and services, we are not able to quantify them. | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 9.1. Select methodologies used to calculate Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions. | NA | Greenhouse Gas Protocol | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 22.6. Please provide details including: Your role in the project(s), the locations and technologies involved; The standard/scheme under which the projects are being/have been developed; Whether emissions reductions have been validated or verified, | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 13.2 State the methodology, assumptions, calculation tools, databases, emission factors (including sources) and global warming potentials (including sources) you have used for calculating emissions. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 14.1 Further information | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 12.2. Further information | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 23.15. Further information | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 19.3. Does your company report GHG emissions under any mandatory or voluntary scheme (other than CDP) that requires an accuracy assessment? | No (Please go to question 20.) | Yes (Please answer the following questions - 19.3.1, 19.3.2). | Yes (Please answer the following questions - 19.3.1, 19.3.2). | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 21.1. Does your company operate or have ownership of facilities covered by the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS)? | No (Please go to question 22.) | No (Please go to question 22.) | Yes (Please answer the following questions - 21.2 to 21.4) | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 7.1. Please state the start date of the year for which you are reporting GHG emissions. | NA | 01/01/2008 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 10.6 Further Information | NA | Totals may not equal sum of individual components due to independent rounding. | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 11.5. If you have not provided any information about Scope 2 emissions in response to the questions above, please explain your reasons and describe any plans you have for collecting Scope 2 GHG emissions information in future. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 20.8. What percentage of the renewable energy reported in response to question 20.6 is exported/sold by your company to the grid or to third parties? | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 18.3. State what level of assurance (eg: reasonable or limited) has been given. | NA | Tier II: A Tier II-level verification is appropriate for basic reporting, and those voluntary efforts and public commitments for which there are no imminent requirements for compliance obligations or emissions trading. It is intended to establish the bas | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 15.1. Further information | NA | These emissions are from Brazil Ethanol and US E85 fuel. | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 13.6 Further information | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 20.1.1. Heat | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 18.1. Has any of the information reported in response to questions 10 – 15 been externally verified/assured in whole or in part? | No information has been provided in response to questions 10-15. Please go to question 19. | Yes, it has been externally verified/assured in whole or in part.(Please continue with questions 18.2 to 18.5) | Yes, it has been externally verified/assured in whole or in part.(Please continue with questions 18.2 to 18.5) | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 23.5. What is the emissions and/or energy reduction target(s)? | NA | We have several targets that use 2005 as the baseline year. The following goals are stated on page 7 of Lee Scott's 21st Century Leadership speech, dated 10/24/05: “Reducing greenhouse gases at our existing store, club and DC base around t | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 6.1. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 20.6. What is the total amount in MWh of renewable energy, excluding biomass, that is self-generated by your company? | NA | 164 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 17.1.1. If the answer to 17.1 is Yes, estimate the percentage by which emissions vary compared with the previous reporting. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 20.1. The total cost of electricity, heat, steam and cooling purchased by your company. | NA | 2639275517 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 22.2. What is your overall strategy for complying with any schemes in which you are required or have elected to participate, including the EU ETS? | NA | This question is not yet applicable, since Wal-Mart is not required and has not elected to participate in any scheme. For the upcoming emissions trading schemes that Wal-Mart is likely to participate in, Wal-Mart’s overall strategy is to comply with all | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 10.5 HFCs | NA | 2430555 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 23.8. What activities are you undertaking or planning to undertake to reduce your emissions/energy use? | NA | Wal-Mart is designing and building more energy-efficient stores to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Through a process of experimenting, piloting, and then implementing new building technologies, Wal-Mart is able to improve its new store prototype, retrof | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 23.9. Further information | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 20.1. Select currency | NA | United States dollar | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 19.3.2. Please provide the accuracy assessment for GHG emissions reported under that scheme for the last report delivered. | NA | For 2007 emissions reported under this scheme, the accuracy assessment provided to The Climate Registry was made by an independent third-party verifier. In the accuracy assessment report, the verifier stated that “Based on its review of Wal-Mart’s GHG em | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 21.2. 2010 | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 7.1. Please state the end date of the year for which you are reporting GHG emissions. | NA | 31/12/2008 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 9.4 The global warming potentials you have applied and their origin. | NA | IPCC | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 19.3.1 Please provide the name of the scheme. | NA | Other | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 13.2 Emissions in metric tonnes CO2-e. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 19.1. What are the main sources of uncertainty in your data gathering, handling and calculations e.g.: data gaps, assumptions, extrapolation, metering/measurement inaccuracies etc? | NA | Below, we describe parameter uncertainties associated with our GHG inventory, the percent of the inventory characterized by each uncertainty type, and an associated margin of error. Margin of error was either calculated from GHG estimating guidance docum | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 19.2. How do the main sources of uncertainty in your data gathering, handling and calculations affect the accuracy of the reported data in percentage terms or an estimated standard deviation? | NA | Based on the areas of uncertainty identified above, we have calculated our total inventory uncertainty according to the following methodology: Identify the percent of each emissions source’s (e.g., onsite diesel fuel) contribution in tons C | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 17.1. Do emissions for the reporting year vary significantly compared to previous years? | No - Please go to question 18. | No - Please go to question 18. | Yes | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 20.1.1. Steam | NA | 1631344 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 23.9. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 9.1. Please describe the process used by your company to calculate Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions including the name of the standard, protocol or methodology you have used to collect activity data and calculate Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions. | NA | Wal-Mart utilized publically available emissions sources and guidance from the World Resource Institute’s GHG protocol. Additionally, Wal-Mart retained Clear Carbon Consulting ( to help coordinate and execute our GHG invento | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 20.1.1. Please break down the costs by individual energy type. - Electricity | NA | 2637644174 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 2.1. Description | NA | Yes, Wal-Mart is exposed to physical risks related to climate change. If future weather patterns shift due to climate change, there could be effects on our operations. Rising sea levels, stronger or more frequent hurricanes, droughts, wild fires, floodi | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 15.1. Please provide the total global carbon dioxide emissions in metric tonnes CO2 from biologically sequestered carbon. | NA | 217 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 13.3 Emissions in metric tonnes CO2-e. | NA | At this time, while we have undertaken many initiatives to reduce emissions from the use or disposal of the company's goods and services, we are not able to quantify them. | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 23.7. Further information | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 10.1 Please tick the box if your total gross global Scope 1 figure (Q10.1) includes emissions that you have transferred outside your reporting boundary (as given in answer to 8.1). Please report these transfers under 13.5. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 22.2. Further information | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 9.5 The emission factors you have applied and their origin. | NA | WRI, E-grid, Defra, Climate Leaders | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 21.2. The allowances allocated for free for each year of Phase II for facilities which you operate or own. (Even if you do not wholly own facilities, please give the full number of allowances). - Year 2008 | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 19.3.1. More information | NA | The name of the scheme is The Climate Registry. | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 10.6 Attachments | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 13.2. External distribution/logistics | NA | At this time, Wal-Mart is not reporting Scope 3 emissions from distribution and logistics. It should be noted that unlike many retailers, much of Wal-Mart’s product distribution is performed by Wal-Mart’s owned fleet of tractors and trailers, which are i | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 13.5 Non-transfers - Describe the main sources of emissions | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 16.2.2. Activity related intensity measurement - Further information | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 10.5 N2O | NA | 53 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 22.2. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 3.1. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 21.4. Total CO2 emissions for 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2008 for facilities which you operate or own as a % of total revenue. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 23.8. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 18.6. Further information | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 18.4. Provide a copy of the verification/assurance statement. | NA | 2007 VS_111408 (5).doc | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 12.2. If you retire any certificates (eg: Renewable Energy Certificates) associated with zero or low carbon electricity, please provide details. | NA | In 2008, Wal-Mart Canada retired 23,827 green power certificates through a third-party supplier. Each green power certificate represents the rights and benefits to the environmental attributes associated with the generation of 1 MWh of green power, defin | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 4.1. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 22.8. Please provide details of the role performed. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 20.4. In answering this question and the one below, you will have used either Higher Heating Values (also known as Gross Calorific Values) or Lower Heating Values (also known as Net Calorific Values). | NA | All fuels are converted to MWh using Higher Heating Values. | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 24.1. Further information | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 22.3. Please indicate whether the credits are to meet one or more of the following commitments: | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 23.9. What benchmarks or key performance indicators do you use to assess progress against the emissions/energy reduction goals you have set? | NA | To provide a directional assessment of progress against the emissions reduction goal, Wal-Mart uses a web-based tool to track global implementation of retrofit projects that promote energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This online track | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 12.1. If you consider that the grid average factor used to report Scope 2 emissions in question 11 does not reflect the contractual arrangements you have with electricity suppliers, (for example, because you purchase electricity using a zero or low carbon | NA | Wal-Mart has several contractual arrangements that support the generation of renewable electricity. In the US, we have agreements for solar and wind power purchases, while in Japan, there is a wind purchase program. In 2008, the contractual Scope 2 emis | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 16.1. Please supply a financial emissions intensity measurement for the reporting year for your combined Scope 1 and 2 emissions. | NA | The financial emissions intensity measurement that is used for our Corporate Sustainability Report is metric tons of GHG emissions per US dollar of sales. A financial intensity measurement that is tied to sales revenue is considered an appropriate indica | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 13.5 Non-transfers - Report emissions in metric tonnes of CO2-e. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 14.1 Attachments | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 13.4. Company supply chain - Describe the main sources of emissions. | NA | Wal-Mart recognizes the importance of supply chain carbon management and has been engaging its suppliers on sustainability since 2005. Although the company is not reporting supply chain emissions for 2008, using preliminary macro-economic assessments, we | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 23.10. Further information | NA | We are unable to disclose future investments in truck fleet efficiency measures at this point. Such investments are difficult to estimate until we are more certain of the path we will pursue (e.g. operational changes vs. technology changes). | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 23.13. Please estimate your company’s future Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions for the next five years for each of the main territories or regions in which you operate or provide a qualitative explanation for expected changes that could impact future GHG emis | NA | Due to competitive reasons, global and regional forecasts for emissions cannot be disclosed. With the company acquiring, building, and/or expanding stores, absolute emissions for Wal-Mart are expected to increase over the next five years due to organic g | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 20.2. Select currency | NA | United States dollar | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 17.1.1. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 1.1. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 11.5 Further Information | NA | Totals may not equal sum of individual components due to independent rounding. | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 7.1. More information | NA | Wal-Mart chose to use calendar year for its footprint determination prior participating in the CDP. Our baseline for emissions reduction goals is calendar year 2005. | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 21.4. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 21.2. 2012 | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | Reporting Historical Data | NA | No | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 23.7. Over what period/timescale does the target(s) extend? | NA | For the GHG emissions reduction target, the target extends over 7 years, with 2005 as the baseline year. The target year for achieving the goal is year ending 2012. For the fleet efficiency targets, the target extends over the 2005-2015 pe | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 10.5 CO2 | NA | 3114116 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 20.1.1. Steam - Currency | NA | United States dollar | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 5.1. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 22.5. Have you been involved in the origination of project-based carbon credits? | No. (Please go to question 22.7) | No. (Please go to question 22.7) | Yes. (Please answer the following question) | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 10.5 PFCs | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 19.1. Do you gather emissions data? | NA | Emission data is gathered. | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 9.5 Attachments | NA | Response 9 Walmart_GWP_and_Emission_Factors_Report.xls | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 24.1. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 20.3 Your company’s total consumption of purchased energy in MWh. | NA | 26555572 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 16.2.2. The resulting figure. | NA | 0.0198 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 20.1.1. Electricity - Currency | NA | United States dollar | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 10.1 Total Scope 1 CO2-e | NA | 5566006 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 18.2. State the scope/boundary of emissions included within the verification/assurance exercise. | NA | Scope 1 and Scope 2 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 23.15. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 20.8. Further information | NA | For question 20.1.1, our process hot/cold water is accounted for as one combined cost items so this is treated as energy type Steam. For question 20.5, these stationary combustion fuels are primarily use for heating and process and are not intended | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 12.2. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 23.10. What emissions reductions, energy savings and associated cost savings have been achieved to date as a result of the plan and/or the activities described above? Please state the methodology and data sources you have used for calculating these reduct | NA | From fiscal years 2007 to 2009, the estimated cumulative GHG savings is 1,332,746 metric tons from reported retrofit energy efficiency/emission reduction projects that were implemented across Wal-Mart’s global operations. The GHG savings were calculated | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 10.5 CH4 | NA | 4754 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 17.1.1 Further information | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 22.8. Further information | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 9.5 Further Information | NA | Because the CDP reporting system's copy&paste limitations for the text box result in formatting issues, we are attaching an Excel file that contains properly formatted tables with Wal-Mart's global warming potentials, emissions factors, and their origins. | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | ISIN | NA | ARDEUT110400 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 5.1. Physical opportunities | NA | We don’t know the answer to this question. | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 1.1. Regulatory Risks | NA | We consider our company to be exposed to regulatory risks. | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 6.1. Description | NA | We are currently deploying a Supplier Energy Efficiency Program (SEEP) that will enable low cost technology transfer throughout our supply network. It is our hope that this will form the basis of an energy efficiency model that can be adopted by any priva | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 20.1.1. Heat - Currency | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 10.6. If you have not provided any information about Scope 1 emissions in response to the questions above, please explain your reasons and describe any plans you have for collecting Scope 1 GHG emissions information in future. | NA | We have applied GWP's from IPCC's Second Assessment Report (SAR) to convert all non-CO2 gases into CO2-equivalents as shown below for N2O, CH4, and the refrigerants used in our facilities’ HVAC and refrigeration equipment. Many of our refrigerants are bl | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 23.14. Please estimate your company’s future energy use for the next five years for each of the main territories or regions in which you operate or provide a qualitative explanation for expected changes that could impact future GHG emissions. | NA | Due to competitive reasons, global and regional forecasts for energy use cannot be disclosed. With the company acquiring, building, and/or expanding stores, absolute energy usage for Wal-Mart is expected to increase over the next five years due to organi | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 23.15. Please explain the methodology used for your estimations and any assumptions made. | NA | The methodology to estimate downward trends in emissions and energy use is based on the assumption that the existing store base will be made more efficient and emit less greenhouse gases over time due to the continued implementation of energy efficiency a | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 13.3 Use/disposal of company’s products and services | NA | At Wal-Mart, one of our company-wide sustainability goals is to generate zero net waste. By increasing our recycling efforts and eliminating unnecessary waste, our Waste Network is working to eliminate landfill waste generated by our operations by 2025. A | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 21.2. 2009 | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 8.2. Please state whether any parts of your business or sources of GHG emissions are excluded from your reporting boundary. | NA | All aspects of Wal-Mart’s business over which it has operational control are included in the reporting boundary. | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 18.6. If none of the information provided in response to questions 10-15 has been verified in whole or in part, please state whether you have plans for GHG emissions accounting information to be externally verified/assured in future. | NA | Wal-Mart currently plans to have this year's submission externally verified in the future. | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 21.3. The total allowances purchased through national auctioning processes for the period 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2008 for facilities that you operate or own. (Even if you do not wholly own facilities, please give the total allowances purchased thro | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 4.1. Regulatory opportunities | NA | Regulatory requirements present opportunities for my company. | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 23.8. Further information | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 7.1. Date selected is | NA | Other Date | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 20.8. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 24.1. How do you factor the cost of future emissions into capital expenditures and what impact have those estimated costs had on your investment decisions? | NA | Although under analysis, at this time we are unable to specifically identify potential costs from future emissions to a level that would enable incorporation into financial modeling. However, we do expect that in the future there will be enough certainty | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 13.6 Attachments | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 14.1. If your goods and/or services enable GHG emissions to be avoided by a third party, please provide details including the estimated avoided emissions, the anticipated timescale over which the emissions are avoided and the methodology, assumptions, emi | NA | Wal-Mart has numerous initiatives underway with its goods and services to enable GHG emissions to be avoided by third parties, its customers. By reducing the number of plastic shopping bags we give away, we can reduce the amount of waste that ends up in | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 22.4 Provide details including the type of unit, volume and vintage purchased and the standard/scheme against which the credits have been verified, issued and retired (where applicable). | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 16.2.2. Activity related intensity measurement - Attachments | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 23.2. If not, please explain why. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | SEDOL | NA | 2316170 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 18.6. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 23.3. Do you have an emissions and/or energy reduction target(s)? | No. (Please go to question 23.8) | Yes. (Please answer the following questions) | Yes. (Please answer the following questions) | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 20.1.1. Cooling - Currency | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | Scope 1 forecasted emissions in Table 15 below are in the following units. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | Scope 2 forecasted emissions in Table 15 below are in the following units. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 23.2. If the menu options above are not appropriate, please answer the question using the text box below: | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 13.5 Transfers - Report emissions in metric tonnes of CO2-e. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 11.5 Attachments | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 23.1. Does your company have a GHG emissions and/or energy reduction plan in place? | No. (Please answer the following question and then continue with 23.3) | Yes. (Please go to question 23.3) | Yes. (Please go to question 23.3) | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 2.1. Physical Risks | NA | We consider our company to be exposed to physical risks. | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 5.1. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 13.5 Other | NA | Wal-Mart is continuing to evaluate our carbon footprint and may expand GHG assessments to some Scope 3 components in the future. | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 13.1 State the methodology, assumptions, calculation tools, databases, emission factors (including sources) and global warming potentials (including sources) you have used for calculating emissions. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 3.1. Description | NA | In addition to regulatory and physical risks, we have the general risk of resource availability constraints, caused by climate change, which could pressure our supply chain in the forms of product scarcity, restricted manufacturing capacity, or delivery o | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 23.4 What is the baseline year for the target(s)? | NA | The baseline year is 2005. The baseline year forms a fixed basis against which to compare emissions in future years, as defined in Chapter 11, p. 79 of the GHG Protocol. | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 13.1 Emissions in metric tonnes CO2-e. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 16.2.1. Give the units e.g. metric tonnes of CO2-e per metric tonne of output or for service sector businesses per unit of service provided. | NA | Metric tonnes of CO2-e per gross square foot of store area. | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 22.8. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 2.1. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 6.1. Attachments | NA | Stats thru 2008.xls | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 16.2. Please supply an activity related intensity measurement for the reporting year for your combined Scope 1 and 2 emissions. | NA | The activity related intensity measurement is metric tons of GHG emissions per gross square foot of retail space. An activity related intensity measurement that is tied to retail gross square footage would be considered an appropriate indicator of activi | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 22.7. Are you involved in the trading of allowances under the EU ETS and/or project-based carbon credits as a separate business activity, or in direct support of a business activity such as investment fund management or the provision of offsetting service | No. (Please go to question 23) | No. (Please go to question 23) | Yes. (Please answer the following question) | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 19.3.2. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 9.3 The names of and links to any calculation tools used. | NA | We retained Clear Carbon Consulting (CCC) to calculate our 2005-2008 GHG inventories. CCC has developed an internal application used for all of CCC’s corporate inventories. By using a central application, we ensure that the most current emission factors | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 4.1. Description | NA | Wal-Mart believes potential opportunities exist, under a well designed cap-and-trade system, to use the financial value of carbon to "roll back" the price of low carbon products. Such a mechanism would create and encourage meaningful technology adoption b | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 13.5 Transfers -State the methodology, assumptions, calculation tools, databases, emission factors (including sources) and global warming potentials (including sources) you have used for calculating emissions. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 20.7. What percentage of the energy reported in response to question 20.5 is exported/sold by your company to the grid or to third parties? | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 20.2. The total cost of fuel purchased by your company for mobile and stationary combustion. | NA | 974897024 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 13.3 State the methodology, assumptions, calculation tools, databases, emission factors (including sources) and global warming potentials (including sources) you have used for calculating emissions. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 19.3.2. Further information | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 8.1. More information | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 20.1.1. Cooling | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 8.1. Please indicate the category that describes the company, entities, or group for which Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions are reported. | NA | Companies over which operational control is exercised. | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 10.5 SF6 | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 22.1. More information | NA | Wal-Mat does not currently participate in any emissions trading scheme. However, within the next two years, Wal-Mart anticipates participation in schemes for the UK and for Tokyo, Japan. The UK emissions trading scheme is the Carbon Reduct | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 6.1. Other opportunities | NA | Climate change presents other opportunities for my company. | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 9.3 Select calculation tools: | NA | CCC has developed an internal application used for all of CCC’s corporate inventories. By using a central application, we ensure that the most current emission factors are used, enforce referential integrity to make sure all of the data are calculated, a | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 15.1. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 13.6 If you have not provided information about one or more of the categories of Scope 3 GHG emissions in response to the questions above, please explain your reasons and describe any plans you have for collecting Scope 3 indirect emissions information in | NA | Wal-Mart does not currently have systems in place that will allow us to accurately track commercial employee business travel. While it is not believed that our commercial business travel is a significant source of emissions compared to our Scope 1 and Sc | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 9.2 Details of any assumptions made. | NA | As with any corporate inventory, there is usually a small amount of activity data that is missing or not accessible. However, data for our 2008 inventory was our most complete set of actual activity data to date and required very little estimations. Bel | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 18.2. Please use the text box below to describe the scope/boundary of emissions included within the verification/assurance exercise if the tick box menu options above are not applicable. | NA | Wal-Mart has previously received external verification through ERT/Winrock International for its entire corporate GHG inventory. Additionally, Wal-Mart has retained Clear Carbon Consulting ( to provide additional expertise i | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 22.3. Have you purchased any project-based carbon credits? | No. (Please go to question 22.5) | No. (Please go to question 22.5) | Yes. (Please answer the following questions) | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 17.1. Comments | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 11.1 Total Scope 2 CO2-e | NA | 15500950 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 1.1. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 23.10. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 4.1. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 21.4. Further information | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 16.1.2. The resulting figure. | NA | 5.251e-005 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 13.4 State the methodology, assumptions, calculation tools, databases, emission factors (including sources) and global warming potentials (including sources) you have used for calculating emissions. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 16.1.1. Give the units. For example, the units could be metric tonnes of CO2-e per million Yen of turnover, metric tonnes of CO2-e per US$ of profit, metric tonnes of CO2-e per thousand Euros of turnover. | NA | The financial emissions intensity unit of measurement is metric tonnes of CO2-e per US$ of sales revenue. The unit used to report global sales revenue is the US dollar. As Wal-Mart serves customers in 16 markets worldwide, we recognize that foreign curr | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 3.1. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 23.6. What are the sources or activities to which the target(s) applies? | NA | The GHG emissions reduction target encompasses the six major greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6). The target applies globally to sto | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 1.1. Description | NA | Yes, Wal-Mart is exposed to regulatory risks related to climate change. Wal-Mart’s process for identifying regulatory risk is to gather regulatory information from a broad variety of sources including: consulting firms, government organizations and NGOs, | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 13.1 Describe the main sources of emissions for employee business travel | NA | A large part of Wal-Mart’s business travel is conducted on company-owned aircraft and vehicles, which are included in the Scope 1 mobile fuel emissions reported above. At this time, Wal-Mart does not track commercial business travel emissions data becaus | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 22.1. Please provide details of any emissions trading schemes, other than the EU ETS, in which your company already participates or is likely to participate within the next two years. | We do not participate or anticipate participating in any trading schemes within the next two years. (Please go to question 22.3) | We participate or anticipate participating in trading schemes other than the EU ETS in the next two years. | We participate or anticipate participating in trading schemes other than the EU ETS in the next two years. | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | Response State | No response | Answered questionnaire online | Answered questionnaire | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 20.5. What is the total amount of energy generated in MWh from the fuels reported in question 20.4? | NA | 7843496 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data | 20.4. Your company’s total consumption in MWh of fuels for stationary combustion only. This includes purchased fuels, as well as biomass and self-produced fuels where relevant. | NA | 7843496 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | Click here to see the 138 items available from this source | ||||
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 6.1. Do current and/or anticipated regulatory requirements related to climate change present significant opportunities for your company? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 16.2. Please provide details including the anticipated timescale over which the emissions are avoided, in which sector of the economy they might help to avoid emissions and their potential to avoid emissions. | NA | For the goods we sell, the anticipated timescale of avoided emissions from those products last over the life of the product. It is the consumer sector in which these products will have an impact. The potential to help avoid emissions range from a few pe | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 1.1a . Please specify who is responsible. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | Emissions 18 Index | NA | 44 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 1.1. Where is the highest level of responsibility for climate change within your company? | There is no individual or committee with overall responsibility for climate change | Other, lower level departments | Board committee or other executive body | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 5. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 5.8. Please explain why not. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | Emissions 14 Index | NA | 44 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 17.1. Please provide your total carbon dioxide emissions in metric tonnes CO2 from the combustion of biologically sequestered carbon i.e. carbon dioxide emissions from burning biomass/biofuels. | NA | 743 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 16.1. Does the use of your goods and/or services enable GHG emissions to be avoided by a third party? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 20.1B. I have attached an external verification statement that covers the following scopes: | NA | Scope 1; Scope 2 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | Governance Index | NA | 44 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 3. Attachments | NA | CDP 2010/Shared Documents/Attachments/InvestorCDP2010/RisksOpportunities-RegulatoryRisks/WMT 2010 GHG Goals and Progress.doc | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 4.1. Do current and/or anticipated physical impacts of climate change present significant risks to your company? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | Risks&Opps 2 Index | NA | 44 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 20.1A. Please complete the following table indicating the percentage of reported emissions that have been verified/assured and attach the relevant statement. 20.1.C1. Scope 1 (Q12.1) | NA | More than 80% but less than or equal to 100% | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 8.5. Please describe them. | NA | For the Supply Chain GHG Innovation Program - if this reduction were to come solely from electricity efficiencies and the avoided electricity costs were $0.10/kWh, the financial implications of these cost savings would be in excess of $2.5 billion. There | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 7.2B. What are the current and/or anticipated significant physical opportunities and their associated countries/regions and timescales? | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 8.8. Please explain why not. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 2. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 3.4. Are there financial implications associated with the identified risks? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 20.1C3. Scope 3 (Q15.1) | NA | Not verified | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 19.1. Do the absolute emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2 combined) for the reporting year vary significantly compared to the previous year? | NA | No | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 2.1. Describe your company’s process for identifying significant risks and/or opportunities from climate change and assessing the degree to which they could affect your business, including the financial implications. | NA | Walmart’s process for identifying risks or opportunities is to continuously gather information from as broad a variety of sources as possible including: Home Office and field associates, industry contacts, consulting firms, government organizations and NG | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 3.1. Do current and/or anticipated regulatory requirements related to climate change present significant risks to your company? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 9.b Further Information | NA | Walmart has undertaken literally thousands of efficiency projects and initiatives in our domestic and international operations, as well as in our supply chain. These projects affect electricity, natural gas, refrigerant and transportation fuel usages. W | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | Strategy 9 (3) Index | NA | 44 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 21.3. What is your strategy for complying with the schemes in which you participate or anticipate participating? | NA | Although not currently trading under the schemes, in April 2010, Walmart divisions in the UK and in Japan, came under the requirements of two different emission trading schemes. The UK trading scheme is the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC), a new carbon | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 7.3. Describe the ways in which the identified opportunities affect or could affect your business and your value chain. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 9.a Attachments | NA | CDP 2010/Shared Documents/Attachments/InvestorCDP2010/Strategy-Targets/WMT 2010 GHG Goals and Progress.doc | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | Emissions 21 Index | NA | 44 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 8.6. Describe any actions the company has taken or plans to take to exploit the opportunities that have been identified, including the investment needed to take those actions. | NA | For the Supply Chain GHG Innovation Program – Walmart has assembled a team of internal and external experts. We have identified likely high carbon product lines that should yield above average reductions by concentrating our efforts in these areas and wo | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 0. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 22. Attachments | NA | CDP 2010/Shared Documents/Attachments/InvestorCDP2010/Communications/2010_Annual_Report.pdf | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 16. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 4.8. Please explain why not. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 6.7. Explain why you do not consider your company to be presented with significant opportunities - current and/or anticipated. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 3.5. Please describe them. | NA | Yes, there are financial implications to our business associated with the identified risks. They include: increased utility expenses due to the implementation of cap-and-trade along with increased motor fuel prices based on the cost of emissions allowanc | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 22. Further Information | NA | Sustainable Product Index press release: | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 9.a Further Information | NA | Walmart has numerous aggressive GHG reduction and energy efficiency goals, few of which provide meaningful information or comparisons when forced into the format provided. For a complete listing of GHG/efficiency goals and progress, please see the attach | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 5.2B. What are the current and/or anticipated other significant risks, and their associated countries/regions and timescales? | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 1.4. Do you provide incentives for the management of climate change issues, including the attainment of greenhouse gas (GHG) targets? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | Risks&Opps 4 Index | NA | 44 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 4.2B. What are the current and/or anticipated significant physical risks, and their associated countries/regions and timescales? | NA | There are potential impacts from climate change that could present significant risks to Walmart. A partial list of some of these physical risks include: • Increased frequency and duration of storms • Sea level rise • Flooding • Temperature change • | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 4.4. Are there financial implications associated with the identified risks? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 22.3. Through voluntary communications such as CSR reports? (If so, please attach your latest publication(s).) | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 7.5. Please describe them. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 5.3. Describe the ways in which the identified risks affect or could affect your business and your value chain. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 1.3a. Please explain how overall responsibility for climate change is managed within your company. | NA | Walmart developed 13 Sustainable Value Networks (SVNs) that integrate sustainable practices into every aspect of our business. The SVNs responsible for meeting climate-related goals are: the Greenhouse Gas Network, the Sustainable Buildings Network, the | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 1. Attachments | NA | CDP 2010/Shared Documents/Attachments/InvestorCDP2010/Governance/SVN Graphic.JPG | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 19. Further Information | NA | Verification necessarily lags the current reporting year by a year. The attached verification report is for calendar years 2005 - 2008. From last years CICS Verification Report: "Final Verified Data / Verification Opinion Based on the Tier II verificati | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 4. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 6.5. Please describe them. | NA | As an example, we had a goal to sell 100 million compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) at Walmart and Sam’s Club locations by the end of 2007. We exceeded this goal and sold 137 million CFLs in the original timeframe we had established to sell 100 milli | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 0. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | Strategy 9 (2) Index | NA | 44 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 9.11. Please describe. | NA | Walmart engages with policymakers at all levels on climate change with testimony before Congress, conversations with government officials and NGOs, as well as numerous public statements. Our goal is to act as a partner with government, providing a lens i | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 14.2. You may report a total contractual Scope 2 figure in response to this question. Please provide your total global contractual Scope 2 GHG emissions figure in metric tonnes CO2-e. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 4.3. Describe the ways in which the identified risks affect or could affect your business and your value chain. | NA | Some of the ways the identified risks could affect our business, value chain, and customers include: increased personal safety hazards, increased personal health issues for customers and associates, property damage, operational hazards, operations disrupt | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 9.3. Please explain why not and forecast how your Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions will change over the next 5 years. (If you do not have a target) | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 1.3b. Please explain how overall responsibility for climate change is managed within your company. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 4.5. Please describe them. | NA | In the future, there could be localized effects from the events described above that could curtail operations, hamper supply chain, cause supply shortages or prevent customers from accessing our stores, all of which could result in sales decreases or cost | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | Risks&Opps 5 Index | NA | 44 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 5.7. Explain why you do not consider your company to be exposed to other significant risks - current and/or anticipated. | NA | In addition to regulatory and physical risks, we have the general risk of resource availability constraints, caused by climate change, which could pressure the industry's supply chain in the forms of raw materials scarcity, diminished manufacturing capaci | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 19. Attachments | NA | CDP 2010/Shared Documents/Attachments/InvestorCDP2010/Emissions-Other2/WMT-20100330-10K-20100131.pdf | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 8.1. Does climate change present other significant opportunities - current and/or anticipated - for your company? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 5. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 5.1. Does climate change present other significant risks - current and/or anticipated - for your company? | NA | No | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 9.4. Please give details of the target(s) you are developing and when you expect to announce it/them. (If you are in the process of developing a target) | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 1.1b. Select the lower level department responsible. | NA | Officer/manager reporting directly to board committee/board member | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 4.6. Describe any actions the company has taken or plans to take to manage or adapt to the risks that have been identified, including the cost of those actions. | NA | While we constantly monitor our facilities in real time, at this time, we are currently unable to identify any specific physical risks that rise to a level that would enable commercial action. Although the company has no specific process for identifying | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 21.1. Do you participate in any emission trading schemes? | No, we don't participate nor do we currently anticipate participating in any emissions trading scheme within the next two years. | We don't currently, but anticipate participating in emissions trading within the next two years. | Yes | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 8. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 2. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 3. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 9. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 20.1C2. Scope 2 (Q13.1) | NA | More than 80% but less than or equal to 100% | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | Risks&Opps 6 Index | NA | 44 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 20.1A Index | NA | 44 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | Strategy 9 Index | NA | 44 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 6. Further Information | NA | GHG/Energy Goals Progress Update REGION: Global GOAL: Design and open a viable store prototype that is 25 to 30 percent more efficient and will produce up to 30 percent fewer greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2009 globally (2005 Baseline). PROGRESS: In 2 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 22.2. In your Annual Reports or other mainstream filing? (If so, please attach your latest publication(s).) | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 22.1. Have you published information about your company’s response to climate change/GHG emissions in other places than in your CDP response? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 8. Attachments | NA | CDP 2010/Shared Documents/Attachments/InvestorCDP2010/RisksOpportunities-OtherOpportunities/Sustainable Product Index Fact Sheet.pdf | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 6.8. Please explain why not. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | Risks&Opps 3 Index | NA | 44 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 9.5. Please explain if you intend to set a new target. (If you have had a target and the date for completing it fell within your reporting year, please answer questions 9.5 and 9.6) | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 5.5. Please describe them. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 1.2. What is the mechanism by which the board committee or other executive body reviews the company’s progress and status regarding climate change? | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 6.3. Describe the ways in which the identified opportunities affect or could affect your business and your value chain. | NA | A carbon premium could alter consumer purchasing habits and spur innovative low carbon product development. This could change the products our customers choose to purchase, how we serve our customers, what we are able to offer them, and the way our suppl | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 7.1. Do current and/or anticipated physical impacts of climate change present significant opportunities for your company? | NA | No | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 9. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 8.7. Explain why you do not consider your company to be presented with significant opportunities - current and/or anticipated. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 8.2B. What are the current and/or anticipated other significant opportunities and their associated countries/regions and timescales? | NA | Beyond opportunities managing our own footprint, many of our opportunities will come through managing the carbon and energy costs associated with our supply chain and those of our customers. Pursuing these initiatives is in keeping with our mission of sa | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 14. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 8.3. Describe the ways in which the identified opportunities affect or could affect your business and your value chain. | NA | The Supply Chain GHG Innovation Program is expected to remove GHG, energy, and inefficiencies from the raw material sourcing, manufacture, transportation, use, and disposal of products resulting in lower life cycle costs to our customers. The Index is ex | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 0.1. Introduction - Please give a general description and introduction to your organization. | NA | Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (NYSE: WMT), or “Walmart,” serves customers and members more than 200 million times per week at more than 8,400 retail units under 55 different banners in 15 countries. Walmart was built on the foundation of saving people money so t | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 4.7. Please explain why you do not consider your company to be exposed to significant physical risks - current and/or anticipated. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 21. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 7.7. Explain why you do not consider your company to be presented with significant opportunities - current and/or anticipated. | NA | At this time, we are unable to identify any specific physical opportunities that rise to a level that would enable additional commercial action - or even consideration among alternatives. While the breadth of our operations might provide an advantage ove | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 3.3. Describe the ways in which the identified risks affect or could affect your business and your value chain. | NA | The primary means through which these regulatory risks could affect our business and value chain involve increased costs and process changes as more fully described in the paragraph below: | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 21.4. Has your company originated any project-based carbon credits or purchased any within the reporting period? | No | No | Yes | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 14. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 9.1. Please describe how your overall group business strategy links with actions taken on risks and opportunities (identified in questions 3 to 8), including any emissions reduction targets or achievements, public policy engagement and external communicat | NA | Sustainability is inextricably embedded within our overall business strategy and carbon reduction is a key element of our sustainability program. Our overarching goals to: • Be supplied 100 percent by renewable energy; • Create zero waste; and • Sell pr | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 6.2B. What are the current and/or anticipated significant regulatory opportunities and their associated countries/regions and timescales? | NA | If legislation is passed in the U.S., it is likely that utilities will pass through to their customers any costs incurred to get below mandated emissions cap levels. These increased utility costs will create further incentives to reduce energy use - both | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 4. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 7.8. Please explain why not. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 7. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 17.2. Please explain why not. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 7.4. Are there financial implications associated with the identified opportunities? | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | Emissions 16 Index | NA | 44 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 9.9. Please provide any other information you consider necessary to describe your emission reduction activities. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 3.6. Describe any actions the company has taken or plans to take to manage or adapt to the risks that have been identified, including the cost of those actions. | NA | We have been actively engaged in reducing our carbon footprint since 2005. Reducing our footprint will limit our exposure to cost increases from regulatory risk. We are also working with our suppliers and customers to help them do the same. Our climate | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 9.b Attachments | NA | CDP 2010/Shared Documents/Attachments/InvestorCDP2010/Strategy-EmissionReductionActivities/WMT 2010 GHG Goals and Progress.doc | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 9.2. Do you have a current emissions reduction target? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | Comms Index | NA | 44 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 8.4. Are there financial implications associated with the identified opportunities? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 21. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 6.4. Are there financial implications associated with the identified opportunities? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 1. Further Information | NA | There are incentives in the form of recognition and career advancement opportunities that are used to reward superior performance on GHG and other sustainability initiatives. As an example, several members of the Sustainable Value Networks were awarded o | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | Risks&Opps 7 Index | NA | 44 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 6. Attachments | NA | CDP 2010/Shared Documents/Attachments/InvestorCDP2010/RisksOpportunities-RegulatoryOpportunities/WMT 2010 GHG Goals and Progress.doc | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 3.8. Please explain why not. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 0.4. Modules - As part of the Investor CDP information request, electric utilities, companies with electric utility activities or assets, companies in the automobile or auto component manufacture sectors and companies in the oil and gas industry should co | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | Risks&Opps 8 Index | NA | 44 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 5.6. Describe any actions the company has taken or plans to take to manage or adapt to the other risks that have been identified, including the costs of those actions. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 9.10. Do you engage with policy makers on possible responses to climate change including taxation, regulation and carbon trading? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 7.6. Describe any actions the company has taken or plans to take to exploit the opportunities that have been identified, including the investment needed to take those actions. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 14.1. Do you consider that the grid average factors used to report Scope 2 emissions in question 13 reflect the contractual arrangements you have with electricity suppliers? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 14.4. Has your organization retired any certificates, e.g. Renewable Energy Certificates, associated with zero or low carbon electricity within the reporting year or has this been done on your behalf? | NA | No | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 0.3. Are you participating in the Walmart Sustainability Assessment? | No | Yes | Yes | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 6.6. Describe any actions the company has taken or plans to take to exploit the opportunities that have been identified, including the investment needed to take those actions. | NA | Walmart established the following goals for product efficiencies: REGION: U.S. GOAL: Double the sale of products in the U.S. that help make homes more energy efficient by 2011 (2008 Baseline). PROGRESS: Products falling under this category include caulk, | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 5.4. Are there financial implications associated with the identified risks? | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 14.3. Explain the origin of the alternative figure including information about the emission factors used and the tariffs. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 7. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 3.7. Please explain why you do not consider your company to be exposed to significant regulatory risks - current and/or anticipated. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 19.2. Please explain why they have varied and why the variation is significant. | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 16. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data | 3.2B. What are the current and/or anticipated significant regulatory risks related to climate change and their associated countries/regions and timescales? | NA | Yes, both current and anticipated regulatory requirements related to climate change present significant risks to Walmart. Current and/or anticipated regulatory risks in the U.S. include cap-and-trade legislation currently under consideration, mandatory | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | Click here to see the 48 items available from this source | ||||
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | Carbon performance band | E | B | A | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 5.1a. Climate change risks driven by changes in regulation | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 3.3c. If you do not have any emissions reduction initiatives, please explain why not | NA | No Response | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 6.1b. Please describe (i) the potential financial implications of the opportunity; (ii) the methods you are using to manage this opportunity; (iii) the costs associated with these actions | NA | Answered | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 6.1g. Please explain why you do not consider your company to be exposed to opportunities driven by changes in regulation that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure | NA | No Response | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 8.7. Please indicate the verification/assurance status that applies to your Scope 2 emissions | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 11.1b. Explain the basis of the alternative figure (see guidance) | NA | Answered | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 3.2. Does the use of your goods and/or services directly enable GHG emissions to be avoided by a third party? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 8.6. Please indicate the verification/assurance status that applies to your Scope 1 emissions | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 3.1. Did you have an emissions reduction target that was active (ongoing or reached completion) in the reporting year? | NA | Absolute and intensity targets | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 3.3. Did you have emissions reduction initiatives that were active within the reporting year (this can include those in the planning and/or implementation phases) | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 5.1c. Climate change risks driven by change in physical climate parameters | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 2.2a. Please describe the process and outcomes (see guidance) | NA | Answered | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 6.1d. Please describe (i) the potential financial implications of the opportunity; (ii) the methods you are using to manage this opportunity; (iii) the costs associated with these actions | NA | Answered | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 5.1. Have you identified any climate change risks (current or future) that have potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure? Tick all that apply | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | Management 4. Have you published information about your company’s response to climate change and GHG emissions performance for this reporting year in other places than in your CDP response? | NA | 5 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 14.1b. What is your strategy for complying with the schemes in which you participate or anticipate participating? | NA | No Response | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 3.3b. What methods do you use to drive investment in emissions reduction activities? Number of methods used to drive investment in emissions reduction activities. | NA | 7 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 6.1f. Please describe (i) the potential financial implications of the opportunity; (ii) the methods you are using to manage this opportunity; (iii) the costs associated with these actions | NA | Answered | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 2.1. Please select the option that best describes your risk management procedures with regard to climate change risks and opportunities | NA | Integrated into multi-disciplinary company wide risk management processes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 3.2a. Please provide details (see guidance) | NA | Answered | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 6.1h. Please explain why you do not consider your company to be exposed to opportunities driven by physical climate parameters that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure | NA | No Response | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 14.2. Has your company originated any project-based carbon credits or purchased any within the reporting period? | NA | No | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 2.2b. Please explain why not | NA | No Response | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 3.1e. Please explain (i) why not; and (ii) forecast how your emissions will change over the next five years | NA | No Response | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 5.1h. Please explain why you do not consider your company to be exposed to risks driven by physical climate parameters that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure | NA | No Response | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 6.1a. Please describe your opportunities that are driven by changes in regulation | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 5.1b. Please describe (i) the potential financial implications of the risk before taking action; (ii) the methods you are using to manage this risk; and (iii) the costs associated with these actions | NA | Answered | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 11.1a. You may report a total contractual Scope 2 figure in response to this question. Please provide your total global contractual Scope 2 GHG emissions figure in metric tonnes CO2e | NA | Answered | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 5.1f. Please describe (i) the potential financial implications of the risk before taking action; (ii) the methods you are using to manage this risk; (iii) the costs associated with these actions | NA | Answered | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 5.1g. Please explain why you do not consider your company to be exposed to risks driven by changes in regulation that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure | NA | No Response | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 8.4. Are there are any sources (e.g. facilities, specific GHGs, activities, geographies, etc.) of Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions which are not included in your disclosure? | NA | No | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | Carbon disclosure score | 0 | 85 | 100 | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 5.1i. Please explain why you do not consider your company to be exposed to risks driven by changes in other climate-related developments that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure | NA | No Response | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 11.2. Has your organization retired any certificates, e.g. Renewable Energy Certificates, associated with zero or low carbon electricity within the reporting year or has this been done on your behalf? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 1.1. Where is the highest level of direct responsibility for climate change within your company? | NA | Individual/Sub-set of the Board or other committee appointed by the Board | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 6.1i. Please explain why you do not consider your company to be exposed to opportunities driven by changes in other climate-related developments that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure | NA | No Response | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 13.1a If absolute emissions (Scope 1 and 2 combined) have increased, decreased or remained the same overall compared to the previous year, state direction of change | NA | Slightly Increased | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 14.1. Do you participate in any emission trading schemes? | NA | No, and we do not currently anticipate doing so in the next two years | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 5.1d. Please describe (i) the potential financial implications of the risk before taking action; (ii) the methods you are using to manage this risk; and (iii) the costs associated with these actions | NA | Answered | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 11.1. Do you consider that the grid average factors used to report Scope 2 emissions in Question 8.3 reflect the contractual arrangements you have with electricity suppliers? | NA | No | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 6.1. Have you identified any climate change opportunities (current or future) that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure? Tick all that apply | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 13.1. How do your absolute emissions (Scope 1 and 2 combined) for the reporting year compare to the previous year? | NA | Increased | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 1.2. Do you provide incentives for the management of climate change issues, including the attainment of targets? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 2.3a. Please explain (i) the engagement process and (ii) actions you are advocating | NA | Answered | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 2.1a. Please provide further details (see guidance) | NA | Answered | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 2.3. Do you engage with policy makers to encourage further action on mitigation and/or adaptation? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data | 2.2. Is climate change integrated into your business strategy? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | Click here to see the 90 items available from this source | ||||
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 5.1e Identified climate change risks driven by changes in other climate-related developments? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 5.1b. Please describe (i) the potential financial implications of the risk before taking action; (ii) the methods you are using to manage this risk; and (iii) the costs associated with these actions | NA | ID 1: (i) State or regional legislation related to cap-and-trade schemes potentially have financial implications for Walmart, similar to those that would be possible under a national cap-and-trade scheme (which now appears unlikely). Increased utility ex | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 2.2a. Please describe the process and outcomes (see guidance) | NA | Walmart’s Sustainability 360 process takes a comprehensive view of our business by engaging more than 100,000 suppliers, 2.2 million associates, and hundreds of millions of customers around the world in our efforts. Sustainability 360 lives in every corne | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 5.1. Have you identified any climate change risks (current or future) that have potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure? Tick all that apply | No | Risks driven by changes in regulation; Risks driven by changes in physical climate parameters; Risks driven by changes in other climate-related developments | Yes | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 0.1. Introduction - Please give a general description and introduction to your organization. | NA | Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (NYSE: WMT), or “Walmart,” serves customers and members more than 200 million times per week at 10,130 retail units under 69 different banners in 27 countries, supported by distribution, logistics, and sourcing operations in these 27 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 11. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 11.1a. You may report a total contractual Scope 2 figure in response to this question. Please provide your total global contractual Scope 2 GHG emissions figure in metric tonnes CO2e | 0 | 15199767 | 17902000 | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 6.1. Have you identified any climate change opportunities (current or future) that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure? Tick all that apply | No | Opportunities driven by changes in regulation; Opportunities driven by changes in physical climate parameters; Opportunities driven by changes in other climate-related developments | Yes | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 13.1a (ii) If absolute emissions (Scope 1 and 2 combined) have increased, decreased or remained the same overall compared to the previous year, state the reason for the direction of change | NA | Decrease: Change in output, Increase: Emissions reduction activities, Increase: Acquisitions, Decrease: Acquisitions, Increase: Divestment, Decrease: Change in output | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 5.1a Identified risks driven by changes in regulation? | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 8.2. Please provide your gross global Scope 1 emissions figure in metric tonnes CO2e for 2010 - 01 Jul 2010 - 30 Jun 2011 reporting period | 0 | 5870771 | 137184240 | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 13. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 6.1d. Please describe (i) the potential financial implications of the opportunity; (ii) the methods you are using to manage this opportunity; (iii) the costs associated with these actions | NA | ID 1 & 2: (i) The financial implications of increased temperature and precipitation are likely to be negative, as documented in the Risks section of this document; however, those effects could be slightly offset by increased crop yield in some regions and | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 13. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 6.1c Identified climate change opportunities that are driven by changes in physical climate parameters? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 14. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 11.2. Has your organization retired any certificates, e.g. Renewable Energy Certificates, associated with zero or low carbon electricity within the reporting year or has this been done on your behalf? | No Response | Yes | Answered | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 13.1. How do your absolute emissions (Scope 1 and 2 combined) for the reporting year compare to the previous year? | Increased | Increased | Decreased | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 2.3a. Please explain (i) the engagement process and (ii) actions you are advocating | NA | Method of engagement: Walmart has engaged with policymakers at all levels on climate change with testimony before U.S. Congress, conversations with government officials, collaborations with government entities and NGOs, as well as numerous public statemen | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 1.1a. Please identify the position of the individual or name of the committee with this responsibility | No Response | Approved and announced in October 2010, as stated in our 2011 annual report, the Walmart Board of Directors changed its charter to formalize the Compensation, Nominating, and Governance Committee of the Board’s oversight for sustainability and corporate r | Answered | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 5.1c Identified climate change risks driven by change in physical climate parameters? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | End of Scope 2 Reporting Period | NA | 12/31/2011 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 8.1. Please select the boundary you are using for your Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas inventory | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 2.1. Please select the option that best describes your risk management procedures with regard to climate change risks and opportunities | There are no documented processes for assessing and managing risks and opportunities from climate change | Integrated into multi-disciplinary company wide risk management processes | Integrated into multi-disciplinary company wide risk management processes | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 5. Further Information | NA | Further InformationThe Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the leading international body for the assessment of climate change. It was established by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 2.2b. Please explain why not | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 14.1. Do you participate in any emission trading schemes? | No, and we do not currently anticipate doing so in the next two years | No, and we do not currently anticipate doing so in the next two years | Yes | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 5. Attachments | NA | CDP 2012/Shared Documents/Attachments/InvestorCDP2012/5.ClimateChangeRisks/ar4_syr.pdf | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 6.1i. Please explain why you do not consider your company to be exposed to opportunities driven by changes in other climate-related developments that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 8.3. Please provide your gross global Scope 2 emissions figure in metric tonnes CO2e for 2009 - 01 Jul 2009 - 30 Jun 2010 reporting period | 0 | 5967127 | 35559440 | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 2.1a. Please provide further details (see guidance) | NA | Process Scope: Walmart evaluates climate change risks and opportunities company-wide and at the market and asset level. A wide variety of risks and opportunities are evaluated by different groups depending on the scope of their impact, such as general re | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 2. Attachments | NA | CDP 2012/Shared Documents/Attachments/InvestorCDP2012/2.Strategy/SVN Structure 2012.JPG | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 3.1e. Please explain (i) why not; and (ii) forecast how your emissions will change over the next five years | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 6.1b. Please describe (i) the potential financial implications of the opportunity; (ii) the methods you are using to manage this opportunity; (iii) the costs associated with these actions | NA | ID 1: (i) The specific financial implications of an international agreement on climate change depend greatly on the structure (taxation versus cap-and-trade schemes) and scope (which industries are regulated) of the agreement and the way it is carried out | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 8.3. Please provide your gross global Scope 2 emissions figure in metric tonnes CO2e for 2010 - 01 Jul 2010 - 30 Jun 2011 reporting period | 0 | 5870771 | 137184240 | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 11. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 3. Attachments | NA | CDP 2012/Shared Documents/Attachments/InvestorCDP2012/3.TargetsandInitiatives/Walmart FY2012 Global Responsibility Report.pdf | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 7. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 5.1f. Please describe (i) the potential financial implications of the risk before taking action; (ii) the methods you are using to manage this risk; (iii) the costs associated with these actions | NA | ID 1: (i) Consumer changes in the products they select could affect demand for goods and services. Because this is a long-term risk with unpredictable implications from climate change, we have not yet measured the potential effect as it relates specifical | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 8.2. Please provide your gross global Scope 1 emissions figure in metric tonnes CO2e for 2011 - 01 Jul 2011 - 30 Jun 2012 reporting period | 0 | 5804559 | 231902967 | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 3.3c Number of methods used to drive investment in emissions reduction activities. | 0 | 7 | 12 | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 8.4. Are there are any sources (e.g. facilities, specific GHGs, activities, geographies, etc.) of Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions which are not included in your disclosure? | No | No | Yes | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 6.1f. Please describe (i) the potential financial implications of the opportunity; (ii) the methods you are using to manage this opportunity; (iii) the costs associated with these actions | NA | ID 1: (i) While it is difficult to correlate Walmart’s emphasis on climate change mitigation with a specific portion of our brand value, we believe strongly that we owe it to our customers, suppliers, associates, and communities to lead the way on reducin | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 1. Further Information | NA | 2011 Annual Report, pg. 13. Letter from Rob Walton, Chairman of the Board describing the Compensation, Nominating and Governance Committee's oversight of sustainability initiatives: | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 3. Further Information | NA | Low carbon energy purchase: Savings from solar in the U.S. is minimal, if any - cost neutral to traditional power. Transportation fleet & Transportation use: Through both the equipment and operational initiatives, we saved $75 million in costs in fisc | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 7. Attachments | NA | CDP 2012/Shared Documents/Attachments/InvestorCDP2012/7.EmissionsMethodology/Emission Factors_2012 CDP Response_Walmart.xlsx | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 3.2a. Please provide details (see guidance) | NA | Our Supplier Energy Efficiency Program has acted as a service to participating suppliers to help them reduce energy in their operations by installing more energy efficient equipment and controls. Since the program began in 2007, it has removed approximat | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 8.7. Please indicate the verification/assurance status that applies to your Scope 2 emissions | More than 0% but less than or equal to 20% | NA | More than 90% but less than or equal to 100% | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 7.1. Please provide your base year and base year emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | Management 4. Have you published information about your company’s response to climate change and GHG emissions performance for this reporting year in other places than in your CDP response? | NA | 4 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 5.1d. Please describe (i) the potential financial implications of the risk before taking action; (ii) the methods you are using to manage this risk; and (iii) the costs associated with these actions | NA | ID 1: (i) The extent and nature of potential effects from a change in global mean temperature are uncertain, but they could range from increased energy usage or cost in our operations to increased costs for our suppliers and customers. At this time, we ha | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 2012 Score | 0 | 86 | 100 | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 2. Further Information | NA | Walmart operates multiple Sustainable Value Networks (SVNs) that integrate sustainable practices into our business. In 2011, we restructured the network structure to better fit and support our progress. Our nine SVNs are overseen by a pair of councils, ch | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 13.1a (i) If absolute emissions (Scope 1 and 2 combined) have increased, decreased or remained the same overall compared to the previous year, state direction of change | Significant Increase | Slightly Increased | Significant Decrease | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 14.2. Has your company originated any project-based carbon credits or purchased any within the reporting period? | No | No | Yes | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 5.1g. Please explain why you do not consider your company to be exposed to risks driven by changes in regulation that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 13.1a (iii) If emissions have increased, decreased or remained the same overall, provide the emissions value (%) | NA | Decrease: , Increase: 5.7 , Emission value for which direction is not stated: | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 1.1. Where is the highest level of direct responsibility for climate change within your company? | No individual or committee with overall responsibility for climate change | Individual/Sub-set of the Board or other committee appointed by the Board | Individual/Sub-set of the Board or other committee appointed by the Board | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 2.2. Is climate change integrated into your business strategy? | No | Yes | Yes | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 5.1i. Please explain why you do not consider your company to be exposed to risks driven by changes in other climate-related developments that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 0. Further Information | NA | Question 1 sources are and These include the most recent store counts, employee figures and FY12 sales figures as of May 16, 20 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 8.8. Are carbon dioxide emissions from the combustion of biologically sequestered carbon (i.e. carbon dioxide emissions from burning biomass/biofuels) relevant to your company? | No | Yes | Yes | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 14. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 5.1h. Please explain why you do not consider your company to be exposed to risks driven by physical climate parameters that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 0.4. Currency selection Please select the currency in which you would like to submit your response. All financial information contained in the response should be in this currency. | NA | USD($) | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 6.1a Identified climate change opportunities that are driven by changes in regulation? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 3.2. Does the use of your goods and/or services directly enable GHG emissions to be avoided by a third party? | No | Yes | Yes | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 6.1e Identified opportunities that are driven by changes in other climate-related developments? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 6. Further Information | NA | The BrandZ 2012 report on the world’s most valuable brands is available here: | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | Reported gross global Scope 1 emissions figure in metric tonnes CO2e for 2013 reporting period? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | Reported gross global Scope 2 emissions figure in metric tonnes CO2e for 2013 reporting period? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 11.1. Do you consider that the grid average factors used to report Scope 2 emissions in Question 8.3 reflect the contractual arrangements you have with electricity suppliers? | No | No | Yes | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 0. Attachments | NA | CDP 2012/Shared Documents/Attachments/InvestorCDP2012/Introduction/WalmartFY2012 Annual Report.pdf | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | End of Scope 1 Reporting Period | NA | 12/31/2011 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | Management 4. Attachments | NA | CDP 2012/Shared Documents/Attachments/InvestorCDP2012/4.Communication/Walmart FY2012 Global Responsibility Report.pdf | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 2012 Performance Band | E | B | A | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 2.3. Do you engage with policy makers to encourage further action on mitigation and/or adaptation? | No | Yes | Yes | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 14.1b. What is your strategy for complying with the schemes in which you participate or anticipate participating? | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 11.1b. Explain the basis of the alternative figure (see guidance) | NA | In the United States, we have retained Renewable Energy Credits associated with purchased renewable electricity. In Mexico, we have retained Certified Emissions Reductions associated with purchased renewable electricity. In our gross emission calculations | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 8.2. Please provide your gross global Scope 1 emissions figure in metric tonnes CO2e for 2009 - 01 Jul 2009 - 30 Jun 2010 reporting period | 0 | 5967127 | 35559440 | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 6.1g. Please explain why you do not consider your company to be exposed to opportunities driven by changes in regulation that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 8.8a. Please provide the emissions in metric tonnes CO2e | 0 | 12825 | 27263000 | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 3.1. Did you have an emissions reduction target that was active (ongoing or reached completion) in the reporting year? | No | Absolute and intensity targets | Absolute and intensity targets | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 6. Attachments | NA | CDP 2012/Shared Documents/Attachments/InvestorCDP2012/6.ClimateChangeOpportunities/Cold Water Wash Substantiation.docx | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 1.2. Do you provide incentives for the management of climate change issues, including the attainment of targets? | No | Yes | Yes | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 6.1h. Please explain why you do not consider your company to be exposed to opportunities driven by physical climate parameters that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 8.3. Please provide your gross global Scope 2 emissions figure in metric tonnes CO2e for 2011 - 01 Jul 2011 - 30 Jun 2012 reporting period | 0 | 5804559 | 231902967 | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 3.3c. What methods do you use to drive investment in emissions reduction activities? | NA | Compliance with regulatory requirements/standards, Dedicated budget for energy efficiency, Dedicated budget for low carbon product R&D, Employee engagement, Employee engagement, Financial optimization calculations, Internal finance mechanisms | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 8.6. Please indicate the verification/assurance status that applies to your Scope 1 emissions | More than 0% but less than or equal to 20% | NA | More than 90% but less than or equal to 100% | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data | 1. Attachments | NA | CDP 2012/Shared Documents/Attachments/InvestorCDP2012/1.Governance/WalmartFY2012 Annual Report.pdf | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | Click here to see the 82 items available from this source | ||||
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 14.1. Do you participate in any emission trading schemes? | No, and we do not currently anticipate doing so in the next two years | No, and we do not currently anticipate doing so in the next 2 years | Yes | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 8.8a. Please provide the emissions in metric tonnes CO2e | 0 | 438 | 13638000 | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 6.1g. Please explain why you do not consider your company to be exposed to opportunities driven by changes in regulation that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 14. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | End of Scope 1 Reporting Period | NA | 12-31-2012 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 2013 Score | 0 | 94 | 100 | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 3. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 0. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | If you have not been presented with a sector module that you consider would be appropriate for your company to answer, please select the module below. If you wish to view the questions first, please see |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 5.1d. Please describe (i) the potential financial implications of the risk before taking action; (ii) the methods you are using to manage this risk; and (iii) the costs associated with these actions | NA | ID1 (i) The extent and nature of potential effects from a change in global mean temperature are uncertain, but they could range from increased energy usage or cost in our operations to increased costs for our suppliers and customers. At this time, we have | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 6.1c. Please describe the opportunities that are driven by changes in physical climate parameters | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 8.4. Are there are any sources (e.g. facilities, specific GHGs, activities, geographies, etc.) of Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions which are not included in your disclosure? | No Response | Yes | Yes | Proportion of Scope 1 emissions that are verified/assured for 2011 - 2012/01 Jan 2012 - 31 Dec 2012 reporting period |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 2.1a. Please provide further details (see guidance) | NA | Process Scope: Walmart evaluates climate change risks and opportunities company-wide as well as at the market and asset level. A wide variety of risks and opportunities are evaluated by different groups depending on the scope of their impact, such as gen | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 14.2. Has your company originated any project-based carbon credits or purchased any within the reporting period? | No | No | Yes | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 11. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 5.1h. Please explain why you do not consider your company to be exposed to risks driven by physical climate parameters that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 2.3. Do you engage in activities that could either directly or indirectly influence policy on climate change through any of the following? (tick all that apply) | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 2.3b. Are you on the Board of any trade associations or provide funding beyond membership? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 6.1i. Please explain why you do not consider your company to be exposed to opportunities driven by changes in other climate-related developments that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 2.2. Is climate change integrated into your business strategy? | No | Yes | Yes | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 0.6. Modules | NA | NA | NA | As part of the Investor CDP information request, electric utilities, companies with electric utility activities or assets, companies in the automobile or auto component manufacture sectors and companies in the oil and gas industry should complete suppleme |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 2. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 14. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 3. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 1. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 8.2. Please provide your gross global Scope 1 emissions figure in metric tonnes CO2e for 2011 - 01 Jul 2011 - 30 Jun 2012 reporting period | 0 | 0 | 133428139 | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 6. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 5.1i. Please explain why you do not consider your company to be exposed to risks driven by changes in other climate-related developments that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 5. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 8.2. Please provide your gross global Scope 1 emissions figure in metric tonnes CO2e for 2012 - 01 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2013 reporting period | 0 | 5605099 | 256800000 | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 2.3d. Do you publically disclose a list of all the research organizations that you fund? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 5.1f. Please describe (i) the potential financial implications of the risk before taking action; (ii) the methods you are using to manage this risk; (iii) the costs associated with these actions | NA | ID1 (i) Consumer changes in the products they select could affect demand for goods and services. Because this is a long-term risk with unpredictable implications from climate change, we have not yet measured the potential effect as it relates specifically | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 4. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 3.3c Number of methods used to drive investment in emissions reduction activities. | 0 | 8 | 13 | Number of methods used to drive investment in emissions reduction activities. |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 6. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 6.1. Have you identified any climate change opportunities (current or future) that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure? -Transparency | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 11. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 12.1. How do your absolute emissions (Scope 1 and 2 combined) for the reporting year compare to the previous year? | NA | Increased | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 0. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | If you are in these sectors (according to the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS)), the corresponding sector modules will be marked as default options to your information request. If you want to query your classification, please email respond@c |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 8.3. Please provide your gross global Scope 2 emissions figure in metric tonnes CO2e for 2010 - 01 Jul 2010 - 30 Jun 2011 reporting period | 0 | 0 | 34559597 | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | End of Scope 2 Reporting Period | NA | 12-31-2012 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 4. Have you published information about your company’s response to climate change and GHG emissions performance for this reporting year in other places than in your CDP response? - Further Information | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 5. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 3.2a. Please provide details (see guidance) | NA | Selling Products that Help Customers Avoid Emissions: Select products sold in our stores globally have allowed our retail customers to reduce their energy use and the resulting greenhouse gases. We have been able to quantify results from a few of these | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 3.1. Did you have an emissions reduction target that was active (ongoing or reached completion) in the reporting year? | No | Absolute and intensity targets | Absolute and intensity targets | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 6.1f. Please describe (i) the potential financial implications of the opportunity; (ii) the methods you are using to manage this opportunity; (iii) the costs associated with these actions | NA | ID1 (i) While it is difficult to correlate Walmart’s emphasis on climate change mitigation with a specific portion of our brand value, we believe strongly that we owe it to our customers, suppliers, associates, and communities to lead the way on reducing | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 2.2a. Please describe the process and outcomes (see guidance) | NA | Walmart’s Sustainability 360 process takes a comprehensive view of our business by engaging more than 100,000 suppliers, 2.2 million associates, and hundreds of millions of customers around the world in our efforts. Sustainability 360 lives in every corne | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 3.3c. What methods do you use to drive investment in emissions reduction activities? | NA | Compliance with regulatory requirements/standards, Dedicated budget for energy efficiency, Dedicated budget for low carbon product R&D, Employee engagement, Employee engagement, Financial optimization calculations, Internal finance mechanisms, Partnering | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 7. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 2013 Performance Band | E | A- | A | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 2. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 0.1. Introduction - Please give a general description and introduction to your organization. | NA | Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (NYSE: WMT), or “Walmart,” serves customers and members more than 200 million times per week at 10,700 retail units under 69 different banners in 27 countries, supported by distribution, logistics, and sourcing operations in these 27 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | Reported gross global Scope 2 emissions figure in metric tonnes CO2e for 2013 reporting period? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 1. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 1.1. Where is the highest level of direct responsibility for climate change within your company? | No individual or committee with overall responsibility for climate change | Individual/Sub-set of the Board or other committee appointed by the Board | Individual/Sub-set of the Board or other committee appointed by the Board | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 6.1. Have you identified any climate change opportunities (current or future) that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure? Tick all that apply | NA | Opportunities driven by changes in regulation; Opportunities driven by changes in physical climate parameters; Opportunities driven by changes in other climate-related developments | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 2.2b. Please explain why not | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 5.1. Have you identified any climate change risks (current or future) that have potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure? Tick all that apply | NA | Risks driven by changes in regulation; Risks driven by changes in physical climate parameters; Risks driven by changes in other climate-related developments | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 5.1g. Please explain why you do not consider your company to be exposed to risks driven by changes in regulation that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 2.3a. Please explain (i) the engagement process and (ii) actions you are advocating | NA | We promoted energy efficiency and other GHG reduction activities through regulatory policy dockets, public speaking, and legislative activity in 2012. Walmart regularly participates in state utility commission-ordered working groups that submit suggestio | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 5.1a. Climate change risks driven by changes in regulation | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 7. Attachments | NA | CDP 2013/Shared Documents/Attachments/InvestorCDP2013/7.EmissionsMethodology/Walmart 2012 Emission Factors.xls | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 8.8. Are carbon dioxide emissions from biologically sequestered carbon relevant to your organization? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 3.1e. Please explain (i) why not; and (ii) forecast how your emissions will change over the next five years | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 8.2. Please provide your gross global Scope 1 emissions figure in metric tonnes CO2e for 2010 - 01 Jul 2010 - 30 Jun 2011 reporting period | 0 | 0 | 34559597 | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 6.1h. Please explain why you do not consider your company to be exposed to opportunities driven by physical climate parameters that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 2.1. Please select the option that best describes your risk management procedures with regard to climate change risks and opportunities | No Response | Integrated into multi-disciplinary company wide risk management processes | Integrated into multi-disciplinary company wide risk management processes | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 4.1. Have you published information about your company’s response to climate change and GHG emissions performance for this reporting year in other places than in your CDP response? | NA | 4 | NA | The number of corporate annual reports and voluntary publications (complete and/or underway) made about the company’s response to climate change and GHG emissions performance |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 12. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 6.1a Identified climate change opportunities that are driven by changes in regulation? | No Response | Yes | Yes | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 14.1b. What is your strategy for complying with the schemes in which you participate or anticipate participating? | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 8.3. Please provide your gross global Scope 2 emissions figure in metric tonnes CO2e for 2011 - 01 Jul 2011 - 30 Jun 2012 reporting period | 0 | 0 | 133428139 | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 5.1c. Climate change risks driven by change in physical climate parameters | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 6.1e. Please describe the opportunities that are driven by changes in other climate-related developments | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | Reported gross global Scope 1 emissions figure in metric tonnes CO2e for 2013 reporting period? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 0.4. Currency selection Please select the currency in which you would like to submit your response. All financial information contained in the response should be in this currency. | NA | USD($) | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 12. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 5.1e.Climate change risks driven by changes in other climate-related developments | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 3.2. Does the use of your goods and/or services directly enable GHG emissions to be avoided by a third party? | No | Yes | Yes | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 1.2. Do you provide incentives for the management of climate change issues, including the attainment of targets? | No | Yes | Yes | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 11.1. What percentage of your total operational spend in the reporting year was on energy? | More than 0% but less than or equal to 5% | More than 0% but less than or equal to 5% | More than 95% but less than or equal to 100% | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 12.1a Reason of change | NA | Emissions reduction activities, Divestment, Acquisitions, Mergers, Change in output, Change in methodology, Change in boundary, Change in physical operating conditions, Unidentified, Other | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data | 8.3. Please provide your gross global Scope 2 emissions figure in metric tonnes CO2e for 2012 - 01 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2013 reporting period | 0 | 5605099 | 256800000 | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | Click here to see the 82 items available from this source | ||||
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 6.1a Identified climate change opportunities that are driven by changes in regulation? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 3.2a. Please provide details (see guidance) | NA | Selling Products that Help Customers Avoid Emissions: Select products sold in our stores globally have allowed our retail customers to reduce their energy use and the resulting greenhouse gases. We have been able to quantify results from a few of these p | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 6.1. Have you identified any climate change opportunities (current or future) that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure? -Transparency | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 0.6. Modules | NA | NA | NA | As part of the Investor CDP information request, electric utilities, companies with electric utility activities or assets, companies in the automobile or auto component manufacture sectors and companies in the oil and gas industry should complete suppleme |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 8.3. Please provide your gross global Scope 2 emissions figure in metric tonnes CO2e for 2013 - 01 Jul 2013 - 30 Jun 2014 reporting period | NA | 14933422 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 5. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 2.2. Is climate change integrated into your business strategy? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 2.3d. Do you publically disclose a list of all the research organizations that you fund? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 14.1. Do you participate in any emission trading schemes? | NA | No, and we do not currently anticipate doing so in the next 2 years | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 5.1d. Please describe (i) the potential financial implications of the risk before taking action; (ii) the methods you are using to manage this risk; and (iii) the costs associated with these actions | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 7. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 8.4. Are there are any sources (e.g. facilities, specific GHGs, activities, geographies, etc.) of Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions which are not included in your disclosure? | NA | Yes | NA | Proportion of Scope 1 emissions that are verified/assured for 2011 - 2012/01 Jan 2012 - 31 Dec 2012 reporting period |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | Reported gross global Scope 2 emissions figure in metric tonnes CO2e for 2013 reporting period? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 11. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 2. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 3. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 3.3c Number of methods used to drive investment in emissions reduction activities. | NA | 8 | NA | Number of methods used to drive investment in emissions reduction activities. |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 1.1a. Please identify the position of the individual or name of the committee with this responsibility | NA | Approved and announced in October 2010, as stated in our 2011 annual report, the Walmart Board of Directors changed its charter to formalize the Compensation, Nominating, and Governance Committee of the Board’s oversight for sustainability and corporate r | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 2.3. Do you engage in activities that could either directly or indirectly influence policy on climate change through any of the following? (tick all that apply) | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 12. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 5.1a. Climate change risks driven by changes in regulation | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | CDLI leader | No | Yes | Yes | The Climate Disclosure Leadership Index: A Company must: (1) Make its response public and submit via CDP’s Online Response System (2) Achieve a score within the top 10% of the total regional sample population |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 14.2. Has your company originated any project-based carbon credits or purchased any within the reporting period? | NA | No | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 0.1. Introduction - Please give a general description and introduction to your organization. | NA | Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (NYSE: WMT), or “Walmart,” serves customers and members more than 250 million times per week at 10,942 retail units under 69 different banners in 27 countries, supported by distribution, logistics, and sourcing operations. Walmart wa | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | Reported biogenically generated metric tonnes CO2e for 2013 reporting period? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 8.9. Biogenically generated tonnes CO2e for 2013 - 01 Jul 2013 - 30 Jun 2014 reporting period | NA | 619 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 11.1. What percentage of your total operational spend in the reporting year was on energy? | NA | More than 0% but less than or equal to 5% | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 5.1. Have you identified any climate change risks (current or future) that have potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure? -transparency | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | Scope 2 emissions | NA | 14933422 | NA | All indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the consumption of purchased electricity, heat or steam. Indirect GHG emissions are a consequence of the activities of the reporting entity, but occur at sources owned or controlled by another entity. |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 6.1. Have you identified any climate change opportunities (current or future) that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure? Tick all that apply | NA | Opportunities driven by changes in regulation; Opportunities driven by changes in physical climate parameters; Opportunities driven by changes in other climate-related developments | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 5. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 2. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 7. Attachments | NA | CDP 2014/Shared Documents/Attachments/InvestorCDP2014/CC7.EmissionsMethodology/Emission Factors.xls | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 0. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | If you have not been presented with a sector module that you consider would be appropriate for your company to answer, please select the module below. If you wish to view the questions first, please see |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | Reported gross global Scope 1 emissions figure in metric tonnes CO2e for 2013 reporting period? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | Scope 1 emissions | NA | 6501715 | NA | All greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that are directly from sources that are owned or controlled by the reporting entity. |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 1.1. Where is the highest level of direct responsibility for climate change within your company? | NA | Individual/Sub-set of the Board or other committee appointed by the Board | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | Verification/ assurance | NA | 123 | NA | Audit and verification by a competent and independent organization that uses a standardized set of terms and methods. |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 2.3a. Please explain (i) the engagement process and (ii) actions you are advocating | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 1. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 6.1c. Please describe the opportunities that are driven by changes in physical climate parameters | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 2.2a. Please describe the process and outcomes (see guidance) | NA | Walmart’s Sustainability 360 process takes a comprehensive view of our business by engaging more than 100,000 suppliers, 2.2 million associates, and hundreds of millions of customers around the world in our efforts. Sustainability 360 lives in every corne | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 2014 Score | 1 | 98 | 100 | 2014 Score |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | Comment | NA | | NA | Comment |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 12. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 6. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 4. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 2014 Performance Band | E | A | A | 2014 Performance Band |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | CPLI leader | No | Yes | Yes | The Climate Performance Leadership Inde: A company must: (1)Make its response public and submit via CDP’s Online Response System (2) Attain a performance score greater than (3) Disclose gross global Scope 1 and Scope 2 figures (4) Score maximum performanc |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 4.1. Have you published information about your company’s response to climate change and GHG emissions performance for this reporting year in other places than in your CDP response? | NA | 4 | NA | The number of corporate annual reports and voluntary publications (complete and/or underway) made about the company’s response to climate change and GHG emissions performance |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 3.3c. What methods do you use to drive investment in emissions reduction activities? | NA | Compliance with regulatory requirements/standards, Other, Internal incentives/recognition programs, Employee engagement, Dedicated budget for energy efficiency, Dedicated budget for other emissions reduction activities, Partnering with governments on tech | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 6. Attachments | NA | CDP 2014/Shared Documents/Attachments/InvestorCDP2014/CC6.ClimateChangeOpportunities/2013_BrandZ_Top100_Chart.pdf | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 0.4. Currency selection Please select the currency in which you would like to submit your response. All financial information contained in the response should be in this currency. | NA | USD($) | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 3.1. Did you have an emissions reduction target that was active (ongoing or reached completion) in the reporting year? | NA | Absolute and intensity targets | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | End of Scope 1 Reporting Period | NA | 12-31-2013 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 1. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 1.2. Do you provide incentives for the management of climate change issues, including the attainment of targets? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 11. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 14. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 5.1. Have you identified any climate change risks (current or future) that have potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure? | NA | Risks driven by changes in regulation; Risks driven by changes in physical climate parameters; Risks driven by changes in other climate-related developments | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 6.1f. Please describe (i) the potential financial implications of the opportunity; (ii) the methods you are using to manage this opportunity; (iii) the costs associated with these actions | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 3.1e. Please explain (i) why not; and (ii) forecast how your emissions will change over the next five years | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | End of Scope 2 Reporting Period | NA | 12-31-2013 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 2.2b. Please explain why not | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 12.1. How do your absolute emissions (Scope 1 and 2 combined) for the reporting year compare to the previous year? | NA | Increased | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 4. Have you published information about your company’s response to climate change and GHG emissions performance for this reporting year in other places than in your CDP response? - Further Information | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 8.2. Please provide your gross global Scope 1 emissions figure in metric tonnes CO2e for 2013 - 01 Jul 2013 - 30 Jun 2014 reporting period | NA | 6501715 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 14. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 0. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | If you are in these sectors (according to the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS)), the corresponding sector modules will be marked as default options to your information request. If you want to query your classification, please email respond@c |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 14.1b. What is your strategy for complying with the schemes in which you participate or anticipate participating? | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 3.2. Does the use of your goods and/or services directly enable GHG emissions to be avoided by a third party? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 12.1a Reason of change | NA | Emissions reduction activities, Divestment, Acquisitions, Mergers, Change in output, Change in methodology, Change in boundary, Change in physical operating conditions, Unidentified, Other | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 2.3b. Are you on the Board of any trade associations or provide funding beyond membership? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | Target(s) reported | NA | abs int | NA | Absolute/Intensive |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | End of Biogenically Generated Reporting Period | NA | 12-31-2013 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 2.1. Please select the option that best describes your risk management procedures with regard to climate change risks and opportunities | NA | Integrated into multi-disciplinary company wide risk management processes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 3. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 8.9. Are carbon dioxide emissions from biologically sequestered carbon relevant to your organization? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 2013 score | NA | 94 A- | NA | 2013 score |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 12.2. % change from previous year | NA | 1 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | 5.1c. Climate change risks driven by change in physical climate parameters | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data | Ticker | NA | WMT | NA | Ticker |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | Click here to see the 67 items available from this source | ||||
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 0. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | If you have not been presented with a sector module that you consider would be appropriate for your company to answer, please select the module below. If you wish to view the questions first, please see |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 2.3b. Are you on the Board of any trade associations or provide funding beyond membership? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 14.1b. What is your strategy for complying with the schemes in which you participate or anticipate participating? | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 3. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 2.2b. Please explain why not | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 12.1. How do your absolute emissions (Scope 1 and 2 combined) for the reporting year compare to the previous year? | NA | Increased | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 11. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 2. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 8.6. Please indicate the verification/assurance status that applies to your reported Scope 1 emissions | NA | 100 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 3.2. Does the use of your goods and/or services directly enable GHG emissions to be avoided by a third party? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 5. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 2.3a. Please explain (i) the engagement process and (ii) actions you are advocating | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 8.9. Are carbon dioxide emissions from biologically sequestered carbon relevant to your organization? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 6.1a Identified climate change opportunities that are driven by changes in regulation? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 14. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 5.1c. Climate change risks driven by change in physical climate parameters | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 2.2a. Please describe the process and outcomes (see guidance) | NA | Walmart’s Global Responsbilitystrategy is comprised of three core elements, Opportunity, Community and Sustainability. Our Sustainability strategy takes a comprehensive view of our business by engaging oursuppliers, ssociates, and customers around the w | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 8.1. Please select the boundary you are using for your Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas inventory | NA | Operational control | NA | Boundary used for Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas inventory during 2011-2012/01 Jan 2012 - 31 Dec 2012 reporting period |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 5.1d. Please describe (i) the potential financial implications of the risk before taking action; (ii) the methods you are using to manage this risk; and (iii) the costs associated with these actions | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 1.2. Do you provide incentives for the management of climate change issues, including the attainment of targets? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 6.1c. Please describe the opportunities that are driven by changes in physical climate parameters | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 11.1. What percentage of your total operational spend in the reporting year was on energy? | NA | More than 0% but less than or equal to 5% | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 12. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 6. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 8.4. Are there are any sources (e.g. facilities, specific GHGs, activities, geographies, etc.) of Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions which are not included in your disclosure? | NA | No | NA | Proportion of Scope 1 emissions that are verified/assured for 2011 - 2012/01 Jan 2012 - 31 Dec 2012 reporting period |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 1. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 2.2. Is climate change integrated into your business strategy? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 4. Have you published information about your company’s response to climate change and GHG emissions performance for this reporting year in other places than in your CDP response? - Further Information | NA | A pdf version of our 2013 Corporate Responsibility Report is attached. Please refer to page 39. | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 4.1. Have you published information about your company’s response to climate change and GHG emissions performance for this reporting year in other places than in your CDP response? | NA | 3 | NA | The number of corporate annual reports and voluntary publications (complete and/or underway) made about the company’s response to climate change and GHG emissions performance |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 5. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 3.3c Number of methods used to drive investment in emissions reduction activities. | NA | 8 | NA | Number of methods used to drive investment in emissions reduction activities. |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 2. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 6. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 12. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 0.1. Introduction - Please give a general description and introduction to your organization. | NA | Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (NYSE: WMT), or “Walmart,” serves customers and members close to 260 million times per weekin 11,453 retail units under 69 different banners in 27 countries and through our websites globally,. Walmart was built on the foundation of s | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 6.1. Have you identified any climate change opportunities (current or future) that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure? Tick all that apply | NA | Opportunities driven by changes in regulation; Opportunities driven by changes in physical climate parameters; Opportunities driven by changes in other climate-related developments | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 3.1e. Please explain (i) why not; and (ii) forecast how your emissions will change over the next five years | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 0. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | If you are in these sectors (according to the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS)), the corresponding sector modules will be marked as default options to your information request. If you want to query your classification, please email respond@c |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 5.1. Have you identified any climate change risks (current or future) that have potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure? -transparency | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 14.2. Has your company originated any project-based carbon credits or purchased any within the reporting period? | NA | No | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 3.3c. What methods do you use to drive investment in emissions reduction activities? | NA | Compliance with regulatory requirements/standards, Dedicated budget for energy efficiency, Dedicated budget for low carbon product R&D, Employee engagement, Employee engagement, Financial optimization calculations, Internal finance mechanisms, Partnering | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 14.1. Do you participate in any emission trading schemes? | NA | No, and we do not currently anticipate doing so in the next 2 years | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 7. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 12.1a Reason of change | NA | Emissions reduction activities Change in output Change in boundary Change in physical operating conditions | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 11. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 0.6. Modules | NA | NA | NA | As part of the Investor CDP information request, electric utilities, companies with electric utility activities or assets, companies in the automobile or auto component manufacture sectors and companies in the oil and gas industry should complete suppleme |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 2.3. Do you engage in activities that could either directly or indirectly influence policy on climate change through any of the following? (tick all that apply) | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 2015 Performance band | NA | B | NA | 2015 Performance Band |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 0.4. Currency selection Please select the currency in which you would like to submit your response. All financial information contained in the response should be in this currency. | NA | USD($) | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 7. Attachments | NA | Change 2015/Shared Documents/Attachments/ClimateChange2015/CC7.EmissionsMethodology/Walmart_Emission Factors_CDP 2015_CY2014 GHG Inventory.xlsx | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 8.2. Please provide your gross global Scope 1 emissions figure in metric tonnes CO2e | NA | 2349.52 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 2015 Disclosure score | NA | 96 | NA | 2015 Score |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 1.1. Where is the highest level of direct responsibility for climate change within your company? | NA | Board or individual/sub-set of the Board or other committee appointed by the Board | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 3.1. Did you have an emissions reduction target that was active (ongoing or reached completion) in the reporting year? | NA | Absolute and intensity targets | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 8.3.a. Please provide your gross global Scope 2 emissions figures in metric tonnes CO2e | NA | 29428.55 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 2.3d. Do you publically disclose a list of all the research organizations that you fund? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 2.1. Please select the option that best describes your risk management procedures with regard to climate change risks and opportunities | NA | Integrated into multi-disciplinary company wide risk management processes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 6.1f. Please describe (i) the potential financial implications of the opportunity; (ii) the methods you are using to manage this opportunity; (iii) the costs associated with these actions | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 5.1. Have you identified any climate change risks (current or future) that have potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure? | NA | Risks driven by changes in regulation; Risks driven by changes in physical climate parameters; Risks driven by changes in other climate-related developments | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 1. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 3.2a. Please provide details (see guidance) | NA | Selling Products that Help Customers Avoid Emissions: Select products sold in our stores globally have allowed our retail customers to reduce their energy use and the resulting greenhouse gases. We have been able to quantify results from a few of these p | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 6.1. Have you identified any climate change opportunities (current or future) that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure? -Transparency | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 1.1a. Please identify the position of the individual or name of the committee with this responsibility | NA | Approved and announced in October 2010, as stated in our 2011 annual report, the Walmart Board of Directors changed its charter to formalize the Compensation, Nominating, and Governance Committee of the Board’s oversight for sustainability and corporate r | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 4. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 14. Attachments | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 3. Further Information | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data | 5.1a. Climate change risks driven by changes in regulation | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2016 Full Data | Click here to see the 24 items available from this source | ||||
Carbon Disclosure Project 2016 Full Data | 8.2. Please provide your gross global Scope 1 emissions figure in metric tonnes CO2e | NA | 6107244 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2016 Full Data | 2.1. Please select the option that best describes your risk management procedures with regard to climate change risks and opportunities | NA | Integrated into multi-disciplinary company wide risk management processes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2016 Full Data | 2.2. Is climate change integrated into your business strategy? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2016 Full Data | 8.6. Please indicate the verification/assurance status that applies to your reported Scope 1 emissions | NA | 100 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2016 Full Data | 3.1. Did you have an emissions reduction target that was active (ongoing or reached completion) in the reporting year? | NA | Absolute target; Intensity target; Renewable energy consumption and/or production target | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2016 Full Data | Industry Group | NA | Food & Staples Retailing | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2016 Full Data | 14.2. Has your company originated any project-based carbon credits or purchased any within the reporting period? | NA | No | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2016 Full Data | 2.3. Do you engage in activities that could either directly or indirectly influence policy on climate change through any of the following? (tick all that apply) | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2016 Full Data | 8.4. Are there are any sources (e.g. facilities, specific GHGs, activities, geographies, etc.) of Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions which are not included in your disclosure? | NA | NA | NA | Proportion of Scope 1 emissions that are verified/assured for 2011 - 2012/01 Jan 2012 - 31 Dec 2012 reporting period |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2016 Full Data | 1.2. Do you provide incentives for the management of climate change issues, including the attainment of targets? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2016 Full Data | 3.2. Does the use of your goods and/or services directly enable GHG emissions to be avoided by a third party? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2016 Full Data | Account No | NA | 20402 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2016 Full Data | 6.1. Have you identified any climate change opportunities (current or future) that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure? -Transparency | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2016 Full Data | 5.1. Have you identified any climate change risks (current or future) that have potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure? -transparency | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2016 Full Data | 8.1. Please select the boundary you are using for your Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas inventory | NA | Operational control | NA | Boundary used for Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas inventory during 2011-2012/01 Jan 2012 - 31 Dec 2012 reporting period |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2016 Full Data | 2.3d. Do you publically disclose a list of all the research organizations that you fund? | NA | No | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2016 Full Data | 8.7. Please indicate the verification/assurance status that applies to your reported Scope 2 emissions | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2016 Full Data | 8.3.a. Please provide your gross global Scope 2 emissions figures in metric tonnes CO2e | NA | 14928054 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2016 Full Data | 4.1. Have you published information about your company’s response to climate change and GHG emissions performance for this reporting year in other places than in your CDP response? | NA | In voluntary communications | NA | The number of corporate annual reports and voluntary publications (complete and/or underway) made about the company’s response to climate change and GHG emissions performance |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2016 Full Data | 1.1. Where is the highest level of direct responsibility for climate change within your company? | NA | Board or individual/sub-set of the Board or other committee appointed by the Board | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2016 Full Data | ISIN | NA | US9311421039 | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2016 Full Data | 14.1. Do you participate in any emission trading schemes? | NA | No, and we do not currently anticipate doing so in the next 2 years | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2016 Full Data | Country | NA | USA | NA | NA |
Carbon Disclosure Project 2016 Full Data | 12.1. How do your absolute emissions (Scope 1 and 2 combined) for the reporting year compare to the previous year? | NA | Decreased | NA | NA |
CDP A List 2019 | Climate change | NA | Yes | Yes | The scoring methodology provides a score which assesses the level of detail and comprehensiveness of the content, as well as the company's awareness of climate change issues, management methods and progress towards action taken on climate change as report |
CDP A List 2020 | Climate change | NA | Yes | Yes | The scoring methodology provides a score which assesses the level of detail and comprehensiveness of the content, as well as the company's awareness of climate change issues, management methods and progress towards action taken on climate change as report |
CDP Water Data 2013 | Click here to see the 80 items available from this source | ||||
CDP Water Data 2013 | 2.5b. You may explain here why you are not able to identify if any of your key inputs or raw materials come from regions subject to water-related risk and whether you have plans to explore this issue in the future. | NA | NA | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 2.5a. Please state or estimate the percentage of your key water-intensive inputs (excluding water) that come from these regions-Transparency & Reporting | NA | NA | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 7.4. Are any water sources significantly affected by your company's withdrawal of water? | NA | No | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 2.1a. Please specify the method(s) you use to characterize water-stressed regions- Environmental policy & Reporting | NA | Other | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 2.2a. Please list the relevant risk indicator of your total operations in that area-Environment Policy and Reporting | NA | NA | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 1.1d. You may explain here why your company does not have a water policy, strategy or plan and if you intend to put one in place. | NA | NA | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 2.2. Are there other indicators (besides water stress) which you wish to report that help you to identify which of your operations are located in regions subject to water-related risk? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 7.4b. You may explain here why your company's withrawal of water does not significantly affect any water sources-Transparency & reporting | NA | Answered | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 0.4a. List of Exclusions & Reason for Exclusions-Transparency & Reporting | NA | 2 answers | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 5.1. Do water-related issues present opportunities (current or future) that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operation, revenue or expenditure? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 1.1c. Description of Target/goal, its type and geographical reach -Transparency & Reporting (value) | NA | NA | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 0.4a. List of Exclusions & Reason for Exclusions-Transparency & Reporting (value) | NA | NA | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 1.1. Does your company have a water policy, strategy or management plan? | No | Yes | Yes | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 7.4c. Please explain why you do not know if any water sources are significantly affected by your company's withdrawal of water. | NA | NA | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 4.1. Has your business experienced any detrimental impacts related to water in the past five years? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 7.1. Are you able to provide data, whether measured or estimated, on water withdrawals within your operations? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 3.2. Country or geographical scale-Environment Policy & Reporting | NA | Facility | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 9.2. Please provide any available water intensity values for your company's products or services across its operations. | NA | NA | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 7.4a. Please list any water sources significantly affected by your company's withdrawal of water. | NA | NA | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 2.2b. You may explain here why you do not wish to report or why you do not use other indicators to identify which of your operations are located in regions subject to water-related risk. | NA | NA | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 6.1a. Please describe the linkages or trade-offs and the related management policy or action between water and carbon emissions in its operations or supply chain?-Transparency & Reporting (value) | NA | NA | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 7.3. Please use this space to describe the methodologies used for questions 7.1 and 7.2 or to report withdrawals or recycling/reuse in a different format to that set out above-Transparency & Reporting | NA | Answered | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 2.4. The basis to use to calculate the percentages used for questions 2.1 and/or 2.2 | NA | 2 answers | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 4.1. Please describe any detrimental impacts to business related to water your company has faced in the past five years, their financial impacts and whether they have resulted in any changes to company practices- Transparency & Reporting | NA | Answered | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 6.1. Has your company identified any linkages or trade-offs between water and carbon emissions in its operations or supply chain? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 3.4c. Please explain why you do not know if your supply chain is exposed to water-related risks that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operation, revenue or expenditure, and your plans to assess this risk in the future. | NA | NA | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 8.3. Are any water bodies and related habitats significantly affected by discharges of water or runoff from your operations? | NA | No | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 3.1. Is your company exposed to water-related risks (current or future) that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operation, revenue or expenditure? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 8.3b. You may explain here why your company's discharge of water does not significantly affect any water bodies or associated habitats. | NA | The water consumption and discharge intensities of our facilities are relatively low. Most of our stores are located in areas with access to municipal sewage treatment services. The stores located near water bodies, such as lakes, rivers or seas or close | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 0.3. Reporting Boundary | NA | Companies, entities or groups over which operational control is exercised | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 5.1b. Please explain why you do not consider water-related issues to present opportunities to your company that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operation, revenue or expenditure or supply chain. | NA | NA | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 2.1. Are any of your operations located in water-stressed regions? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 3.1a. Please describe the current and/or future risks to your operations, the ways in which these risks affect or could affect your operations and your current or proposed strategies for managing them-Transparency & Reporting (value) | NA | NA | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 5.1c. Please explain why you do not know whether water-related issues present opportunities to your company that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operation, revenue or expenditure. | NA | NA | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 3.4b. Please explain why you do not consider your supply chain to be exposed to any water-related risks that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operation, revenue or expenditure. | NA | NA | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 7.4b. You may explain here why your company's withrawal of water does not significantly affect any water sources. | NA | Walmart operations which include retail stores, distribution centers and offices have a relatively low water consumption rate as compared to other industrial facilities. The majority of our impact on water resources is considered to be indirect and is a r | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 5.1a. Please describe the current and/or future opportunities, the ways in which these opportunities affect or could affect your operations and your current or proposed strategies for exploiting them-Environmental Policy & Reporting | NA | 3 answers | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 7.1a. Please report the water withdrawals within your operations for the reporting year-Transparency & Reporting (value) | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 6.1a. Please describe the linkages or trade-offs between water and carbon emissions in its operations or supply chain?--Transparency & Reporting | NA | 2 answers | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 8.3c. Please explain why you do not know if any water bodies and associated habitats are significantly affected by discharge of water or runoff from your operations. | NA | NA | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 1.1b. Does the water policy, strategy or plan specify water-related targets or goals? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 1.2. What specific actions has your company taken to manage water resources or engage stakeholders in water-related issues and what are their outcomes?-Transparency & Reporting (value) | NA | NA | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 1.2. What specific actions has your company taken to manage water resources or engage stakeholders in water-related issues and what are their outcomes?-Transparency & Reporting | NA | 2 answers | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 7.3. Please use this space to describe the methodologies used for questions 7.1 and 7.2 or to report withdrawals or recycling/reuse in a different format to that set out above. | NA | Supplier invoices were used to measure water consumption in the U.S. and Mexico. On-site water meters were used to measure water consumption in the U.K., rainwater harvesting in Mexico and reused/recycled water in Mexico. | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 8.3b. You may explain here why your company's discharge of water does not significantly affect any water bodies or related habitats-Tansparency & Reporting | NA | Answered | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 3.3. Do you require your key suppliers to report on their water use, risks and management? | NA | No | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 9.1. Please provide any available financial intensity values for your company's water use across its operations | NA | 2 answers | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 2.1b. Please list the water-stressed regions where you have operations and the percentage of your total operations in that area-Transparency & Reporting (value) | NA | NA | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 8.1. Are you able to identify discharges of water from your operations by destination, by treatment method and by quantity and quality using standard effluent parameters? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 8.2a. Please describe the quality, quantity and destination of the water that was the subject of the significant breach(es), the associated fines and any actions taken to minimise the risk of future non-compliance | NA | NA | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 0.4. Are there any geographies, activities, facilities or types of water inputs/outputs within this boundary which are not included in your disclosure? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 8.2. Did your company pay any penalties or fines for significant breaches of discharge agreements or regulations in the reporting period? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | Please enter the name of the individual that has signed off (approved) the response and their job title | NA | Greg Trimble, Sr. Director, Global Energy Development and Reporting, Wal-Mart Stores Inc. | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 0.2. Reporting Year | NA | 2012-01-01 | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 9.1. Please provide any available financial intensity values for your company's water use across its operations (value) | NA | NA | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 7.2a. Please report the water recycling/reuse within your operations for the reporting year-Transparency & Reporting | NA | 3 answers | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 3.2. What methodology do you use to analyze water-related risk across your operations?-Transparency & Reporting | NA | Answered | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 2.4. The basis to use to calculate the percentages used for questions 2.1 and/or 2.3 (value) | NA | NA | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 3.4. Is your supply chain exposed to water-related risks (current or future) that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operation, revenue or expenditure? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 0.1. Introduction | NA | NA | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 3.2. What methodology do you use to analyze water-related risk across your operations? | NA | Water audits conducted at the L&T campuses combined with the internal know how. | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 3.1c. Please explain why you do not know if your company is exposed to any water-related risks that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operation, revenue or expenditure, and your plans to assess this risk in the future. | NA | NA | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 7.1a. Please report the water withdrawals within your operations for the reporting year-Transparency & Reporting | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 2.3. Please specify the total proportion of your operations that are located in the regions at risk which you identified in questions 2.1 and/or 2.2. | 0.0 | 21.9 | 99.0 | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 3.1a. Please describe the current and/or future risks to your operations, the ways in which these risks affect or could affect your operations and your current or proposed strategies for managing them-Transparency & Reporting | NA | NA | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 5.1a. Please describe the current and/or future opportunities, the ways in which these opportunities affect or could affect your operations and your current or proposed strategies for exploiting them-Environmental Policy & Reporting (value) | NA | NA | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 1.1a. Please describe your policy, strategy or plan, including the highest level of responsibility for it within your company and its geographical reach-Transaprency & Reporting (value) | NA | NA | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 7.2b. Please explain why you are not able to provide data for water recycling/reuse within your operations-Transparency & Reporting | NA | No Response | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 2.1a. Please specify the method(s) you use to characterize water-stressed regions- Environmental policy & Reporting (value) | NA | NA | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 2.1b. Please list the water-stressed regions where you have operations and the percentage of your total operations in that area-Transparency & Reporting | NA | 2 answers | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 7.2a. Please report the water recycling/reuse within your operations for the reporting year-Transparency & Reporting (value) | NA | NA | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 8.1a. Please explain why you are not able to identify discharges from your operations by destination, treatment method , quantity and quality, and whether you have any plans to put in place systems that would enable you to do so. | NA | NA | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 1.1c. Description of Target/goal, its type and geographical reach -Transparency & Reporting | NA | 2 answers | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 7.2b. Please explain why you are not able to provide data for water recycling/reuse within your operations. | NA | NA | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 2.5. Do any of your key inputs or raw materials (excluding water) come from regions subject to water-related risk? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 8.3a. Please list any water bodies and related habitats which are significantly affected by discharge of water or runoff from your operations | NA | NA | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 7.1b. Please explain why you are not able to provide data for water withdrawals. | NA | NA | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 1.1a. Please describe your policy, strategy or plan, including the highest level of responsibility for it within your company and its geographical reach-Transaprency & Reporting | Australia/CCA's Water Policy covers all aspects of water related operations activities from both municipal and groundwater sources across the beverage and food businesses. | NA | United States of America/We have a philosophy to limit water waste and a strategy to identify reduction opportunities from development through operations through supply chain. We build our stores to green building standards (LEED and Green Globes), and e | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 7.2. Are you able to provide data, whether measured or estimated, on water recycling/reuse within your operations? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2013 | 3.1b. Please explain why you do not consider your company to be exposed to any water-related risks that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operation, revenue or expenditure. | NA | NA | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | Click here to see the 69 items available from this source | ||||
CDP Water Data 2014 | W6.1. Who has the highest level of direct responsibility for water within your organization and how frequently are they briefed? | No individual or committee with overall responsibility for water | Senior Manager/Officer | Individual/Sub-set of the Board or other committee appointed by the Board | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W3.2b. The inherent water risks that could generate a substantive change in your business, operations, revenue or expenditure, the potential impact to your direct operations and the strategies to mitigate them | NA | NA | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W7.1. Was your organization subject to any penalties and/or fines for breaches of abstraction licenses, discharge consents or other water and wastewater related regulations in the reporting period? | Yes, significant | No | No | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W2.3. Please state the methods used to assess water risks | NA | Other: ISciences L.L.C. performed the hydrological modeling of water-stress using multiple internationally recognized water risk indices. All Walmart locations were mapped in context of baseline water stress, baseline water quality and long-term change in | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | GICS Industry | NA | Food & Staples Retailing | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W3.2e. Please choose the option that best explains why you do not consider your organization to be exposed to water risks in your supply chain that could generate a substantive change in your business, operations, revenue or expenditure | NA | No Response | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W0.4. Are there any geographies, activities, facilities or types of water inputs/outputs within this boundary which are not included in your disclosure? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W5.1. Please report the total withdrawal, discharge, consumption and recycled water volumes across your operations for the reporting period | NA | Total volume of water withdrawn/7680, Total volume of water discharged/52371, Total volume of water consumed/54058, Total volume of recycled water used/1686 | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | Account No | NA | 20402 | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | Response Organisation | NA | 20402 | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W8.1c. Please explain why you do not have any water-related targets or goals and discuss any plans to develop these in the future | NA | No Response | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | Primary Expansion | NA | NA | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | GICS Industry Group | NA | Food & Staples Retailing | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W1.3a. Please describe the detrimental impacts experienced by your organization related to water in the reporting period | NA | Higher operating costs/Tighter supplier performance standards/We had an increase in water payments of 1.2% vs last year. Which represents 5 million pesos., Higher operating costs/Establish site-specific targets/Cost of water supplied from water trucks is | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W6.2a. Please choose the option(s) below that best explain how water has positively influenced your business strategy | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | Complexity | NA | Full | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W2.1a. You may provide additional information about your approach to assessing water risks here | NA | Walmart stores and distribution locations were mapped in context of the current and future projections for both water stress and quality. We also used an assessment framework based on physical, regulatory and reputational risks for each market. We plan to | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W2.4a. Which of the following stakeholders are always factored into your organization's water risk assessments? | NA | Customers/Relevant, not yet included/, Employees/Relevant, not yet included/, Investors/Relevant, not yet included/, Local communities/Relevant, not yet included/, NGOs/Relevant, included/Walmart engages stakeholders from government and respected internat | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W1.1. Please rate the importance (current and future) of water quality and water quantity to the success of your organization | NA | Direct use: sufficient amounts of good quality freshwater available for use across your own operations/Vital for operations, Direct use: sufficient amounts of recycled, brackish and/or produced water available for use across your own operations/Important, | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W6.4. Water-related spending: % of total OPEX during this reporting period compared to last reporting period | -0.5 | 0.0 | 120.0 | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W0.2. Reporting Year | NA | 2013-01-01 | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W2.5. Do you require your key suppliers to report on their water use, risks and management? | No | Yes | Yes | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W2.5a. Please provide the proportion of key suppliers you require to report on their water use, risks and management | 0 | 26-50 | 76-100 | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W6.4. Motivation for water-related spending changes | NA | No Response | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W5.7. For all facilities reported in W3.2a what proportion of their accounting data has been externally verified? | NA | Water withdrawals- total volumes/Not verified, Water withdrawals- volume by sources/Not verified, Water discharges- total volumes/Not verified, Water discharges- volume by destination/Not verified, Water discharges- volume by treatment method/Not verified | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W5.5. Water consumption: for the reporting period, please provide water consumption data for all facilities reported in W5.3 | NA | No Response | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | Response Account No | NA | Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W8.1a. Please complete the following table with information on company wide quantitative targets (ongoing or reached completion during the reporting period) and an indication of progress made | NA | No Response | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W5.6. For the reporting period, please provide any available water intensity values for your organization's products or services across its operation | NA | No Response | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W1.2b. What is the main reason for not having evaluated how water quality and water quantity affects /could affect the success (viability, constraints) of your organization's growth strategy, and are there any plans in place to do so in the future? | NA | No Response | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W1.2. Have you evaluated how water quality and water quantity affects /could affect the success (viability, constraints) of your organization's growth strategy? | Not evaluated | Yes, evaluated over the next 10 years | Yes, evaluated over the next 10 years | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | Secondary Expansions | NA | Water Global 500,Water Pilot Scored,Water S&P 500, | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | GICS Sector | NA | Consumer Staples | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W4.1c. Please choose the option that best explains why you do not know if water presents your organization with any opportunities that have the potential to provide substantive benefit | NA | No Response | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W8.1b. Please describe any company wide qualitative goals (ongoing or reached completion during the reporting period) and your progress in achieving these | NA | No Response | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W3.2c. The inherent risks that could generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure, the potential impact to your supply chain and the strategies to mitigate them | NA | NA | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W3.2a. The number of facilities in your direct operations exposed to water risks that could generate a substantive change in your business, operations, revenue or expenditure and either the proportion of cost of goods sold, global revenue or global produ | NA | /11-20/Other: % other – proportion of global operations located in this region./Other: Walmart facilities in Mexico are located in several regions that experience continued water stress. The most prominent river basins include the Mexico Valley and Lerma- | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W5.3. Water withdrawals: for the reporting period, please complete the table below with water accounting data for all facilities included in your answer to W3.2a | NA | No Response | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | Submitted Date | NA | 2014-10-01T01:08:01+01:00 | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W0.1. Introduction | NA | Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (NYSE: WMT), or “Walmart,” serves customers and members more than 250 million times per week at 10,942 retail units under 69 different banners in 27 countries, supported by distribution, logistics, and sourcing operations. Walmart wa | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W6.4. How does your organization's water-related capital expenditure (CAPEX) and operating expenditure (OPEX) during the most recent reporting period compare to the previous reporting period? | -39.0 | 0.0 | 210.0 | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W4.1b. Please choose the option that best explains why water does not present your organization with any opportunities that have the potential to provide substantive benefit | NA | No Response | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W7.1b. Please indicate the total of all penalties and/or fines for breaches of abstraction licenses, discharge consents or other water and wastewater related regulations as a percentage of total operating expenditure (OPEX) compared to last year | Much Higher | NA | Much Lower | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | Public | NA | Public | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W1.3. Has your organization experienced any detrimental impacts related to water in the reporting period? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W2.4. Which of the following contextual issues are always factored into your organization's water risk assessments? | NA | Current water availability and quality parameters at a local level/Relevant, included/These are the two parameters that greatly affect our operation., Current water regulatory frameworks and tariffs at a local level/Relevant, included/Understanding regula | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W4.1. Does water present strategic, operational or market opportunities that substantively benefit/have the potential to benefit your organization? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W9. Job title | NA | Sr. Manager, Energy | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W5.2. For those facilities exposed to water risks that could generate a substantive change in your business, operations, revenue or expenditure, the number of which was reported in W3.2a, please detail which of the following water aspects are regularly me | NA | Water withdrawals- total volumes/76-100, Water withdrawals- volume by sources/Less than 1%, Water discharges- total volumes/1-25, Water discharges- volume by destination/, Water discharges- volume by treatment method/26-50, Water discharge quality data- q | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W0.4a. List of Exclusions & Reason for Exclusions | NA | No Response | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W3.2d. Please choose the option that best explains why you do not consider your organization to be exposed to water risks in your direct operations that could generate a substantive change in your business, operations, revenue or expenditure | NA | No Response | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W1.2a. Please explain how your organization evaluated the effects of water quality and water quantity on the success (viability, constraints) of your organization's growth strategy? | NA | All Walmart locations were mapped in context of baseline water stress, baseline water quality and long-term change in water stress. ISciences L.L.C. performed the hydrological modelling of water-stress using multiple internationally recognized water risk | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W2.2. Please state how frequently you undertake water risk assessments, what geographical scale and how far into the future you consider | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W8.1. Do you have any company wide targets (quantitative) or goals (qualitative) related to water? | No | No | Yes, targets and goals | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W2.1. Please select the option that best describes your procedures with regard to assessing water risks and provide an explanation as to why this option is suitable for your organization | NA | Water risk assessments undertaken independently of other risk assessments incorporating both direct operations and supply chain | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | Version | NA | 12.39 | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W9.1. Please provide the following information for the person that has signed off (approved) your CDP water response | NA | Joby Carlson | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W7.1a. Please describe the penalties and/or fines for breaches of abstraction licenses, discharge consents or other water and wastewater related regulations and your plans for resolving them | NA | No Response | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W4.1a. Please describe the opportunities water presents to your organization and your strategies to realize them | NA | Cost savings//Reduce dependency from water supply from municipality and variability of fees./4-6 years/Mexico, Increased brand value//New markets and consumers that seek ecological products. Increase of sales Reduce uncertainty on products supply/4-6 yea | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W2.5b. Please choose the option that best explains why you do not require your key suppliers to report on their water use, risks and management | NA | No Response | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W6.2c. Please choose the option that best explains why your organization does not integrate water management into its business strategy and discuss any future plans to do so | NA | No Response | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W6.2b. Please choose the option(s) below that best explains how water has negatively influenced your business strategy | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W9. Corresponding job category | NA | Energy manager | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W0.3. Reporting Boundary | NA | Companies, entities or groups over which operational control is exercised | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W3.2. Please provide details as to how your organization defines substantive change in your business, operations, revenue or expenditure from water risk | NA | Water risks are considered highly location specific and therefore exposure to water risk is not considered to generated a substantive changes for the entire corporation currently/or in the future. We recognize that there are certain portions of our operat | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W5.4. Water discharge: for the reporting period, please provide the water accounting data for all facilities reported in W5.3 | NA | No Response | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W6.2. Is water management integrated into your business strategy? | No | Yes | Yes | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | W3.1. Is your organization exposed to water risks, either current and/or future, that could generate a substantive change in your business, operations, revenue or expenditure? | NA | Yes, direct operations and supply chain | NA | NA |
CDP Water Data 2014 | GICS Sub-Industry | NA | Hypermarkets & Super Centers | NA | NA |
CECP (Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose) | Members of the Committee Encouraging Corporate Philanthropy | NA | Yes | Yes | Members of the Committee Encouraging Corporate Philanthropy |
Corporate Equality Index 2017 | Click here to see the 11 items available from this source | ||||
Corporate Equality Index 2017 | 10 points 2b | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Corporate Equality Index 2017 | 10 points 2a | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Corporate Equality Index 2017 | 15 points 1a | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Corporate Equality Index 2017 | Fortune 1000 | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
Corporate Equality Index 2017 | Headquarters Location | NA | Bentonville, AR | NA | NA |
Corporate Equality Index 2017 | 10 points 3b | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Corporate Equality Index 2017 | 15 points 1b | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Corporate Equality Index 2017 | 10 points 2c | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Corporate Equality Index 2017 | 15 points 4 | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Corporate Equality Index 2017 | 5 points 1c | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Corporate Equality Index 2017 | 10 points 3a | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Corporate Equality Index 2019 | Click here to see the 13 items available from this source | ||||
Corporate Equality Index 2019 | Fortune 1000 | 1000 | 1 | 1 | NA |
Corporate Equality Index 2019 | 10 points 2c | 0.333 | 1.0 | 1.0 | Equal health coverage for transgender individuals without exclusion for medically necessary care |
Corporate Equality Index 2019 | 2018 CEI Rating | 0 | 100 | 100 | NA |
Corporate Equality Index 2019 | 15 points 1b | 0.333 | 1.0 | 1.0 | Prohibits discrimination based on gender identity for all operations |
Corporate Equality Index 2019 | 10 points 2a | 0.333 | 1.0 | 1.0 | Equivalency in same- and different-sex spousal medical and soft benefits |
Corporate Equality Index 2019 | Headquarters Location | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Corporate Equality Index 2019 | 2019 CEI Rating | 0 | 100 | 100 | NA |
Corporate Equality Index 2019 | 10 points 3a | 0.333 | 1.0 | 1.0 | Three LGBTQ internal training and education best practices |
Corporate Equality Index 2019 | 5 points 3d | 0.333 | 1.0 | 1.0 | Contractor/supplier non-discrimination standards and philanthropic giving guidelines |
Corporate Equality Index 2019 | 15 points 1a | 0.333 | 1.0 | 1.0 | Prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation for all operations (15 points) |
Corporate Equality Index 2019 | 10 points 3b | 0.333 | 1.0 | 1.0 | Employee group or diversity council |
Corporate Equality Index 2019 | 10 points 2b | 0.333 | 1.0 | 1.0 | Equivalency in same- and differentsex domestic partner medical and soft benefits |
Corporate Equality Index 2019 | 15 points 3c | 0.333 | 1.0 | 1.0 | Three distinct efforts of outreach or engagement to broader LGBTQ community, and if supplier diversity program is in place, must include LGBTQ suppliers |
Corporate Equality Index 2020 | Click here to see the 13 items available from this source | ||||
Corporate Equality Index 2020 | 10 points 3b | 0.5 | 1.0 | 1.0 | Employee group or diversity council |
Corporate Equality Index 2020 | 10 points 3a | 0.5 | 1.0 | 1.0 | Three LGBTQ internal training and education best practices |
Corporate Equality Index 2020 | 15 points 3c | 0.5 | 1.0 | 1.0 | Three distinct efforts of outreach or engagement to broader LGBTQ community, and if supplier diversity program is in place, must include LGBTQ suppliers |
Corporate Equality Index 2020 | -25 points 4 | NA | NA | 1 | Employers will have 25 points deducted from their score for a large-scale official or public anti-LGBTQ blemish on their recent records. |
Corporate Equality Index 2020 | 10 points 2a | 0.5 | 1.0 | 1.0 | Equivalency in same- and different-sex spousal medical and soft benefits |
Corporate Equality Index 2020 | 10 points 2b | 0.5 | 1.0 | 1.0 | Equivalency in same- and differentsex domestic partner medical and soft benefits |
Corporate Equality Index 2020 | 10 points 2c | 0.5 | 1.0 | 1.0 | Equal health coverage for transgender individuals without exclusion for medically necessary care |
Corporate Equality Index 2020 | 2020 CEI Rating | 999 | 100 | 1 | NA |
Corporate Equality Index 2020 | 2019 CEI Rating | 999 | 100 | 1 | NA |
Corporate Equality Index 2020 | 15 points 1a | 0.5 | 1.0 | 1.0 | Prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation for all operations (15 points) |
Corporate Equality Index 2020 | 5 points 3d | 0.5 | 1.0 | 1.0 | Contractor/supplier non-discrimination standards and philanthropic giving guidelines |
Corporate Equality Index 2020 | 15 points 1b | 0.5 | 1.0 | 1.0 | Prohibits discrimination based on gender identity for all operations |
Corporate Equality Index 2020 | Fortune 1000 | 999 | 55 | 1 | NA |
CEMEFI (Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía) ITSC Index | Index Transparency in Corporate Sustainability | 1.345 | 3.473 | 3.886 | A study conducted by Social Management and Cooperation (Gesoc), the Center for the Study of Institutional Governance (CEGI) and the American Institute of Higher Business Management (IPADE), that detects the 33 companies with operations in Mexico. |
CEO ACT!ON For Diversity & Inclusion | CEOAction list | NA | Yes | Yes | CEO-driven business commitment to drive measurable action and meaningful change in advancing diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace |
Ceres Climate & Energy Resolutions 2011 | Click here to see the 3 items available from this source | ||||
Ceres Climate & Energy Resolutions 2011 | Ask | NA | Require supplier(s) to publish annual sustainability reports | NA | Resolutions are part of broader investor efforts encouraging companies to address the full range of environmental, social and governance issues |
Ceres Climate & Energy Resolutions 2011 | 2011 Vote | 2.0% | 2.0% | 92.8% | % of votes, the resolutions are filed by some of the nation’s largest public pension funds, foundations, and religious, labor and socially responsible investors |
Ceres Climate & Energy Resolutions 2011 | Rating | omitted | filed | withdrawn | Shareholder resolutions filed by our investor network participants on sustainability-related issues that companies are facing |
Ceres Climate & Energy Resolutions 2015 | Click here to see the 6 items available from this source | ||||
Ceres Climate & Energy Resolutions 2015 | Rating | Omitted | Voted | Withdrawn; Company will address | Shareholder resolutions filed by our investor network participants on sustainability-related issues that companies are facing |
Ceres Climate & Energy Resolutions 2015 | Resolution Summary | NA | Set goals to reduce GHGs for maritime shipping | NA | Sustainability-related issues that companies are facing, focusing on climate change, energy, water scarcity, and sustainability reporting |
Ceres Climate & Energy Resolutions 2015 | Filer | NA | Mary Pat Tifft | NA | Who filed the resolution? |
Ceres Climate & Energy Resolutions 2015 | Sector | NA | Retail | NA | The company's sector |
Ceres Climate & Energy Resolutions 2015 | Vote | 98.9 | 35.8 | 1.8 | % of votes, the resolutions are filed by some of the nation’s largest public pension funds, foundations, and religious, labor and socially responsible investors |
Ceres Climate & Energy Resolutions 2015 | Issues | NA | Climate Change;Greenhouse Gas Emissions;Supply Chain | NA | Resolutions are part of broader investor efforts encouraging companies to address the full range of environmental, social and governance issues |
Ceres Climate & Energy Resolutions 2018 | Rating | NA | Yes | Yes | Shareholder resolutions filed by our investor network participants on sustainability-related issues that companies are facing. |
Ceres Resolutions 2019 | Rating | NA | Yes | Yes | Shareholder resolutions filed by our investor network participants on sustainability-related issues that companies are facing. |
Ceres Resolutions 2020 | Rating | NA | Yes | Yes | Shareholder resolutions filed by our investor network participants on sustainability-related issues that companies are facing. |
Ceres Resolutions 2025 | Rating | NA | Yes | Yes | Shareholder resolutions filed by our investor network participants on sustainability-related issues that companies are facing. |
Corporate Human Rights Benchmark 2018 | CHRD Rating | 0.0 | 23.8 | 87.0 | NA |
Corporate Human Rights Benchmark 2019 | CHRD Rating | 0.0 | 22.7 | 83.3 | NA |
Corporate Human Rights Benchmark 2020 | CHRD Rating | 0.0 | 9.5 | 25.0 | NA |
Corporate Human Rights Benchmark 2022 | CHRD Rating | 0.0 | 9.5 | 25.0 | NA |
Corporate Human Rights Benchmark 2023 | CHRD Rating | 0.0 | 18.5 | 65.9 | NA |
Corporate Information Transparency Index (CITI) | Click here to see the 22 items available from this source | ||||
Corporate Information Transparency Index (CITI) | Establish Screening | NA | 1 | NA | NA |
Corporate Information Transparency Index (CITI) | Responsible management of solid waste | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
Corporate Information Transparency Index (CITI) | Responsible management of chemical and raw material suppliers | NA | 1 | NA | NA |
Corporate Information Transparency Index (CITI) | Rank | 684 | 99 | 1 | NA |
Corporate Information Transparency Index (CITI) | Responsible management of logistic supplier | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
Corporate Information Transparency Index (CITI) | Energy and Climate | 0.0 | 3.0 | 9.0 | NA |
Corporate Information Transparency Index (CITI) | Push Suppliers to Take Corrective Actions | 0.0 | 2.0 | 9.0 | NA |
Corporate Information Transparency Index (CITI) | Respond to Enquiries and Engage with Public | 0.0 | 2.0 | 10.0 | NA |
Corporate Information Transparency Index (CITI) | Total Score | 0.0 | 10.0 | 89.0 | NA |
Corporate Information Transparency Index (CITI) | Responsible Wastewater Management | 0.0 | 0.0 | 7.0 | NA |
Corporate Information Transparency Index (CITI) | Promote Supply Chain Transparency | 0.0 | 1.0 | 8.0 | NA |
Corporate Information Transparency Index (CITI) | Industry | NA | Toy,Retailers | NA | NA |
Corporate Information Transparency Index (CITI) | Establish Screening Mechanism | 0.0 | 4.0 | 9.0 | NA |
Corporate Information Transparency Index (CITI) | Push suppliers to disclose energy and climate data | NA | 10 | NA | NA |
Corporate Information Transparency Index (CITI) | Supplier self-management | NA | 1 | NA | NA |
Corporate Information Transparency Index (CITI) | Push suppliers to disclose pollutant release and transfer data | 0.0 | 2.0 | 4.0 | NA |
Corporate Information Transparency Index (CITI) | Pollutant Release and Transfer | 0.0 | 0.0 | 9.0 | NA |
Corporate Information Transparency Index (CITI) | Responsible management of wastewater | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
Corporate Information Transparency Index (CITI) | Identify and Manage main Polluting Sectors | 0.0 | 0.0 | 6.5 | NA |
Corporate Information Transparency Index (CITI) | Screen Upstream Suppliers | 0.0 | 0.0 | 7.5 | NA |
Corporate Information Transparency Index (CITI) | Promote Public Green Choice | 0.0 | 4.0 | 4.0 | NA |
Corporate Information Transparency Index (CITI) | Direct the public attention to the environmental performance of Chinese suppliers | 0.0 | 0.0 | 4.0 | NA |
Climate Registry | List of companies that have voluntarily committed to CR guidelines | NA | Yes | Yes | The Climate Registry is a nonprofit collaboration among North American states, provinces, territories and Native Sovereign Nations that sets consistent and transparent standards to calculate, verify and publicly report greenhouse gas emissions into a single registry. The Registry supports both voluntary and mandatory reporting programs and provides comprehensive, accurate data to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. |
Corporate Register | Corporate Report Count | 1 | 6 | 34 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | Click here to see the 82 items available from this source | ||||
The Center for Political Accountability | percentage | 0.0 | 27.14 | 100.0 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 18. Board committee reviews political expenditures? Revised 2017 | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 11. Policy to give only through PAC contributions? | NA | N | NA | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 8. Disclose senior managers who have final authority? | 0 | 1 | 2 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | Does the company publicly disclose an archive of each political expenditure report, including all direct and/or indirect contributions, for each year since the company began disclosing the information (or at least for the past five years) | 0 | 0 | 4 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 13. Describe proper recipients? | 0 | 1 | 2 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 11. Policy to give only through PAC contributions? Revised 2017 | NA | No | NA | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | Does the company publicly disclose payments to other tax-exempt organizations, such as 501(c)(4)s, that the recipient may use for political purposes | 0 | 0 | 6 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | Raw Total | 0 | 15 | 70 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 24. disclose process for or affirmative statement on compliance? | 0 | 0 | 2 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 17. Board committee that reviews policy? Revised 2017 | NA | No | NA | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 12. Policy contributions will promote the interests of the company, without regard for executives? Revised 2017 | NA | No | NA | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | Compliance/Oversight (Percent of Max 28 points) | 0 | 28 | 100 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | Does the company publicly describe the types of entities considered to be proper recipients of the company’s political spending | 0 | 0 | 2 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 21. Board committee, composed entirely of outside directors? | 0 | 2 | 2 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 7. Disclose ballot measures payments? | 0 | 0 | 4 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | Does the company post on its website a detailed report of its political spending with corporate funds semiannually | 0 | 0 | 4 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | Does the company publicly disclose payments to 527 groups, such as governors associations and super PACs, including recipient names and amounts given | 0 | 0 | 4 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 6. Disclose payments made by trade associations or other? Revised 2017 | NA | No | NA | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | Does the company publicly disclose corporate contributions to political candidates, parties and committees, including recipient names and amounts given | 0 | 0 | 4 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 4. Disclose payments to trade associations? Revised 2017 | NA | No | NA | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | Does the company have a publicly available policy that the board of directors regularly oversees the company’s corporate political activity | 0 | 0 | 2 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 15. Requires senior managers to have final authority? Revised 2017 | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 1. Disclose contributions to candidates, parties and committees? Revised 2017 | NA | No | NA | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | Grand Total (Percent of Max 69 points) | 0 | 6 | 100 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | Does the company have a specified board committee that reviews the company’s political expenditures made with corporate funds | 0 | 0 | 2 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | Does the company publicly disclose the company’s senior managers (by position/title of the individuals involved) who have final authority over the company’s political spending decisions | 0 | 0 | 2 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 5. Disclose payments to other tax-exempt, 501(c)(4)s? | 0 | 0 | 6 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 24. disclose process for or affirmative statement on compliance? Revised 2017 | NA | No | NA | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 3. Disclose independent political expenditures ? | 0 | 0 | 4 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 2. Disclose payments to 527 groups? Revised 2017 | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | Does the company have a specified board committee, composed entirely of outside directors, that oversees its political activity | 0 | 0 | 2 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | Does the company have a publicly available policy stating that all of its contributions will promote the interests of the company and will be made without regard for the private political preferences of executives | 0 | 0 | 2 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 23. dedicated political disclosure web page? | 0 | 0 | 2 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 13. Describe proper recipients? Revised 2017 | NA | No | NA | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 7. Disclose ballot measures payments? Revised 2017 | NA | No | NA | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | Does the company publicly disclose independent political expenditures made in direct support of or opposition to a campaign, including recipient names and amounts given | 0 | 0 | 4 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 20. Board committee approves political expenditures? Revised 2017 | NA | No | NA | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 5. Disclose payments to other tax-exempt, 501(c)(4)s? Revised 2017 | NA | No | NA | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | Does the company have a public policy requiring senior managers to oversee and have final authority over all of the company’s political spending | 0 | 0 | 2 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 10. Disclose a detailed policy? Revised 2017 | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 16. Board of directors regularly oversees? | 0 | 2 | 2 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 2. Disclose payments to 527 groups? | 0 | 0 | 4 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 6. Disclose payments made by trade associations or other? | 0 | 0 | 2 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | Does the company publicly disclose payments made to influence the outcome of ballot measures, including recipient names and amounts given | 0 | 0 | 4 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | Does the company have a specified board committee that reviews the company’s payments to trade associations and other tax-exempt organizations that may be used for political purposes | 0 | 0 | 2 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 19. Board committee reviews trade associations and other? Revised 2017 | NA | No | NA | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | Does the company make available a dedicated political disclosure web page found through search or accessible within three mouse-clicks from homepage | 0 | 0 | 2 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 22. Report its political spending semiannually? Revised 2017 | NA | No | NA | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | raw score | 0 | 19 | 68 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 14. Describe its public policy positions? | 0 | 0 | 2 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 21. Board committee, composed entirely of outside directors? Revised 2017 | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 18. Board committee reviews political expenditures? | 0 | 0 | 2 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | Score | 0 | 47 | 100 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | Does the company have a specified board committee that reviews the company’s policy on political expenditures | 0 | 0 | 2 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 17. Board committee that reviews policy? | 0 | 1 | 2 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | Does the company disclose a detailed policy governing its political expenditures from corporate funds | 0 | 0 | 6 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | Does the company have a publicly available policy permitting political contributions only through voluntary employee-funded PAC contributions | N | N | Y | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 20. Board committee approves political expenditures? | 0 | 0 | 2 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | Does the company publicly describe its public policy positions that become the basis for its spending decisions with corporate funds | 0 | 0 | 2 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 10. Disclose a detailed policy? | 0 | 3 | 6 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | Does the company publicly disclose a list of the amounts and recipients of payments made by trade associations or other tax exempt organizations of which the company is either a member or donor | 0 | 0 | 2 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 19. Board committee reviews trade associations and other? | 0 | 0 | 2 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 8. Disclose senior managers who have final authority? Revised 2017 | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 4. Disclose payments to trade associations? | 0 | 0 | 6 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 23. dedicated political disclosure web page? Revised 2017 | NA | Partial | NA | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 3. Disclose independent political expenditures ? Revised 2017 | NA | No | NA | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | Policies (Percent of Max 18 points) | 0 | 75 | 100 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 22. Report its political spending semiannually? | 0 | 0 | 4 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 15. Requires senior managers to have final authority? | 0 | 1 | 2 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 9. Disclose an archive? Revised 2017 | NA | No | NA | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | Index Score | 0.0 | 47.1 | 100.0 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | Does the company have a specified board committee that approves political expenditures from corporate funds | 0 | 0 | 2 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | Score (100%) | 0 | 21.4286 | 100 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 9. Disclose an archive? | 0 | 0 | 4 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 16. Board of directors regularly oversees? Revised 2017 | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | Does the company disclose an internal process for or an affirmative statement on ensuring compliance with its political spending policy | 0 | 0 | 2 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 12. Policy contributions will promote the interests of the company, without regard for executives? | 0 | 0 | 2 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | Disclosure (Percent of Max 23 points) | 0 | 17 | 100 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 1. Disclose contributions to candidates, parties and committees? | 0 | 0 | 4 | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | 14. Describe its public policy positions? Revised 2017 | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
The Center for Political Accountability | Does the company publicly disclose payments to trade associations that the recipient organization may use for political purposes | 0 | 0 | 6 | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2015 | Click here to see the 26 items available from this source | ||||
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2015 | Does the company have a specified board committee that reviews the company’s payments to trade associations and other tax-exempt organizations that may be used for political purposes | NA | 1 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2015 | Does the company have a publicly available policy permitting political contributions only through voluntary employeefunded PAC contributions | NA | N | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2015 | Does the company have a specified board committee, composed entirely of outside directors, that oversees its political activity | NA | 2 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2015 | Does the company publicly disclose corporate contributions to political candidates, parties and committees, including recipient names and amounts given | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2015 | Does the company publicly describe the types of entities considered to be proper recipients of the company’s political spending | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2015 | Does the company have a specified board committee that reviews the company’s policy on political expenditures | NA | 2 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2015 | Does the company publicly disclose independent political expenditures made in direct support of or opposition to a campaign, including recipient names and amounts given | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2015 | Does the company have a specified board committee that reviews the company’s political expenditures made with corporate funds | NA | 1 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2015 | Total Score | NA | 15 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2015 | Does the company publicly disclose a list of the amounts and recipients of payments made by trade associations or other tax exempt organizations of which the company is either a member or donor | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2015 | Score (100%) | NA | 21.4 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2015 | Does the company disclose a detailed policy governing its political expenditures from corporate funds | NA | 3 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2015 | Does the company make available a dedicated political disclosure web page found through search or accessible within three mouse-clicks from homepage | NA | 1 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2015 | Does the company disclose an internal process for or an affirmative statement on ensuring compliance with its political spending policy | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2015 | Does the company publicly describe its public policy positions that become the basis for its spending decisions with corporate funds | NA | 1 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2015 | Does the company publicly disclose payments made to influence the outcome of ballot measures, including recipient names and amounts given | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2015 | Does the company post on its website a detailed report of its political spending with corporate funds semiannually | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2015 | Does the company have a public policy requiring senior managers to oversee and have final authority over all of the company’s political spending | NA | 1 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2015 | Does the company publicly disclose payments to 527 groups, such as governors associations and super PACs, including recipient names and amounts given | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2015 | Does the company have a publicly available policy that the board of directors regularly oversees the company’s corporate political activity | NA | 2 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2015 | Does the company have a publicly available policy stating that all of its contributions will promote the interests of the company and will be made without regard for the private political preferences of executives | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2015 | Does the company publicly disclose the company’s senior managers (by position/title of the individuals involved) who have final authority over the company’s political spending decisions | NA | 1 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2015 | Does the company publicly disclose an archive of each political expenditure report, including all direct and/or indirect contributions, for each year since the company began disclosing the information (or at least for the past five years) | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2015 | Does the company publicly disclose payments to other tax-exempt organizations, such as 501(c)(4)s, that the recipient may use for political purposes | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2015 | Does the company have a specified board committee that approves political expenditures from corporate funds | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2015 | Does the company publicly disclose payments to trade associations that the recipient organization may use for political purposes | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2016 | Click here to see the 26 items available from this source | ||||
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2016 | Does the company disclose a detailed policy governing its political expenditures from corporate funds | NA | 3 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2016 | Does the company publicly disclose the company’s senior managers (by position/title of the individuals involved) who have final authority over the company’s political spending decisions | NA | 1 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2016 | Does the company publicly disclose payments to 527 groups, such as governors associations and super PACs, including recipient names and amounts given | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2016 | Does the company disclose an internal process for or an affirmative statement on ensuring compliance with its political spending policy | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2016 | Does the company publicly disclose payments made to influence the outcome of ballot measures, including recipient names and amounts given | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2016 | Does the company have a publicly available policy permitting political contributions only through voluntary employeefunded PAC contributions | NA | N | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2016 | Does the company publicly describe its public policy positions that become the basis for its spending decisions with corporate funds | NA | 2 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2016 | Does the company make available a dedicated political disclosure web page found through search or accessible within three mouse-clicks from homepage | NA | 1 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2016 | Does the company have a specified board committee, composed entirely of outside directors, that oversees its political activity | NA | 2 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2016 | Score (100%) | NA | 21.4 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2016 | Total Score | NA | 15 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2016 | Does the company publicly disclose an archive of each political expenditure report, including all direct and/or indirect contributions, for each year since the company began disclosing the information (or at least for the past five years) | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2016 | Does the company publicly disclose corporate contributions to political candidates, parties and committees, including recipient names and amounts given | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2016 | Does the company have a publicly available policy stating that all of its contributions will promote the interests of the company and will be made without regard for the private political preferences of executives | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2016 | Does the company publicly describe the types of entities considered to be proper recipients of the company’s political spending | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2016 | Does the company have a specified board committee that reviews the company’s policy on political expenditures | NA | 2 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2016 | Does the company have a publicly available policy that the board of directors regularly oversees the company’s corporate political activity | NA | 2 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2016 | Does the company publicly disclose a list of the amounts and recipients of payments made by trade associations or other tax exempt organizations of which the company is either a member or donor | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2016 | Does the company publicly disclose payments to trade associations that the recipient organization may use for political purposes | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2016 | Does the company post on its website a detailed report of its political spending with corporate funds semiannually | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2016 | Does the company publicly disclose payments to other tax-exempt organizations, such as 501(c)(4)s, that the recipient may use for political purposes | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2016 | Does the company publicly disclose independent political expenditures made in direct support of or opposition to a campaign, including recipient names and amounts given | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2016 | Does the company have a public policy requiring senior managers to oversee and have final authority over all of the company’s political spending | NA | 1 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2016 | Does the company have a specified board committee that approves political expenditures from corporate funds | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2016 | Does the company have a specified board committee that reviews the company’s payments to trade associations and other tax-exempt organizations that may be used for political purposes | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2016 | Does the company have a specified board committee that reviews the company’s political expenditures made with corporate funds | NA | 1 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2018 | Click here to see the 20 items available from this source | ||||
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2018 | Does the company publicly disclose an archive of each political expenditure report, including all direct and/or indirect contributions, for each year since the company began disclosing the information (or at least for the past five years) | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2018 | Does the company publicly disclose corporate contributions to political candidates, parties and committees, including recipient names and amounts given | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2018 | Does the company have a specified board committee, composed entirely of outside directors, that oversees its political activity | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2018 | Does the company have a public policy requiring senior managers to oversee and have final authority over all of the company’s political spending | NA | 2 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2018 | Does the company have a specified board committee that reviews the company’s political expenditures made with corporate funds | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2018 | Does the company publicly describe the types of entities considered to be proper recipients of the company’s political spending | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2018 | Does the company publicly disclose the company’s senior managers (by position/title of the individuals involved) who have final authority over the company’s political spending decisions | NA | 2 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2018 | Does the company disclose a detailed policy governing its political expenditures from corporate funds | NA | 6 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2018 | Score (100%) | NA | 27.1 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2018 | Does the company post on its website a detailed report of its political spending with corporate funds semiannually | NA | 2 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2018 | Does the company publicly disclose payments to trade associations that the recipient organization may use for political purposes | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2018 | Does the company publicly describe its public policy positions that become the basis for its spending decisions with corporate funds | NA | 2 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2018 | Does the company publicly disclose independent political expenditures made in direct support of or opposition to a campaign, including recipient names and amounts given | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2018 | Does the company have a specified board committee that reviews the company’s policy on political expenditures | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2018 | Total Score | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2018 | Does the company have a specified board committee that reviews the company’s payments to trade associations and other tax-exempt organizations that may be used for political purposes | NA | 2 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2018 | Does the company have a publicly available policy stating that all of its contributions will promote the interests of the company and will be made without regard for the private political preferences of executives | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2018 | Does the company publicly disclose payments to 527 groups, such as governors associations and super PACs, including recipient names and amounts given | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2018 | Does the company publicly disclose payments made to influence the outcome of ballot measures, including recipient names and amounts given | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2018 | Does the company have a specified board committee that approves political expenditures from corporate funds | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2019 | Click here to see the 25 items available from this source | ||||
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2019 | Does the company have a publicly available policy permitting political contributions only through voluntary employeefunded PAC contributions | No | No | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2019 | Does the company publicly disclose payments to other tax-exempt organizations, such as 501(c)(4)s, that the recipient may use for political purposes | No | No | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2019 | Does the company have a specified board committee that reviews the company’s payments to trade associations and other tax-exempt organizations that may be used for political purposes | No | Partial | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2019 | Does the company have a specified board committee that reviews the company’s political expenditures made with corporate funds | No | Partial | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2019 | Does the company have a specified board committee, composed entirely of outside directors, that oversees its political activity | No | Yes | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2019 | Does the company publicly disclose an archive of each political expenditure report, including all direct and/or indirect contributions, for each year since the company began disclosing the information (or at least for the past five years) | No | No | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2019 | Does the company have a publicly available policy that the board of directors regularly oversees the company’s corporate political activity | No | Yes | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2019 | Does the company publicly describe its public policy positions that become the basis for its spending decisions with corporate funds | No | No | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2019 | Does the company publicly disclose payments to trade associations that the recipient organization may use for political purposes | No | No | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2019 | Does the company have a specified board committee that reviews the company’s policy on political expenditures | No | Partial | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2019 | Does the company publicly disclose independent political expenditures made in direct support of or opposition to a campaign, including recipient names and amounts given | No | No | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2019 | Does the company publicly disclose payments made to influence the outcome of ballot measures, including recipient names and amounts given | No | No | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2019 | Does the company post on its website a detailed report of its political spending with corporate funds semiannually | No | No | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2019 | Does the company publicly disclose the company’s senior managers (by position/title of the individuals involved) who have final authority over the company’s political spending decisions | No | Yes | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2019 | Does the company publicly disclose a list of the amounts and recipients of payments made by trade associations or other tax exempt organizations of which the company is either a member or donor | No | No | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2019 | Does the company disclose an internal process for or an affirmative statement on ensuring compliance with its political spending policy | No | No | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2019 | Does the company publicly describe the types of entities considered to be proper recipients of the company’s political spending | No | No | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2019 | Does the company make available a dedicated political disclosure web page found through search or accessible within three mouse-clicks from homepage | No | Partial | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2019 | Does the company disclose a detailed policy governing its political expenditures from corporate funds | No | Yes | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2019 | Does the company publicly disclose corporate contributions to political candidates, parties and committees, including recipient names and amounts given | No | No | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2019 | Does the company publicly disclose payments to 527 groups, such as governors associations and super PACs, including recipient names and amounts given | No | No | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2019 | Does the company have a publicly available policy stating that all of its contributions will promote the interests of the company and will be made without regard for the private political preferences of executives | No | No | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2019 | Does the company have a specified board committee that approves political expenditures from corporate funds | No | Partial | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2019 | Score (100%) | 0 | 27.1429 | 100 | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2019 | Does the company have a public policy requiring senior managers to oversee and have final authority over all of the company’s political spending | No | Yes | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2020 | Click here to see the 25 items available from this source | ||||
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2020 | Does the company publicly disclose payments to trade associations that the recipient organization may use for political purposes | No | No | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2020 | Does the company publicly disclose payments to 527 groups, such as governors associations and super PACs, including recipient names and amounts given | No | No | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2020 | Does the company publicly disclose an archive of each political expenditure report, including all direct and/or indirect contributions, for each year since the company began disclosing the information (or at least for the past five years) | No | No | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2020 | Does the company have a publicly available policy permitting political contributions only through voluntary employee-funded PAC contributions | No | No | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2020 | Does the company publicly describe the types of entities considered to be proper recipients of the company’s political spending | No | No | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2020 | Does the company publicly disclose a list of the amounts and recipients of payments made by trade associations or other tax exempt organizations of which the company is either a member or donor | No | No | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2020 | Does the company disclose an internal process for or an affirmative statement on ensuring compliance with its political spending policy | No | No | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2020 | Does the company have a publicly available policy that the board of directors regularly oversees the company’s corporate political activity | No | Yes | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2020 | Does the company disclose a detailed policy governing its political expenditures from corporate funds | No | Yes | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2020 | Does the company have a specified board committee that reviews the company’s policy on political expenditures | No | Partial | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2020 | Does the company post on its website a detailed report of its political spending with corporate funds semiannually | No | No | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2020 | Score (%) | 0 | 27 | 100 | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2020 | Does the company publicly disclose independent political expenditures made in direct support of or opposition to a campaign, including recipient names and amounts given | No | No | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2020 | Does the company have a specified board committee, composed entirely of outside directors, that oversees its political activity | No | Yes | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2020 | Does the company have a specified board committee that reviews the company’s political expenditures made with corporate funds | No | Partial | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2020 | Does the company make available a dedicated political disclosure web page found through search or accessible within three mouse-clicks from homepage | No | Partial | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2020 | Does the company have a specified board committee that reviews the company’s payments to trade associations and other tax-exempt organizations that may be used for political purposes | No | Partial | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2020 | Does the company publicly disclose corporate contributions to political candidates, parties and committees, including recipient names and amounts given | No | No | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2020 | Does the company have a public policy requiring senior managers to oversee and have final authority over all of the company’s political spending | No | Yes | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2020 | Does the company publicly describe its public policy positions that become the basis for its spending decisions with corporate funds | No | No | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2020 | Does the company publicly disclose payments to other tax-exempt organizations, such as 501(c)(4)s, that the recipient may use for political purposes | No | No | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2020 | Does the company publicly disclose payments made to influence the outcome of ballot measures, including recipient names and amounts given | No | No | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2020 | Does the company have a specified board committee that approves political expenditures from corporate funds | No | Partial | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2020 | Does the company publicly disclose the company’s senior managers (by position/title of the individuals involved) who have final authority over the company’s political spending decisions | No | Yes | Yes | NA |
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2020 | Does the company have a publicly available policy stating that all of its contributions will promote the interests of the company and will be made without regard for the private political preferences of executives | No | No | Yes | NA |
CR’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2010 | Click here to see the 9 items available from this source | ||||
CR’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2010 | Employee Relations | 750 | NA | 1 | NA |
CR’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2010 | Financial Risk | 254 | NA | 1 | NA |
CR’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2010 | Weighted Average Score | 50 | NA | 300 | NA |
CR’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2010 | Climate Change Rank | 100 | 135 | 1 | NA |
CR’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2010 | Philanthropy Rank | 100 | 1 | 1 | NA |
CR’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2010 | Human Rights Rank | 100 | 9 | 1 | NA |
CR’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2010 | Environmental Rank | 100 | 96 | 1 | NA |
CR’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2010 | Corporate Governance Rank | 100 | NA | 1 | NA |
CR’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2010 | Rank | 100 | 21 | 1 | NA |
CR’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2011 | Click here to see the 9 items available from this source | ||||
CR’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2011 | Weighted Average Score | 176.5 | 172.7 | 46.2 | NA |
CR’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2011 | Corporate Governance Rank | 913 | 248 | 1 | NA |
CR’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2011 | Climate Change Rank | 352 | 46 | 1 | NA |
CR’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2011 | Rank | 100 | 95 | 1 | NA |
CR’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2011 | Environmental Rank | 276 | 185 | 1 | NA |
CR’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2011 | Financial Risk | 968 | 127 | 1 | NA |
CR’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2011 | Human Rights Rank | 236 | 236 | 1 | NA |
CR’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2011 | Philanthropy Rank | 492 | 82 | 1 | NA |
CR’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2011 | Employee Relations | 330 | 260 | 1 | NA |
3BL Media 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2020 | Click here to see the 2 items available from this source | ||||
3BL Media 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2020 | HUMAN RIGHTS (ABSOLUTE) | NA | 50.42 | NA | QualityScore : Social : Human Rights |
3BL Media 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2020 | Top 100? (Rank or NA) | 100 | NA | 1 | NA |
3BL Media 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2021 | Click here to see the 2 items available from this source | ||||
3BL Media 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2021 | Rank | 100 | 75 | 1 | A place in the ranking. |
3BL Media 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2021 | Overall Weighted Score | 71.51 | 73.92 | 91.66 | NA |
3BL Media 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2024 | Rank | 94 | 99 | 1 | NA |
Div50 2010 | Div50 2010 | 50 | 4 | 1 | Rank on a list of companies selected as the most diverse by Diversity Business. |
Div50 2009 | Div50 2009 | 50 | 7 | 1 | Rank on a list of companies selected as the most diverse by Diversity Business. |
Div50 2011 | Div50 2011 | 50 | 1 | 1 | Rank on a list of companies selected as the most diverse by Diversity Business. |
Div50 2012 | Div50 2012 | 50 | 2 | 1 | Rank on a list of companies selected as the most diverse by Diversity Business. |
Div50 2013 | Div50 2013 | 50 | 1 | 1 | Rank on a list of companies selected as the most diverse by Diversity Business. |
Div50 2014 | Div50 2014 | 50 | 2 | 1 | Rank on a list of companies selected as the most diverse by Diversity Business. |
Div50 2015 | Div50 2015 | 50 | 2 | 1 | Rank on a list of companies selected as the most diverse by Diversity Business. |
Div50 2016 | Div50 2016 | NA | 1 | NA | Rank on a list of companies selected as the most diverse by Diversity Business. |
Diversity, Inc. Top 50 2019 | Diversity Inc Top 50 2019 | 50 | 34 | 1 | Rank in the top fifty companies for diversity from Diversity Inc. |
Diversity, Inc. Top 50 2020 | Diversity Inc Top 50 2020 | 50 | 32 | 1 | Rank in the top fifty companies for diversity from Diversity Inc. |
Diversity, Inc. Top 50 2021 | Diversity Inc Top 50 2021 | NA | 22 | Yes | Rank in the top fifty companies for diversity from Diversity Inc. |
Diversity, Inc. Top 50 2022 | Diversity Inc Top 50 2022 | 50 | 26 | 1 | Rank in the top fifty companies for diversity from Diversity Inc. |
Diversity, Inc. Top 50 2023 | Diversity Inc Top 50 2023 | 50 | 17 | 1 | Rank in the top fifty companies for diversity from Diversity Inc. |
Diversity, Inc. Top 50 2024 | Diversity Inc Top 50 2024 | NA | 18 | Yes | Rank in the top fifty companies for diversity from Diversity Inc. |
Dow Jones Sustainability North America Index | Dow Jones Sustainability Index North America | NA | Yes | NA | A benchmark for North American sustainability investments. |
Diversity MBA Magazine Top 50 2010 | 50 Out Front Companies For Diverse Managers To Work | 50 | 10 | 1 | The goal of the 2010 Top 50 Companies for Diverse Managers to Work was to identify U.S.-based companies that seek to hire people of color and women managers because of the value they bring to the business. |
EDF Climate Corps 2014 | EDF Climate Corps 2014 | NA | Yes | Yes | Participated during 2013 |
EDF Climate Corps 2015 | EDF Climate Corps 2015 | NA | Yes | Yes | Participated during 2015 |
EDF Climate Corps 2021 | EDF Climate Corps 2021 | NA | Yes | Yes | Participated during 2021 |
EDF Climate Corps 2022 | EDF Climate Corps 2022 | NA | Yes | Yes | Participated during 2022 |
EDF Climate Corps 2023 | EDF Climate Corps 2023 | NA | Yes | NA | Participated during 2022 |
EDF Climate Corps 2024 | EDF Climate Corps 2024 | NA | Yes | Yes | Participated during 2024 |
Responsible Business Alliance | Member of the Responsible Business Alliance | NA | Yes | Yes | RBA Code of Conduct provides guidance in five critical areas of CSR performance: Labor, Health and Safety, Environment, Management System, and Ethics. |
Environmental Investment Organisation | Click here to see the 15 items available from this source | ||||
Environmental Investment Organisation | No. of Scope 3 Categories Reported | 1 | 0 | 15 | This column indicates the number of Scope 3 Categories reported. Once placed into one of the four Disclosure Categories, companies are ranked by the number of Scope 3 categories disclosed. |
Environmental Investment Organisation | Global 800 Carbon Rank | 800 | 722 | 1 | Carbon Ranking of 800 international companies. Ranking is determined by EIO Methodology. See Source Info sheet for comments on it |
Environmental Investment Organisation | Accepted or Inferred Scope 3 Intensity | 8547.1 | 2475.0 | 64.5 | Unless the company reports all 15 Scope 3 categories as defined by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard, an inferred figure based on the highest reported intensity for that sector, across the Global ET Universe, is shown |
Environmental Investment Organisation | North America 300 Carbon Rank | 300 | 148 | 1 | Carbon Ranking of North American companies. Ranking is determined by EIO Methodology. See Source Info sheet for comments on it |
Environmental Investment Organisation | Scope 3 Disclosure Leader Award | No | No | Yes | ET Scope 3 Disclosure Leaders. For 2011, this award has been given to comapnies disclosing five or more Scope 3 categories as defined by the Greenhous Gas protocol |
Environmental Investment Organisation | Scope 1+2 Intensity | 11162 | 143 | 0 | Intensity is calculated by adding together a company's Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions and dividing by its turnover. |
Environmental Investment Organisation | Scope 3 Benchmark Company | No | No | Yes | Scope 3 Benchmark Companies. Reported figures of benchmark companies act as inferred values. These figures are the highest reported Scope 3 carbon intensity for that industy sector. |
Environmental Investment Organisation | Reported Scope 3 Intensity | 8547.1 | 0.0 | 0.0 | Scope 3 Intensity is calculated by dividing the Reported Scope 3 figure by the company's turnover. Where no Scope 3 is reported, this is recorded as "No Data" |
Environmental Investment Organisation | Scope 1 & 2 Benchmark Company | No | No | Yes | Scope 1 & 2 Benchmark Companies. These companies act as benchmarks to derive inferred values; the values are the highest reported carbon intensity for that industy sector. |
Environmental Investment Organisation | Combined Scope 1+2+3 Intensity | 12161.7 | 1380.2 | 34.2 | Combined Scope 1+2_3 Intensity is calculated by adding together a company's Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions at 100% (disclosed or inferred) + 50% of Scope 3 emissions (disclosed or inferred). |
Environmental Investment Organisation | Reported Scope 3 Total (tCO2e) | 670000000 | 0 | 0 | Indicated the total reported Scope 3 (all other indirect emissions) of the company in metric tonnes of CO2 equivalent (tCO2e) as defined by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Where no Scope 3 emissions are reported, this is recorded as "No Data" |
Environmental Investment Organisation | Carbon Ranking | NA | 609 | NA | Carbon Ranking by EIO |
Environmental Investment Organisation | Reported Scope 1+2 Total (tCO2e) | 282000000 | 0 | 843 | The total reported Scope 1 (all direct emissions) and Scope 2 (indirect electricity emissions) of the company in metric tonnes of CO2 equivalent (tCO2e) as defined by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol |
Environmental Investment Organisation | Market Value ($Million) | 1667.9 | 228245.0 | 358143.1 | A company's market value, or market capitalism (number of shares times x share price). This value was taken on 23.08.2011 |
Environmental Investment Organisation | Category | No Public Data | Red | Public, Complete, and Verified data | Companies are placed into one of four data or 'disclosure' categories: 1) Public, Complete, and Verified data; 2) Public, Complete, and Unverified data; 3) Public, Incomplete, Verified or Unverified data; 4) No Public Data |
EPA Green Power Partners List | Click here to see the 7 items available from this source | ||||
EPA Green Power Partners List | Annual Green Power Usage (kWh) | 105 | 5322549000 | 2718227534 | EPA's Green Power Partner state |
EPA Green Power Partners List | State | NA | AR | NA | EPA's Green Power Partner state |
EPA Green Power Partners List | Industry | NA | Retail | NA | EPA's Green Power Partner Industry |
EPA Green Power Partners List | Partner Since | NA | 4/7/2009 | NA | EPA's Green Power Partner Since |
EPA Green Power Partners List | GP % of Total Electricity Use | 0.05 | 28.82 | 3.91 | EPA's Green Power Partner GP % of Total Electricity Use |
EPA Green Power Partners List | GPP Profile Page | NA | | NA | EPA's Green Power Partner state |
EPA Green Power Partners List | Green Power Resources | 1 | 2 | 2 | EPA's Green Power Partner state |
EPA Transport Data | Click here to see the 6 items available from this source | ||||
EPA Transport Data | Sum of CO2 gtm metric | NA | 95 | NA | Grams per ton transported mile of carbon dioxide. |
EPA Transport Data | Sum of PM gtm metric | NA | 0.0065 | NA | Grams per ton transported mile of particulate matter. |
EPA Transport Data | Sum of NOx gtm metric | NA | 0.125 | NA | Grams per ton transported mile of nitrogen oxide. |
EPA Transport Data | Sum of PM gm metric | NA | 0.15 | NA | Grams per mile of particular matter. |
EPA Transport Data | Sum of NOx gm metric | NA | 2.5 | NA | Grams per mile of nitrogen oxide. |
EPA Transport Data | Sum of CO2 gm metric | NA | 1700 | NA | Grams per mile of carbon dioxide. |
EPA Transport Data 2015 | Click here to see the 6 items available from this source | ||||
EPA Transport Data 2015 | Sum of NOx gtm metric | 3.85 | 0.0 | 0.0 | Grams per ton transported mile of nitrogen oxide. |
EPA Transport Data 2015 | Sum of NOx gm metric | 66.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | Grams per mile of nitrogen oxide. |
EPA Transport Data 2015 | Sum of PM gtm metric | 0.56 | 0.0 | 0.0 | Grams per ton transported mile of particulate matter. |
EPA Transport Data 2015 | Sum of CO2 gm metric | 10600 | 0 | 0 | Grams per mile of carbon dioxide. |
EPA Transport Data 2015 | Sum of CO2 gtm metric | 722.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 | Grams per ton transported mile of carbon dioxide. |
EPA Transport Data 2015 | Sum of PM gm metric | 4.2 | 0.0 | 0.0 | Grams per mile of particular matter. |
EPA Transport Data 2017 | Click here to see the 6 items available from this source | ||||
EPA Transport Data 2017 | Sum of CO2 gtm metric | 849.0 | 72.0 | 38.5 | Grams per ton transported mile of carbon dioxide. |
EPA Transport Data 2017 | Sum of CO2 gm metric | NA | 1400 | NA | Grams per mile of carbon dioxide. |
EPA Transport Data 2017 | Sum of NOx gm metric | NA | 1 | NA | Grams per mile of nitrogen oxide. |
EPA Transport Data 2017 | Sum of PM gtm metric | 0.1375 | 0.0005 | 0.0003 | Grams per ton transported mile of particulate matter. |
EPA Transport Data 2017 | Sum of NOx gtm metric | 3.875 | 0.085 | 0.06 | Grams per ton transported mile of nitrogen oxide. |
EPA Transport Data 2017 | Sum of PM gm metric | NA | 0.026 | NA | Grams per mile of particular matter. |
EPA Transport Data 2018 | Click here to see the 7 items available from this source | ||||
EPA Transport Data 2018 | Sum of CO2 gm metric | 975 | 1405 | 14135 | NA |
EPA Transport Data 2018 | Average of PM gm bin | 5 | 2 | 1 | NA |
EPA Transport Data 2018 | Sum of PM gm metric | 0 | 0 | 2 | NA |
EPA Transport Data 2018 | Average of CO2 gm bin | 5 | 1 | 1 | NA |
EPA Transport Data 2018 | Sum of NOx gm metric | 1 | 1 | 30 | NA |
EPA Transport Data 2018 | Average of NOx gm bin | 5 | 1 | 1 | NA |
EPA Transport Data 2018 | Number of Facilities | 1 | 1 | 8 | NA |
EPA Transport Data 2019 | Click here to see the 6 items available from this source | ||||
EPA Transport Data 2019 | Sum of PM gm metric | 1.85 | 0.02 | 0.01 | NA |
EPA Transport Data 2019 | Sum of NOx gm metric | 43.5 | 1.3 | 1.2 | NA |
EPA Transport Data 2019 | Sum of CO2 gtm metric | 415.5 | 70.5 | 38.5 | Grams per ton transported mile of carbon dioxide. |
EPA Transport Data 2019 | Sum of PM gtm metric | 0.118 | 0.001 | 0.001 | Grams per ton transported mile of particulate matter. |
EPA Transport Data 2019 | Sum of CO2 gm metric | 15395 | 1385 | 1050 | NA |
EPA Transport Data 2019 | Sum of NOx gtm metric | 3.69 | 0.07 | 0.01 | Grams per ton transported mile of nitrogen oxide. |
EPA Transport Data 2020 | Click here to see the 6 items available from this source | ||||
EPA Transport Data 2020 | Sum of NOx gm metric | 1.15 | 1.4 | 38.84 | NA |
EPA Transport Data 2020 | Sum of NOx gtm metric | 0.06 | 0.09 | 1.85 | Grams per ton transported mile of nitrogen oxide. |
EPA Transport Data 2020 | Sum of CO2 gm metric | 980 | 1550 | 9750 | NA |
EPA Transport Data 2020 | Sum of PM gtm metric | 0.001 | 0.001 | 0.03 | Grams per ton transported mile of particulate matter. |
EPA Transport Data 2020 | Sum of PM gm metric | 0.013 | 0.018 | 0.976 | NA |
EPA Transport Data 2020 | Sum of CO2 gtm metric | 20.7 | 85.5 | 595.0 | Grams per ton transported mile of carbon dioxide. |
EPA Transport Data 2021 | Click here to see the 6 items available from this source | ||||
EPA Transport Data 2021 | Sum of PM gm metric | 0.88 | 0.006 | 0.002 | NA |
EPA Transport Data 2021 | Sum of CO2 gm metric | 13535 | 1450 | 150 | NA |
EPA Transport Data 2021 | Sum of NOx gm metric | 34 | 2 | 1 | NA |
EPA Transport Data 2021 | Sum of PM gtm metric | 0.029 | 0.0 | 0.002 | Grams per ton transported mile of particulate matter. |
EPA Transport Data 2021 | Sum of NOx gtm metric | 1.72 | 0.13 | 0.065 | Grams per ton transported mile of nitrogen oxide. |
EPA Transport Data 2021 | Sum of CO2 gtm metric | 683 | 79 | 21 | Grams per ton transported mile of carbon dioxide. |
EPA Transport Data 2022 | Click here to see the 6 items available from this source | ||||
EPA Transport Data 2022 | Sum of g/tm Nox metric | 0.0742 | 0.1255 | 17.7197 | Grams per ton transported mile of nitrogen oxide. |
EPA Transport Data 2022 | Sum of g/m CO2 metric | 208 | 1366 | 44733 | NA |
EPA Transport Data 2022 | Sum of g/tm CO2 metric | 20.72 | 72.91 | 2369.65 | Grams per ton transported mile of carbon dioxide. |
EPA Transport Data 2022 | Sum of g/m Nox metric | 0.66 | 2.24 | 480.62 | NA |
EPA Transport Data 2022 | Sum of g/tm PM metric | 8.0e-06 | 0.0003 | 0.6052 | Grams per ton transported mile of particulate matter. |
EPA Transport Data 2022 | Sum of g/m PM metric | 0.0014 | 0.0043 | 18.0379 | NA |
Equilar 200 2016 | Click here to see the 4 items available from this source | ||||
Equilar 200 2016 | CHIEF EXECUTIVE (1) | NA | C. Douglas McMillon | NA | The Equilar 200 includes U.S.-based or listed companies with more than $1 billion in revenue that filed proxy statements by April 30, 2016. |
Equilar 200 2016 | TOTAL COMP. (1) | $0 | $0 | $0 | Total compensation includes information disclosed in the Summary Compensation Table of company proxy statements including salary, bonus, stock and options valued at grant date, and other compensation |
Equilar 200 2016 | TOTAL COMP. (2) | $0 | NA | $0 | Total compensation includes information disclosed in the Summary Compensation Table of company proxy statements including salary, bonus, stock and options valued at grant date, and other compensation |
Equilar 200 2016 | CHIEF EXECUTIVE (2) | NA | NA | NA | The Equilar 200 includes U.S.-based or listed companies with more than $1 billion in revenue that filed proxy statements by April 30, 2016. |
Equilar 200 2017 | Click here to see the 2 items available from this source | ||||
Equilar 200 2017 | TOTAL COMP. | $13792002 | $0 | $130211163 | Total compensation includes information disclosed in the Summary Compensation Table of company proxy statements including salary, bonus, stock and options valued at grant date, and other compensation |
Equilar 200 2017 | CHIEF EXECUTIVE | NA | C. Douglas McMillon | NA | The Equilar 200 includes U.S.-based or listed companies with more than $1 billion in revenue that filed proxy statements by April 30, 2017. |
Equilar 200 2018 | Click here to see the 2 items available from this source | ||||
Equilar 200 2018 | TOTAL COMP. | $14513403 | $0 | $49969163 | Total compensation includes information disclosed in the Summary Compensation Table of company proxy statements including salary, bonus, stock and options valued at grant date, and other compensation |
Equilar 200 2018 | CHIEF EXECUTIVE | NA | C. Douglas McMillon | NA | The Equilar 200 includes U.S.-based or listed companies with more than $1 billion in revenue that filed proxy statements by April 30, 2017. |
Equilar 200 2019 | Click here to see the 2 items available from this source | ||||
Equilar 200 2019 | CHIEF EXECUTIVE | NA | C. Douglas McMillon | NA | The Equilar 200 includes U.S.-based or listed companies with more than $1 billion in revenue that filed proxy statements by April 30, 2019. |
Equilar 200 2019 | TOTAL COMP. | $2284044884 | $22527249 | $14513403 | Total compensation includes information disclosed in the Summary Compensation Table of company proxy statements including salary, bonus, stock and options valued at grant date, and other compensation |
Equilar 200 2021 | Click here to see the 2 items available from this source | ||||
Equilar 200 2021 | CHIEF EXECUTIVE | NA | C. Douglas McMillon | NA | The Equilar 200 includes U.S.-based or listed companies with more than $1 billion in revenue that filed proxy statements by April 30, 2021. |
Equilar 200 2021 | TOTAL COMP. | 1 | 21 | 15 | Total compensation includes information disclosed in the Summary Compensation Table of company proxy statements including salary, bonus, stock and options valued at grant date, and other compensation |
Equilar 200 2022 | Click here to see the 2 items available from this source | ||||
Equilar 200 2022 | CHIEF EXECUTIVE | NA | C. Douglas McMillon | NA | The Equilar 200 includes U.S.-based or listed companies with more than $1 billion in revenue that filed proxy statements by April 30, 2022. |
Equilar 200 2022 | TOTAL COMP. | $19171090 | $0 | $180813849 | Total compensation includes information disclosed in the Summary Compensation Table of company proxy statements including salary, bonus, stock and options valued at grant date, and other compensation |
Equilar 100 2023 | Click here to see the 2 items available from this source | ||||
Equilar 100 2023 | CHIEF EXECUTIVE | NA | C. Douglas McMillon | NA | The Equilar 200 includes U.S.-based or listed companies with more than $1 billion in revenue that filed proxy statements by April 30, 2022. |
Equilar 100 2023 | TOTAL COMP. | $22847623 | $0 | $182136137 | Total compensation includes information disclosed in the Summary Compensation Table of company proxy statements including salary, bonus, stock and options valued at grant date, and other compensation |
Equilar 100 2024 | Click here to see the 2 items available from this source | ||||
Equilar 100 2024 | TOTAL COMP. | $198685926 | $0 | $24129317 | Total compensation includes information disclosed in the Summary Compensation Table of company proxy statements including salary, bonus, stock and options valued at grant date, and other compensation |
Equilar 100 2024 | CHIEF EXECUTIVE | NA | C. Douglas McMillon | NA | The Equilar 100 includes U.S.-based or listed companies with more than $1 billion in revenue that filed proxy statements by April 30, 2024. |
Equal Opportunity 2010 | Equal Opportunity top 50 companies 2010 | 50 | 6 | 1 | Rank on the Equal Opportunity 2010 List. |
Equal Opportunity 2009 | Equal Opportunity top 50 companies 2009 | 50 | 25 | 1 | Rank on the Equal Opportunity 2009 List. |
Equal Opportunity 2011 | Equal Opportunity top 50 companies 2011 | 50 | 13 | 1 | Rank on the Equal Opportunity 2011 List. |
Equal Opportunity 2017 | Equal Opportunity top 50 companies 2017 | NA | 16 | NA | Rank on the Equal Opportunity 2017 List. |
Equal Opportunity 2018 | Equal Opportunity top 50 companies 2018 | 50 | 41 | 1 | Rank on the Equal Opportunity 2018 List. |
Equal Opportunity 2021 | Equal Opportunity top 50 companies 2021 | 50 | 17 | 1 | Rank on the Equal Opportunity 2021 List. |
Equal Opportunity 2022 | Equal Opportunity top 50 companies 2022 | 50 | 11 | 1 | Rank on the Equal Opportunity 2022 List. |
Fashion Transparency Index 2019 | Click here to see the 2 items available from this source | ||||
Fashion Transparency Index 2019 | Average of Score | 0 | 48 | 58 | NA |
Fashion Transparency Index 2019 | Number of Brands | NA | 2 | NA | NA |
Fashion Transparency Index 2020 | Click here to see the 2 items available from this source | ||||
Fashion Transparency Index 2020 | Fashion Transparency Rating | 0.0 | 31.0 | 73.0 | NA |
Fashion Transparency Index 2020 | Number of Brands | 1 | 2 | 5 | NA |
Fashion Transparency Index 2021 | Click here to see the 2 items available from this source | ||||
Fashion Transparency Index 2021 | Number of Brands | 1 | 1 | 5 | NA |
Fashion Transparency Index 2021 | Fashion Transparency Rating | 0 | 26 | 78 | NA |
Fashion Transparency Index 2022 | Click here to see the 2 items available from this source | ||||
Fashion Transparency Index 2022 | Number of Brands | 1 | 1 | 5 | NA |
Fashion Transparency Index 2022 | Fashion Transparency Rating | 0 | 24 | 78 | NA |
Fashion Transparency Index 2023 | Click here to see the 2 items available from this source | ||||
Fashion Transparency Index 2023 | Number of Brands | 1 | 1 | 8 | NA |
Fashion Transparency Index 2023 | Fashion Transparency Rating | 0.0 | 23.0 | 1.0 | NA |
FCPA Corporate Investigations | On FCPA Corporate Investigations List | NA | Yes | Yes | NA |
Fortune Change the World 2016 | Fortune Change the World 2016 | NA | 15 | NA | NA |
Fortune Change the World 2017 | Fortune Change the World 2017 | NA | Yes | Yes | NA |
Fortune Change the World 2019 | Fortune Change the World 2019 | 52 | 5 | 1 | NA |
Fortune Change the World 2020 | Fortune Change the World 2020 | NA | 9 | Yes | NA |
Fortune Change the World 2021 | Fortune Change the World 2021 | NA | 15 | Yes | NA |
Fortune Change the World 2022 | Fortune Change the World 2022 | 50 | 3 | 1 | NA |
Fortune Change the World 2023 | Fortune Change the World 2023 | NA | Yes | Yes | NA |
Fortune Change the World 2024 | Fortune Change the World 2024 | NA | Yes | Yes | NA |
Forest 500 | Click here to see the 33 items available from this source | ||||
Forest 500 | Social Consideration Average(out of 18) | 1 | 8 | 15 | The total score for social considerations addresed within commodity commitments |
Forest 500 | Social Consideration FIs (out of 22) | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Forest 500 | Associated human rights abuses % | 0.0% | 28.6% | 78.6% | Tracking of potential human rights abuses. |
Forest 500 | Reporting and implementation Average (out of 34) | 0 | 7 | 19 | The total score for reporting and implementation against commodity commitments |
Forest 500 | Commodity score % | 0.0% | 30.4% | 70.7% | A commodity score is the total of the commitment strength, reporting and implementation, and social considarations scores. The overall Commodity score is an average for all of a companys commodities. |
Forest 500 | Industry sectors for DataTables | NA | NA | NA | Industry sectors of rated companies |
Forest 500 | Commitment Strength FIs (out of 42) | 0 | NA | 34 | NA |
Forest 500 | Commitment Strength Average (out of 36) | 0 | 20 | 34 | The total score for the type, scope and ambition of a commodity commitment |
Forest 500 | Commitment Strength % | 0.0% | 71.4% | 100.0% | The total score for the type, scope and ambition of a commodity commitment |
Forest 500 | Commitment Strength Average (out of 17) | 0 | 13 | 17 | The total score for the type, scope and ambition of a commodity commitment |
Forest 500 | Segments | NA | NA | NA | Segments of rated companies |
Forest 500 | Overall Approach(outof16) | 1 | 8 | 16 | The total score for non-commodity specific indicators, including action on land-use change emissions |
Forest 500 | Assessed for | NA | NA | NA | Companies are assessed for all relevant commodities that they produce or buy |
Forest 500 | Implementation and reporting % | 0.0% | 20.3% | 70.0% | The total score for reporting and implementation against commodity commitments |
Forest 500 | Reporting and Implementation Average (out of 38) | NA | 11 | NA | The total score for reporting and implementation against commodity commitments |
Forest 500 | Social Consideration Average (out of 16) | 0 | 5 | 16 | The total score for social considerations addresed within commodity commitments |
Forest 500 | Overall approach Average (out of 10) | 0 | 6 | 10 | The total score for non-commodity specific indicators, including action on land-use change emissions |
Forest 500 | Forest 500 Report | NA | Yes | NA | A benchmark for European sustainability investments. |
Forest 500 | Overall approach FIs (out of 16) | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Forest 500 | Commodities | NA | Beef|Leather|Palm oil|Pulp & Paper|Soy|Timber | NA | Segments of rated companies |
Forest 500 | Commodity Score FIs (out of 64) | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Forest 500 | Total score | 0.0 | 0.33 | 0.73 | The total overall score (overall approach plus commodity scores) |
Forest 500 | Associated Human Rights Abuses Average (out of 17) | 0 | 5 | 15 | Tracking of potential human rights abuses. |
Forest 500 | Sector | NA | Food retail|Furniture & flooring | NA | Segments of rated companies |
Forest 500 | Commodity Score Average (out of 90) | 0 | 33 | 60 | A commodity score is the total of the commitment strength, reporting and implementation, and social considarations scores. The overall Commodity score is an average for all of a companys commodities. |
Forest 500 | Reporting and implementation Average (out of 56) | 0 | 15 | 32 | Reporting and implementation of tracking. |
Forest 500 | Commitment Strength Average (out of 28) | 1 | 15 | 28 | The total score for the type, scope and ambition of a commodity commitment |
Forest 500 | Reporting and implementation FIs (out of 20) | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Forest 500 | Overall approach (out of 14) | 0 | 7 | 12 | The total score for non-commodity specific indicators, including action on land-use change emissions |
Forest 500 | Commodity Score Average (out of 84) | 1 | 34 | 62 | A commodity score is the total of the commitment strength, reporting and implementation, and social considarations scores. The overall Commodity score is an average for all of a companys commodities. |
Forest 500 | Commodity Score Average (out of 86) | 0 | 32 | 68 | A commodity score is the total of the commitment strength, reporting and implementation, and social considarations scores. The overall Commodity score is an average for all of a companys commodities. |
Forest 500 | Industry sectors | NA | NA | NA | Industry sectors of rated companies |
Forest 500 | Overall approach % | 0.0% | 75.0% | 100.0% | The total score for non-commodity specific indicators, including action on land-use change emissions |
Global Business Coalition | Advocacy & Leadership | NA | Yes | Yes | Companies have powerful built-in platforms to advocate for action against HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria. When they join together, their voices are that much more effective at creating real change. |
Global G.A.P. Member | Producer/Supplier, Retailer and Associate Members of the Global G.A.P. | NA | Yes | Yes | Producer/Supplier, Retailer and Associate Members of the Global G.A.P. |
Top 100 Military Friendly Employers 2010 | Top 100 Military Friendly Employers 2010 by G.I. Jobs Magazine | 100 | 64 | 1 | A supplier to an armed service or other agency or department that supports the military. It also includes companies that are commitment to hiring former military. |
Top 100 Military Friendly Employers 2012 | Top 100 Military Friendly Employers 2012 by G.I. Jobs Magazine | 100 | 78 | 1 | NA |
Top 100 Military Friendly Employers 2013 | Top 100 Military Friendly Employers 2013 by G.I. Jobs Magazine | 100 | 67 | 1 | A supplier to an armed service or other agency or department that supports the military. It also includes companies that are commitment to hiring former military. |
Top 100 Military Friendly Employers 2014 | Top 100 Military Friendly Employers 2014 by G.I. Jobs Magazine | NA | Yes | Yes | A supplier to an armed service or other agency or department that supports the military. It also includes companies that are commitment to hiring former military. |
Top 100 Military Friendly Employers 2015 | Top 100 Military Friendly Employers 2015 by G.I. Jobs Magazine | NA | Yes | Yes | A supplier to an armed service or other agency or department that supports the military. It also includes companies that are commitment to hiring former military. |
Top 100 Military Friendly Employers 2016 | Top 100 Military Friendly Employers 2016 by G.I. Jobs Magazine | NA | Yes | Yes | A supplier to an armed service or other agency or department that supports the military. It also includes companies that are commitment to hiring former military. |
Top 100 Military Friendly Employers 2017 | Top 100 Military Friendly Employers 2017 by G.I. Jobs Magazine | NA | Yes | Yes | A supplier to an armed service or other agency or department that supports the military. It also includes companies that are commitment to hiring former military. |
Top 100 Military Friendly Employers 2018 | Top 100 Military Friendly Employers 2018 by G.I. Jobs Magazine | NA | Yes | Yes | A supplier to an armed service or other agency or department that supports the military. It also includes companies that are commitment to hiring former military. |
Top 100 Military Friendly Employers 2021 | Top 100 Military Friendly Employers 2021 by G.I. Jobs Magazine | NA | Yes | Yes | A supplier to an armed service or other agency or department that supports the military. It also includes companies that are commitment to hiring former military. |
Good Jobs First Subsidy Tracker | Click here to see the 22 items available from this source | ||||
Good Jobs First Subsidy Tracker | Major Industry of Parent | NA | retailing | NA | NA |
Good Jobs First Subsidy Tracker | num_recs | NA | 567 | NA | NA |
Good Jobs First Subsidy Tracker | Sum of Megadeal Contribution ($) | 234 | 0 | 0 | NA |
Good Jobs First Subsidy Tracker | Subsidy Source | NA | state | NA | NA |
Good Jobs First Subsidy Tracker | Ownership Structure | NA | publicly traded | NA | NA |
Good Jobs First Subsidy Tracker | Specific Industry of Parent | NA | retail-discount stores | NA | NA |
Good Jobs First Subsidy Tracker | Sum of Loan Value ($) | 784 | 0 | 0 | NA |
Good Jobs First Subsidy Tracker | Sum of Subsidy Value Adjusted For Megadeal ($) | 986 | 254124 | 0 | NA |
Good Jobs First Subsidy Tracker | russell3000 | NA | yes | yes | NA |
Good Jobs First Subsidy Tracker | Type of Subsidy | NA | tax credit/rebate | NA | NA |
Good Jobs First Subsidy Tracker | Sum of Number of Jobs or Training Slots ($) | 0 | -173 | 987 | NA |
Good Jobs First Subsidy Tracker | stock_ticker | NA | WMT | NA | NA |
Good Jobs First Subsidy Tracker | hq_state | NA | Arkansas | NA | NA |
Good Jobs First Subsidy Tracker | subsidy_total | $8 | $232 | $0 | NA |
Good Jobs First Subsidy Tracker | Sum of Investment Data ($) | 986 | 0 | 0 | NA |
Good Jobs First Subsidy Tracker | ownership | NA | publicly traded | NA | NA |
Good Jobs First Subsidy Tracker | hq_country | NA | USA | NA | NA |
Good Jobs First Subsidy Tracker | Location | NA | 0 | NA | NA |
Good Jobs First Subsidy Tracker | Sum of Subsidy Value ($) | 986 | 254124 | 0 | NA |
Good Jobs First Subsidy Tracker | industry | NA | retail-discount stores | NA | NA |
Good Jobs First Subsidy Tracker | major_industry | NA | retailing | NA | NA |
Good Jobs First Subsidy Tracker | cik | NA | 104,169 | NA | NA |
Good Jobs First Violation Tracker | Click here to see the 7 items available from this source | ||||
Good Jobs First Violation Tracker | Level of Government | NA | federal | NA | NA |
Good Jobs First Violation Tracker | Rank | 1613 | 34 | 1 | NA |
Good Jobs First Violation Tracker | Count of Violations | 170 | 10 | 1 | NA |
Good Jobs First Violation Tracker | Primary Offense | NA | safety-related offenses | NA | NA |
Good Jobs First Violation Tracker | Sum of Penalty Amount ($) | 999 | 3908558591 | 0 | NA |
Good Jobs First Violation Tracker | Civil/Criminal | NA | civil | NA | NA |
Good Jobs First Violation Tracker | Penalty Year | NA | 2,020 | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | Click here to see the 71 items available from this source | ||||
Glassdoor | parentEmployer.logo.normalUrl | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | ceo:title | NA | CEO | NA | The title of the company's CEO |
Glassdoor | seniorLeadershipRating | 1 | 2.8 | 5 | NA |
Glassdoor | employer:jobsUrl | NA | | NA | Link to this employer's jobs |
Glassdoor | ratingDescription | NA | OK | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | parentEmployer_isSunset | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | id | NA | 715 | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | ceo:id | NA | 310135 | NA | The title of the company's CEO |
Glassdoor | parentEmployer.relationship | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | featuredReview.attributionURL | NA | | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | Compensation And Benefits Rating | 1 | 3 | 5 | The Top Companies for Work-Life Balance list is based on employee feedback shared in company reviews on Glassdoor. |
Glassdoor | featuredReview.headline | NA | N/A | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | parentEmployer.isSunset | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | careerOpportunitiesRating | NA | 3.3 | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | ceo:pctApprove | 0 | 58 | 100 | Percent of ratings of the CEO that were approving |
Glassdoor | featuredReview.currentJob | NA | false | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | parentEmployer.relationshipDate | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | ceo:image:src | NA | | NA | Link to an image of the CEO |
Glassdoor | sectorId | NA | 10022 | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | ceo.image.height | NA | 200 | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | parentEmployer_sunsetMessage | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | industryName | NA | General Merchandise & Superstores | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | featuredReview.overallNumeric | NA | 5 | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | | NA | 92888005 | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | workLifeBalanceRating | 1 | 3.0 | 5 | NA |
Glassdoor | ceo:numberOfRatings | 1 | 38265 | 4026 | The number of ratings of the CEO |
Glassdoor | featuredReview.pros | NA | Getting to interact with different kinds of people, and the occasional regulars. | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | employer:reviewsUrl | NA | | NA | Link to employee reviews |
Glassdoor | employer:industry | NA | Walmart | NA | Industry for the company |
Glassdoor | employer:numberOfRatings | 1 | 129532 | 6549 | The number of Glassdoor users who have rated this company as a place to work. |
Glassdoor | parentEmployer.logo.smallUrl | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | industry | NA | General Merchandise & Superstores | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | diversityAndInclusionRating | 1.0 | 3.6 | 5.0 | NA |
Glassdoor | ceo_image_src | NA | | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | featuredReview.reviewDateTime | NA | 2024-11-15 11:54:34.993 | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | parentEmployer_logo_mediumUrl | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | featuredReview.jobTitle | NA | Part Time Walmart Associate | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | ceo.image.width | NA | 200 | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | RatingNumber | 51 | 127285 | 886 | NA |
Glassdoor | squareLogo | NA | | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | parentEmployer_logo_smallUrl | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | employer:ratingDescription | NA | OK | NA | Overall description of employee views |
Glassdoor | employer:reviewsAnchorText | NA | Walmart Reviews | NA | Link to employee reviews |
Glassdoor | featuredReview.overall | NA | 5 | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | name | NA | Walmart | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | employer:website | NA | | NA | Link to employee reviews |
Glassdoor | featuredReview_id | NA | 78220967 | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | employer:hq | NA | Bentonville, AR | NA | HQ for the company |
Glassdoor | parentEmployer.logo.mediumUrl | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | ceo:pctDisapprove | 0 | 42 | 100 | Percent of ratings of the CEO that were disapproving |
Glassdoor | exactMatch | NA | false | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | ceo_image_width | NA | 200 | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | parentEmployer.sunsetMessage | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | featuredReview.cons | NA | Having to rush when things get busy. | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | Culture And Values Rating | NA | 3.1 | NA | The Top Companies for Work-Life Balance list is based on employee feedback shared in company reviews on Glassdoor. |
Glassdoor | | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | isEEP | NA | true | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | featuredReview.jobTitleFromDb | NA | Part Time Walmart Associate | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | featuredReview_location | NA | Turlock, CA | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | recommendToFriendRating | 0 | 55 | 100 | NA |
Glassdoor | diversityAndInclusionRatingCount | 0 | 35048 | 572 | NA |
Glassdoor | website | NA | | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | industryId | NA | 200109 | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | parentEmployer_logo_normalUrl | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | ceo_image_height | NA | 200 | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | sectorName | NA | Retail & Wholesale | NA | NA |
Glassdoor | Glassdoor Employer Ratings | 1.0 | 3.4 | 5.0 | The Top Companies for Work-Life Balance list is based on employee feedback shared in company reviews on Glassdoor. |
Glassdoor | employer:jobsAnchorText | NA | Walmart Jobs | NA | Link to this employer's jobs |
Glassdoor | ceo:name | NA | Doug McMillon | NA | The name of the company's CEO |
Glassdoor | featuredReview.location | NA | Sioux Falls, SD | NA | NA |
Goodness 500 2009 | Click here to see the 3 items available from this source | ||||
Goodness 500 2009 | Cash donated | $0 | $0 | $400000000 | NA |
Goodness 500 2009 | Executive Diversity | 3.0% | 13.0% | 39.0% | NA |
Goodness 500 2009 | Percentage of Profit | 0.0% | 1.3% | 9.2% | NA |
Goodness 500 2012 | Click here to see the 6 items available from this source | ||||
Goodness 500 2012 | Toxicity produced | 773771631 | 96065 | 0 | In pounds. |
Goodness 500 2012 | Cash donated | $0 | NA | $369570300 | In US$. |
Goodness 500 2012 | Executive Diversity | 0.0% | 6.0% | 41.0% | Percentage of officers and directors that are female. |
Goodness 500 2012 | Percentage of Profit | 0.0% | 0.0% | 1.086% | Percentage of profit donated. |
Goodness 500 2012 | Rank | 500 | 155 | 1 | NA |
Goodness 500 2012 | Toxicity released | 113515588 | 19371 | 0 | In pounds. |
Intengine | Click here to see the 10 items available from this source | ||||
Intengine | Listing URL | NA | | NA | NA |
Intengine | Sum of Certifications | 0 | 1 | 6 | NA |
Intengine | phone | NA | 479-273-4000 | NA | NA |
Intengine | state | NA | Arkansas | NA | NA |
Intengine | country | NA | USA | NA | NA |
Intengine | city | NA | Bentonville | NA | NA |
Intengine | Certifications | 0 | 2 | 2 | NA |
Intengine | locationId | NA | 17393 | NA | NA |
Intengine | listingURL | NA | | NA | NA |
Intengine | Number of Certifications | NA | 2 | NA | NA |
Greenpeace Seafood Sustainability Scorecard 2010 | Greenpeace Seafood Sustainability Scorecard | 1 | 4 | 6 | NA |
Greenpeace Seafood Sustainability Scorecard 2013 | Greenpeace Seafood Sustainability Scorecard | 0.1 | 5.4 | 7.3 | NA |
Greenpeace Seafood Sustainability Scorecard 2014 | Greenpeace Seafood Sustainability Scorecard | 1.06 | 5.6 | 7.28 | NA |
Greenpeace Seafood Sustainability Scorecard 2015 | Greenpeace Seafood Sustainability Scorecard | 1.44 | 5.47 | 7.46 | NA |
Greenpeace Seafood Sustainability Scorecard 2018 | Greenpeace Seafood Sustainability Scorecard | NA | 60 | Yes | NA |
Global Reporting Initiative 2011 | Click here to see the 8 items available from this source | ||||
Global Reporting Initiative 2011 | Report reference IFC Performance Standards? | No | NA | Yes | NA |
Global Reporting Initiative 2011 | Country (HQ) | NA | United States of America | NA | NA |
Global Reporting Initiative 2011 | Declared as | NA | NA | Third-party-checked | NA |
Global Reporting Initiative 2011 | Guidelines | NA | Non - GRI | NA | This field indicates which version of the GRI Guidelines is used for the reporting. As of publication year 2009, GRI only includes reporting that makes use of the G3 Guidelines, which were released in October 2006. |
Global Reporting Initiative 2011 | Application Level | Undeclared | NA | A+ | G3 Application Levels indicate to which extent the GRI Guidelines have been utilized in the reporting and which set and number of disclosures have been addressed in the reporting. There are three Application Levels A, B and C. |
Global Reporting Initiative 2011 | Sector | NA | Retailers | NA | Industry sector. |
Global Reporting Initiative 2011 | Report Link | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Global Reporting Initiative 2011 | Report reference ISO Standards? | No | NA | Yes | NA |
Global Reporting Initiative 2012 | Click here to see the 17 items available from this source | ||||
Global Reporting Initiative 2012 | Sector | NA | Retailers | NA | NA |
Global Reporting Initiative 2012 | Report reference IFC Performance Standards? | NA | No | NA | NA |
Global Reporting Initiative 2012 | ISO | NA | No | NA | NA |
Global Reporting Initiative 2012 | Status | Self-declared | GRI-checked | Third-party-checked | For each G3 Application Level declared, the following statuses can be added: • Self-declared • Third-party-checked • GRI-checked Each reporter should declare an Application Level for their reporting. |
Global Reporting Initiative 2012 | Report Html Address | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Global Reporting Initiative 2012 | Report Pdf Address | NA | | NA | NA |
Global Reporting Initiative 2012 | Region | NA | Northern America | NA | NA |
Global Reporting Initiative 2012 | OECD | NA | No | NA | NA |
Global Reporting Initiative 2012 | Sector Supplements (Final) | NA | Not Applicable | NA | NA |
Global Reporting Initiative 2012 | Report Title | NA | Global Responsibility Report 2011 | NA | NA |
Global Reporting Initiative 2012 | Application Level | Undeclared | B | A+ | G3 Application Levels indicate to which extent the GRI Guidelines have been utilized in the reporting and which set and number of disclosures have been addressed in the reporting. There are three Application Levels A, B and C. |
Global Reporting Initiative 2012 | Guidelines | NA | GRI - G3 | NA | NA |
Global Reporting Initiative 2012 | IFC | No | No | Yes | Indicates whether company's report include references to the International Finance Corporation's (IFC) Sustainability Performance Standards |
Global Reporting Initiative 2012 | Size | NA | MNE | NA | NA |
Global Reporting Initiative 2012 | Date Added To Sr List | NA | 10-05-2012 | NA | NA |
Global Reporting Initiative 2012 | Report reference ISO Standards? | No | No | Yes | NA |
Global Reporting Initiative 2012 | Country (HQ) | NA | United States of America | NA | NA |
Global Reporting Initiative 2014 | Click here to see the 17 items available from this source | ||||
Global Reporting Initiative 2014 | Type | NA | GRI - G3.1 | NA | Type of GRI application |
Global Reporting Initiative 2014 | Country | NA | United States of America | NA | Country the organization is headquartered in. |
Global Reporting Initiative 2014 | Region | NA | Northern America | NA | Region the organization operates in. |
Global Reporting Initiative 2014 | Application Level | Undeclared | B | A+ | G3 Application Levels indicate to which extent the GRI Guidelines have been utilized in the reporting and which set and number of disclosures have been addressed in the reporting. There are three Application Levels A, B and C, each with the option of decl |
Global Reporting Initiative 2014 | Guidelines | NA | GRI - G3.1 | NA | This field indicates which version of the GRI Guidelines is used for the reporting. As of publication year 2009, GRI only includes reporting that makes use of the G3 Guidelines, which were released in October 2006. |
Global Reporting Initiative 2014 | IFC | No | Yes | Yes | Indicates whether company's report include references to the International Finance Corporation's (IFC) Sustainability Performance Standards |
Global Reporting Initiative 2014 | Date Added To Sr List | NA | 3-Apr-2014 | NA | Date added to the GRI list. |
Global Reporting Initiative 2014 | ISO | No | No | Yes | Indicates whether company's report include references to ISO Standards |
Global Reporting Initiative 2014 | Size | NA | MNE | NA | GRI currently has two classifications for defining organization size: 'SME' and 'Large'. SME stands for Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises. GRI follows the definition for SMEs as set by the European Union: SMEs have 250 employees or less and have a yearl |
Global Reporting Initiative 2014 | Sector Supplements (Final) | NA | Not Applicable | NA | This field indicates if the reporting organization has made use of one of the final Sector Supplements and which one. If ‘not used’ is indicated, it means that one of the final Sector Supplements is applicable, but has not been used. If ‘not applicable’ i |
Global Reporting Initiative 2014 | Sector | NA | Retailers | NA | Industry sector. |
Global Reporting Initiative 2014 | Report Pdf Address | NA | | NA | Location of a PDF version of the report. |
Global Reporting Initiative 2014 | Publication Year | NA | 2014 | NA | GRI currently has two classifications for defining organization size: 'SME' and 'Large'. SME stands for Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises. GRI follows the definition for SMEs as set by the European Union: SMEs have 250 employees or less and have a yearl |
Global Reporting Initiative 2014 | OECD | NA | No | NA | This field indicates whether the country in which the reporting organization is located is a member of the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation) or if the country receives assistance from the Development Assistance Committee (DAC). The DAC count |
Global Reporting Initiative 2014 | Report Title | NA | 2013 Global Responsibility Report | NA | Title of the report. |
Global Reporting Initiative 2014 | Integrated | NA | No | NA | GRI currently has two classifications for defining organization size: 'SME' and 'Large'. SME stands for Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises. GRI follows the definition for SMEs as set by the European Union: SMEs have 250 employees or less and have a yearl |
Global Reporting Initiative 2014 | Report Html Address | NA | | NA | URL of the report location. |
Global Reporting Initiative 2015 | Click here to see the 6 items available from this source | ||||
Global Reporting Initiative 2015 | Size | NA | MNE | NA | GRI currently has two classifications for defining organization size: 'SME' and 'Large'. SME stands for Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises. GRI follows the definition for SMEs as set by the European Union: SMEs have 250 employees or less and have a yearl |
Global Reporting Initiative 2015 | Region | NA | Northern America | NA | Region the organization operates in. |
Global Reporting Initiative 2015 | Country | NA | United States of America | NA | Country the organization is headquartered in. |
Global Reporting Initiative 2015 | Type | NA | GRI - Referenced | NA | Type of GRI application |
Global Reporting Initiative 2015 | Sector | NA | Retailers | NA | Industry sector. |
Global Reporting Initiative 2015 | Publication Year | NA | 2015 | NA | GRI currently has two classifications for defining organization size: 'SME' and 'Large'. SME stands for Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises. GRI follows the definition for SMEs as set by the European Union: SMEs have 250 employees or less and have a yearl |
Global Reporting Initiative 2016 | Click here to see the 6 items available from this source | ||||
Global Reporting Initiative 2016 | Publication Year | NA | 2016 | NA | GRI currently has two classifications for defining organization size: 'SME' and 'Large'. SME stands for Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises. GRI follows the definition for SMEs as set by the European Union: SMEs have 250 employees or less and have a yearl |
Global Reporting Initiative 2016 | Size | NA | MNE | NA | GRI currently has two classifications for defining organization size: 'SME' and 'Large'. SME stands for Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises. GRI follows the definition for SMEs as set by the European Union: SMEs have 250 employees or less and have a yearl |
Global Reporting Initiative 2016 | Type | Non - GRI | GRI - G4 | GRI - G4 | Type of GRI application |
Global Reporting Initiative 2016 | Sector | NA | Retailers | NA | Industry sector. |
Global Reporting Initiative 2016 | Country | NA | United States of America | NA | Country the organization is headquartered in. |
Global Reporting Initiative 2016 | Region | NA | Northern America | NA | Region the organization operates in. |
Global Reporting Initiative 2017 | Click here to see the 9 items available from this source | ||||
Global Reporting Initiative 2017 | Region | NA | Northern America | NA | Region the organization operates in. |
Global Reporting Initiative 2017 | Size | NA | MNE | NA | GRI currently has two classifications for defining organization size: 'SME' and 'Large'. SME stands for Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises. GRI follows the definition for SMEs as set by the European Union: SMEs have 250 employees or less and have a yearl |
Global Reporting Initiative 2017 | Publication Year | NA | 2017 | NA | GRI currently has two classifications for defining organization size: 'SME' and 'Large'. SME stands for Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises. GRI follows the definition for SMEs as set by the European Union: SMEs have 250 employees or less and have a yearl |
Global Reporting Initiative 2017 | Type | NA | GRI - G4 | NA | Type of GRI application |
Global Reporting Initiative 2017 | Database link | NA | | NA | GRI currently has two classifications for defining organization size: 'SME' and 'Large'. SME stands for Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises. GRI follows the definition for SMEs as set by the European Union: SMEs have 250 employees or less and have a yearl |
Global Reporting Initiative 2017 | Date Added | NA | 2-5-2017 | NA | GRI currently has two classifications for defining organization size: 'SME' and 'Large'. SME stands for Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises. GRI follows the definition for SMEs as set by the European Union: SMEs have 250 employees or less and have a yearl |
Global Reporting Initiative 2017 | Title | NA | 2017 Global Responsibility Report | NA | GRI currently has two classifications for defining organization size: 'SME' and 'Large'. SME stands for Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises. GRI follows the definition for SMEs as set by the European Union: SMEs have 250 employees or less and have a yearl |
Global Reporting Initiative 2017 | Sector | NA | Retailers | NA | Industry sector. |
Global Reporting Initiative 2017 | Country | NA | United States of America | NA | Country the organization is headquartered in. |
Global Reporting Initiative 2018 | Click here to see the 5 items available from this source | ||||
Global Reporting Initiative 2018 | Publication Year | NA | 2018 | NA | GRI currently has two classifications for defining organization size: 'SME' and 'Large'. SME stands for Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises. GRI follows the definition for SMEs as set by the European Union: SMEs have 250 employees or less and have a yearl |
Global Reporting Initiative 2018 | Title | NA | 2018 Global Responsibility Report | NA | GRI currently has two classifications for defining organization size: 'SME' and 'Large'. SME stands for Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises. GRI follows the definition for SMEs as set by the European Union: SMEs have 250 employees or less and have a yearl |
Global Reporting Initiative 2018 | Country | NA | United States of America | NA | Country the organization is headquartered in. |
Global Reporting Initiative 2018 | Type | Non - GRI | GRI-Standards | GRI - G4 | Type of GRI application |
Global Reporting Initiative 2018 | Database link | NA | | NA | GRI currently has two classifications for defining organization size: 'SME' and 'Large'. SME stands for Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises. GRI follows the definition for SMEs as set by the European Union: SMEs have 250 employees or less and have a yearl |
Global Reporting Initiative 2019 | Click here to see the 5 items available from this source | ||||
Global Reporting Initiative 2019 | Type | NA | GRI-Standards | NA | Type of GRI application |
Global Reporting Initiative 2019 | Country | NA | United States of America | NA | Country the organization is headquartered in. |
Global Reporting Initiative 2019 | Publication Year | NA | 2019 | NA | GRI currently has two classifications for defining organization size: 'SME' and 'Large'. SME stands for Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises. GRI follows the definition for SMEs as set by the European Union: SMEs have 250 employees or less and have a yearl |
Global Reporting Initiative 2019 | Database link | NA | | NA | GRI currently has two classifications for defining organization size: 'SME' and 'Large'. SME stands for Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises. GRI follows the definition for SMEs as set by the European Union: SMEs have 250 employees or less and have a yearl |
Global Reporting Initiative 2019 | Title | NA | 2019 Global Responsibility Report | NA | GRI currently has two classifications for defining organization size: 'SME' and 'Large'. SME stands for Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises. GRI follows the definition for SMEs as set by the European Union: SMEs have 250 employees or less and have a yearl |
Grab Your Wallet | Click here to see the 19 items available from this source | ||||
Grab Your Wallet | Email / Email Contact Form | NA | | NA | NA |
Grab Your Wallet | Date of Last Online Inventory Check | NA | 1/13/2017 | NA | NA |
Grab Your Wallet | Boycottability (1 = least, 5 = most) | NA | 4 | NA | NA |
Grab Your Wallet | Twitter Handle | NA | @Walmart | NA | NA |
Grab Your Wallet | Voted Against Jan 6 Commission | NA | Yes | Yes | NA |
Grab Your Wallet | Why Is It On the List? | NA | Carries Trump Products | NA | NA |
Grab Your Wallet | NA | | NA | NA | |
Grab Your Wallet | Recommended Action to be Considered for Removal from Boycott List | NA | Stop selling Trump brand goods | NA | NA |
Grab Your Wallet | Is on the list? | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Grab Your Wallet | Why Specifically Is It On the List? | NA | Carries Ivanka Trump products | NA | NA |
Grab Your Wallet | Customer Service Phone # | NA | 1 (800) 925-6278 | NA | NA |
Grab Your Wallet | PR Contact Info & More (Info Gathered From Publicly Available Sources) | NA | | NA | NA |
Grab Your Wallet | PR Contact (From Publicly Available Sources) | NA | | NA | NA |
Grab Your Wallet | # of Items Stocked (last check 4/8/17) | 0 | 0 | 464 | NA |
Grab Your Wallet | Corporate HQ Phone # | NA | 1-479-273-6463 (investor relations) | NA | NA |
Grab Your Wallet | Which Products? | NA | shoes, clothing, fragrance | NA | NA |
Grab Your Wallet | Recommended Action to be Removed from This List | NA | Stop selling Trump brand goods | NA | NA |
Grab Your Wallet | Company Type | NA | Retailer that Sells Trump Family Products | NA | NA |
Grab Your Wallet | Type | NA | Retailer (General) | NA | NA |
Hispanic Magazine 100 list | Corporate 100 (Hispanic Magazine) | NA | Yes | Yes | NA |
Human Rights Campaign 2011 List | HRC Rating | 0 | 40 | 100 | NA |
Human Rights Campaign 2012 List | HRC Rating 2012 | -25 | 60 | 100 | NA |
ICCR Proxy Engagement 2020 | Click here to see the 6 items available from this source | ||||
ICCR Proxy Engagement 2020 | Resolution Pending | 5 | 4 | 1 | ICCR members' current shareholder resolutions which status is Pending. |
ICCR Proxy Engagement 2020 | Resolutions List | NA | Feasibility of Paid Sick Leave as a Standard Employee BenefitGender and Racial Pay EquityLobbying Expenditures DisclosureReduce Plastics UseStarting Pay and Racial Equity | NA | The list of ICCR members' resolutions. |
ICCR Proxy Engagement 2020 | Resolution Omitted | 1 | NA | NA | ICCR members' current shareholder resolutions that have been Omitted. |
ICCR Proxy Engagement 2020 | Count of Resolutions | 6 | 5 | 1 | The count of ICCR members' resolutions. |
ICCR Proxy Engagement 2020 | Resolution Challenged | NA | 1 | NA | ICCR members' current shareholder resolutions that have been Challenged. |
ICCR Proxy Engagement 2020 | Resolution Withdrawn | 3 | NA | 1 | ICCR members' current shareholder resolutions that have been Withdrawn. |
InfluenceMap | Click here to see the 5 items available from this source | ||||
InfluenceMap | Total Score | 17.7 | 54.8 | 78.1 | NA |
InfluenceMap | Organisational Score | 13.4 | 61.5 | 94.2 | NA |
InfluenceMap | URL | NA | NA | NA | NA |
InfluenceMap | Relationship Score | 0.0 | 35.5 | 46.8 | NA |
InfluenceMap | Influence Map ID | NA | 20 | NA | NA |
Investis IQ | Click here to see the 10 items available from this source | ||||
Investis IQ | Most Recent Scored Date | NA | Q32015 | NA | NA |
Investis IQ | Index | NA | S&P 100 | NA | NA |
Investis IQ | Previous Rank | 220 | 10 | 1 | NA |
Investis IQ | Country Listed | NA | the United States | NA | NA |
Investis IQ | Sector | NA | Retail | NA | NA |
Investis IQ | Overall | 12 | 60 | 79 | NA |
Investis IQ | Corporate Social Responsibility | 0 | 67 | 89 | NA |
Investis IQ | Index Rank | 209 | 5 | 1 | NA |
Investis IQ | ISIN NO | NA | US9311421039 | NA | NA |
Investis IQ | Country HQ | NA | the United States | NA | NA |
ISOS Group Sustainability Reporting Assessments | Click here to see the 32 items available from this source | ||||
ISOS Group Sustainability Reporting Assessments | Materiality (External Factors) | 0.5 | 0.5 | 2.0 | The information in a report should cover topics and Indicators that: • reflect the organization’s significant economic, environmental, and social impacts or that • would substantively influence the assessments and decisions of stakeholders. |
ISOS Group Sustainability Reporting Assessments | Balance | 0.53 | 0.53 | 2.0 | The report should reflect positive and negative aspects of the organization’s performance to enable a reasoned assessment of overall performance. |
ISOS Group Sustainability Reporting Assessments | Balance 2016 | 0 | 1 | 6 | Balance |
ISOS Group Sustainability Reporting Assessments | Reliability | 0.33 | 0.33 | 2.0 | Information and processes used in the preparation of a report should be gathered, recorded, compiled, analyzed, and disclosed in a way that could be subject to examination and that establishes the quality and materiality of the information |
ISOS Group Sustainability Reporting Assessments | Society/HR | NA | 16 | NA | Society & Human Rights |
ISOS Group Sustainability Reporting Assessments | Mat_I | NA | 7.25 | NA | Internal Materiality |
ISOS Group Sustainability Reporting Assessments | Mat_E | NA | 2.5 | NA | External Materiality |
ISOS Group Sustainability Reporting Assessments | Stakeholder | NA | 1.75 | NA | Relevance to stakeholders |
ISOS Group Sustainability Reporting Assessments | CONTENT | NA | 17 | NA | Content |
ISOS Group Sustainability Reporting Assessments | Commitment to Society and to Human Rights Protection Policies | 1.45 | 1.51 | 3.91 | NA |
ISOS Group Sustainability Reporting Assessments | Sust_con | NA | 5 | NA | Sustainability Context |
ISOS Group Sustainability Reporting Assessments | Reliability 2016 | NA | 4 | NA | Reliability |
ISOS Group Sustainability Reporting Assessments | Completeness 2016 | NA | 0.5 | NA | Completeness |
ISOS Group Sustainability Reporting Assessments | Completeness | 0.2 | 0.2 | 2.0 | Coverage of the material topics and Indicators and definition of the report boundary should be sufficient to reflect significant economic, environmental, and social impacts and enable stakeholders to assess the reporting organization’s performance. |
ISOS Group Sustainability Reporting Assessments | Comparability | 0.36 | 0.56 | 2.0 | Coverage of the material topics and Indicators and definition of the report boundary should be sufficient to reflect significant economic, environmental, and social impacts and enable stakeholders to assess the reporting organization’s performance. |
ISOS Group Sustainability Reporting Assessments | Sustainability Context | 0.88 | 1.04 | 2.0 | The report should present the organization’s performance in the wider context of sustainability |
ISOS Group Sustainability Reporting Assessments | Environment | NA | 21 | NA | Environment |
ISOS Group Sustainability Reporting Assessments | Accuracy 2016 | 0 | 2 | 12 | Accuracy |
ISOS Group Sustainability Reporting Assessments | Environmental protection policies | 1.78 | 2.4 | 3.6 | NA |
ISOS Group Sustainability Reporting Assessments | Commitment | NA | 49 | NA | Commitment |
ISOS Group Sustainability Reporting Assessments | Materiality (Internal Factors) | 0.87 | 0.87 | 2.0 | The information in a report should cover topics and Indicators that: • reflect the organization’s significant economic, environmental, and social impacts or that • would substantively influence the assessments and decisions of stakeholders. |
ISOS Group Sustainability Reporting Assessments | Economic Integrity 2016 | NA | 12 | NA | Economic Integrity |
ISOS Group Sustainability Reporting Assessments | Economic Integrity | 1.9 | 1.9 | 3.61 | NA |
ISOS Group Sustainability Reporting Assessments | Accuracy | 0.33 | 0.33 | 2.0 | The reported information should be sufficiently accurate and detailed for stakeholders to assess the reporting organization’s performance. |
ISOS Group Sustainability Reporting Assessments | Clarity | 0.8 | 0.8 | 2.0 | Information should be made available in a manner that is understandable and accessible to stakeholders using the report |
ISOS Group Sustainability Reporting Assessments | CONT_QUAL | NA | 28.25 | NA | Content Quality |
ISOS Group Sustainability Reporting Assessments | Comparability 2016 | NA | 0.5 | NA | Comparability |
ISOS Group Sustainability Reporting Assessments | QUALITY | NA | 11.25 | NA | Quality |
ISOS Group Sustainability Reporting Assessments | Timeliness | 0.76 | 1.2 | 2.0 | Reporting occurs on a regular schedule and information is available in time for stakeholders to make informed decisions. |
ISOS Group Sustainability Reporting Assessments | Clarity 2016 | 0 | 4 | 8 | Clarity |
ISOS Group Sustainability Reporting Assessments | Timeliness 2016 | NA | 0.5 | NA | Timeliness |
ISOS Group Sustainability Reporting Assessments | Stakeholder Inclusiveness | 0.3 | 0.3 | 2.0 | The reporting organization should identify its stakeholders and explain in the report how it has responded to their reasonable expectations and interests. |
Just 100 2021 | Click here to see the 2 items available from this source | ||||
Just 100 2021 | Rank | 100 | 50 | 1 | America's Best Corporate Citizens List |
Just 100 2021 | State | NA | Arkansas | NA | NA |
Just 100 2023 | Rank | 100 | 44 | 1 | America's Best Corporate Citizens List |
JUST Jobs Policy Tracker | Click here to see the 10 items available from this source | ||||
JUST Jobs Policy Tracker | Diversity Policy | No | Yes | Yes | NA |
JUST Jobs Policy Tracker | PTO Policy | No | Partial | Yes | NA |
JUST Jobs Policy Tracker | Day Care Services | No | Yes | Yes | NA |
JUST Jobs Policy Tracker | Parental Leave Policy | No | Yes | Yes | NA |
JUST Jobs Policy Tracker | Rank | 890 | 214 | 1 | NA |
JUST Jobs Policy Tracker | Flexible Work Policy | No | Yes | Yes | NA |
JUST Jobs Policy Tracker | Tuition Policy | No | No | Yes | NA |
JUST Jobs Policy Tracker | Pay Equity Policy | No | No | Yes | NA |
JUST Jobs Policy Tracker | Career Dev Policy | No | Yes | Yes | NA |
JUST Jobs Policy Tracker | Diversity Targets | No | No | Yes | NA |
Know The Chain | Click here to see the 42 items available from this source | ||||
Know The Chain | Purchasing Practices | 0 | 13 | 100 | The company is taking steps toward responsible raw materials sourcing |
Know The Chain | Training | 0 | 45 | 100 | Trains all relevant decision-makers within the company on risks and policies that address forced labor and human trafficking |
Know The Chain | Stakeholder Engagement | 0 | 75 | 100 | Providing at least two examples of engagements on forced labor and human trafficking with stakeholders such as policy makers, worker rights organizations, or local NGOs in countries in which its first-tier suppliers and suppliers below the first tier oper |
Know The Chain | Statement | NA | | NA | The company's statement location |
Know The Chain | 3. Purchasing Practices | 0 | 26 | 1 | 3. Purchasing Practices of the company |
Know The Chain | Country | NA | United States | NA | Country of analysed company |
Know The Chain | Monitoring Process | 0 | 80 | 100 | Includes non-scheduled visits, a review of relevant documents |
Know The Chain | 6. Monitoring | 0 | 55 | 1 | 6. Monitoring Score |
Know The Chain | Date Statement Verified | NA | 7/15/2013 | NA | Date of verification by Know The Chain |
Know The Chain | Freedom of Association | NA | 0 | NA | Works with independent local or global trade unions to support freedom of association in its supply chains |
Know The Chain | Worker Engagement | 0 | 25 | 100 | Takes steps to ensure its supply chain policies that address forced labor and human trafficking are communicated to workers in its supply chains |
Know The Chain | Rank 2020 | 49 | 12 | 1 | Rank 2020 Score |
Know The Chain | Region | NA | North America | NA | Year of inclusion of analysed company |
Know The Chain | Management and Accountability | 0 | 59 | 100 | Has a committee, team, program, or officer responsible for the implementation of its supply chain policies that address forced labor and human trafficking. |
Know The Chain | Monitoring and Responsible Recruitment | 0 | 75 | 100 | Takes steps to ensure employment and/or recruitment agencies used by its suppliers are monitored to assess and address risks of forced labor and human trafficking |
Know The Chain | Grievance Mechanism | 0 | 60 | 90 | Takes steps to ensure a formal mechanism to report a grievance to an impartial entity regarding labor conditions in the company's supply chains is available to its suppliers' workers and their legitimate representatives |
Know The Chain | 4. Recruitment | 0 | 53 | 1 | 4. Recruitment Score |
Know The Chain | 2. Traceability and Risk Assessment | 0 | 38 | 1 | 2. Traceability and Risk Assessment of analysed company |
Know The Chain | Market Cap in US$ bn | NA | 315.7899 | NA | Year of inclusion of analysed company |
Know The Chain | Public Note | NA | NA | NA | Comments on any public note about the statement |
Know The Chain | Statement--Trasparency | No | Yes | Yes | Companies with a posted statement addressing at least three of the five SB-657 requirements are awarded a check mark. |
Know The Chain | 1. Commitment & Governance | 0 | 75 | 1 | 1. Commitment & Governance Score |
Know The Chain | Corrective Action Plans | NA | 75 | NA | A corrective action process for its suppliers and potential actions taken in cases of non-compliance, such as stop-work notices, warning letters, supplementary training, and policy revision |
Know The Chain | Recruitment Approach | 0 | 30 | 100 | Has a policy that requires direct employment in its supply chains |
Know The Chain | Total 2020 | 0.0 | 46.3 | 69.9 | Total 2020 Score |
Know The Chain | Sector | NA | Consumer Staples | NA | The company's industry sector |
Know The Chain | Monitoring Disclosure | 0 | 30 | 100 | Includes the percentage of suppliers monitored annually |
Know The Chain | Rights of Workers in Vulnerable Conditions | 0 | 30 | 100 | Takes steps to ensure migrant workers in its supply chains understand the terms and conditions of their recruitment and employment and also understand their rights |
Know The Chain | Supplier Selection | 0 | 0 | 100 | Assesses risks of forced labor at potential suppliers before entering into any contracts with them and discloses details on the outcomes of this process |
Know The Chain | Risk Assessment | 0 | 69 | 100 | Includes details on how it conducts human rights supply chain risk or impact assessments that include forced labor risks or assessments that focus specifically on forced labor risks |
Know The Chain | Year of inclusion | NA | 2018 | NA | Year of inclusion of analysed company |
Know The Chain | Market Cap | NA | 387.816 | NA | Year of inclusion of analysed company |
Know The Chain | Commitment | 0 | 100 | 100 | The company publicly demonstrates its commitment to addressing forced labor and human trafficking. |
Know The Chain | Website | NA | | NA | The company's web site |
Know The Chain | Remedy Programs | 0 | 25 | 100 | A process for responding to potential complaints and/or reported violations of policies that address forced labor and human trafficking |
Know The Chain | Industry | NA | Hypermarkets and Super Centers | NA | The company's industry sector |
Know The Chain | Integration into Supplier Contracts | 0 | 15 | 45 | Integrates the ILO core labor standards, which include the elimination of forced labor, into supplier contracts |
Know The Chain | Supplier Code of Conduct | 0 | 59 | 100 | Requires suppliers to respect the ILO core labor standards, which include the elimination of forced labor. |
Know The Chain | Recruitment Fees | 0 | 75 | 100 | Requires that no worker in its supply chains should pay for a job—the costs of recruitment |
Know The Chain | 7. Remedy | 0 | 50 | 1 | 7. Remedy Score |
Know The Chain | Traceability and Supply Chain Transparency | 0 | 0 | 100 | Includes the names and addresses of its first-tier suppliers |
Know The Chain | 5. Worker Voice | 0 | 28 | 1 | 5. Worker Voice of the company |
Latina Style 2009 | Latina Style 50 | NA | Yes | Yes | NA |
Latina Style 2008 | Latina Style 50 for 2008 | NA | Yes | Yes | NA |
Latina Style 50 2010 | Latina Style 50 2010 | 50 | 0 | 1 | Latina Style 50 best companies for Latinas in 2010 |
Latina Style 50 2011 | Latina Style 50 2011 | 50 | 0 | 1 | Latina Style 50 best companies for Latinas in 2011 |
Latina Style 50 2013 | Latina Style 50 2013 | 50 | 0 | 1 | Latina Style 50 best companies for Latinas in 2011 |
Latina Style 50 2014 | Latina Style 50 2014 | NA | Yes | Yes | Latina Style 50 best companies for Latinas in 2014 |
Latina Style 50 2016 | Latina Style 50 2016 | 50 | 0 | 1 | Latina Style 50 best companies for Latinas in 2016 |
Latina Style 50 2017 | Latina Style 50 2017 | NA | Yes | NA | Latina Style 50 best companies for Latinas in 2017 |
100 Low Carbon Pioneers | 100 Low Carbon Pioneers | 100 | 2 | 1 | NA |
NAFE Top 50-2010 | Supports and promotes woman employees | NA | Yes | Yes | Each organization completed a detailed application covering both internal and external programs and activities that benefit women. |
NAFE Top 50-2011 | Supports and promotes woman employees--2011 List | NA | Yes | Yes | NA |
NAFE Top 50-2012 | Supports and promotes woman employees | NA | Yes | Yes | Each organization completed a detailed application covering both internal and external programs and activities that benefit women. |
NAFE Top 50-2014 | Supports and promotes woman employees | NA | Yes | Yes | Each organization completed a detailed application covering both internal and external programs and activities that benefit women. |
NAFE Top 50-2015 | Supports and promotes woman employees | NA | Yes | Yes | Each organization completed a detailed application covering both internal and external programs and activities that benefit women. |
NAFE Top 50-2016 | Supports and promotes woman employees | NA | Yes | Yes | Each organization completed a detailed application covering both internal and external programs and activities that benefit women. |
NAFE Top 60-2017 | Supports and promotes woman employees | NA | Yes | Yes | Each organization completed a detailed application covering both internal and external programs and activities that benefit women. |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2010 | Click here to see the 4 items available from this source | ||||
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2010 | Rank | NA | 51 | NA | Overall Rank |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2010 | Newsweek Green Policies and Performance | 1.0 | 55.24 | 100.0 | NA |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2010 | Newsweek Environmental Impact | 1.0 | 49.11 | 100.0 | NA |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2010 | Newsweek Reputation | 1.0 | 92.15 | 100.0 | NA |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2009 | Click here to see the 4 items available from this source | ||||
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2009 | Rank | NA | 59 | NA | Overall Rank |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2009 | Newsweek Reputation | NA | 100 | NA | Measure of the company's reputation among CSR professionals. |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2009 | Newsweek Environmental Impact | NA | 59.2 | NA | Measure of impact of this company on the environment. |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2009 | Newsweek Green Policies and Performance | NA | 41.06 | NA | Measure of green policy position. |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2011 | Click here to see the 5 items available from this source | ||||
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2011 | Disclosure | 0.0 | 56.5 | 99.6 | For the first time this year, environmental disclosure was included as a stand-alone score to assess each company’s transparency with regard to its environmental performance. |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2011 | Rank | 1 | 52 | 500 | Overall rank on the Newsweek US Green Ranking |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2011 | Envtl. Mgmt. | 26.7 | 66.9 | 96.2 | Based on an analysis of companies tracked in Sustainalytics’ Global Platform, the Environmental Management Score is an assessment of how a company manages its environmental performance through policies, programs, targets, certifications, and the like. |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2011 | Green Score | 19.9 | 64.4 | 82.5 | This score is derived from three component scores: an Environmental Impact Score, an Environmental Management Score, and an Environmental Disclosure Score; weighted at 45 percent, 45 percent, and 10 percent, respectively. |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2011 | Envtl. Impact | 0.2 | 63.8 | 88.5 | Based on data compiled by Trucost, this is a comprehensive, quantitative, and standardized measurement of the overall environmental impact of a company’s global operations. More than 700 metrics—including emissions of nine key greenhouse gases, water use, |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2012 | Click here to see the 6 items available from this source | ||||
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2012 | Disclosure | 0.0 | 75.8 | 100.0 | Environmental disclosure was included as a stand-alone score to assess each company’s transparency with regard to its environmental performance. Specifically, this score evaluates the breadth and quality of company environmen |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2012 | Envtl. Mgmt. | 21.3 | 69.8 | 91.9 | Based on an analysis of companies tracked in Sustainalytics’ Global Platform, the Environmental Management Score is an assessment of how a company manages its environmental performance through policies, programs, targets, certifications, and the like. To |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2012 | Envtl. Impact | 0.0 | 64.5 | 89.0 | Based on data compiled by Trucost, this is a comprehensive, quantitative, and standardized measurement of the overall environmental impact of a company’s global operations. More than 700 metrics—including emissions of nine key greenhouse gases, water use, |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2012 | Industry Rank | NA | 5 | NA | Overall rank on the Newsweek US Green Ranking |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2012 | Green Score | 21.4 | 68.0 | 82.9 | NA |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2012 | Rank | 53 | 41 | 1 | NA |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2013 | Click here to see the 9 items available from this source | ||||
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2013 | Reputation | 0.005 | 0.01 | 1.0 | The Reputation score is made up of two components: (1) The RepRisk Index, which is a quantitative measure that captures criticism and quantifies a company exposure to ESG risks. (2) The second component is based on the number of environmental issues that |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2013 | Water Productivity | 0.028 | 0.493 | 0.992 | Water Productivity is defined as Revenue ($US) / Total water use (m3). |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2013 | Carbon Productivity | 0.003 | 0.459 | 0.97 | GHG Productivity defined as Revenue ($US) / Total Greenhouse gas (GHG) Emissions (CO2e). |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2013 | Newsweek Green Score | 0.014 | 0.291 | 0.851 | This score is derived from the following component scores: an Energy Productivity,Carbon Productivity, Water Productivity, Waste Productivity, Reputation, Pay Link, Sustainability Themed Committee, Audit ; weighted at 45 percent, 45 percent, and 10 percen |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2013 | Sustainability Themed Committee | No | Yes | Yes | The existence of a committee at the Board of Directors level whose mandate is related to the sustainability of the company, including but not limited to environmental matters. |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2013 | Audit | No | Yes | Yes | The company provides evidence that the latest reported environmental metrics are audited by a third party. |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2013 | Rank | 500 | 245 | 1 | NA |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2013 | Pay Link | No | No | Yes | A mechanism to link the remuneration of any member of a company's senior executive team with the achievement of environmental performance targets. |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2013 | Energy Productivity | 0.021 | 0.312 | 0.971 | Energy Productivity defined as Revenue ($US) / Total Energy Consumption (GJ). |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2015 | Click here to see the 10 items available from this source | ||||
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2015 | Waste Productivity | 0% | 0% | 15% | Waste Productivity is defined as Revenue ($US) / [Total waste generated (metric tonnes) – waste recycled/reused (metric tonnes)]. |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2015 | Carbon Productivity | 0% | 4% | 15% | GHG Productivity defined as Revenue ($US) / Total Greenhouse gas (GHG) Emissions (CO2e). |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2015 | Energy Productivity | 0% | 2% | 15% | Energy Productivity defined as Revenue ($US) / Total Energy Consumption (GJ). |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2015 | Sustainability Pay Link | 0% | 10% | 10% | A mechanism to link the remuneration of any member of a company's senior executive team with the achievement of environmental performance targets. |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2015 | Sustainability Themed Committee | 0% | 5% | 5% | The existence of a committee at the Board of Directors level whose mandate is related to the sustainability of the company, including but not limited to environmental matters. |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2015 | Rank | 500 | 206 | 1 | NA |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2015 | Newsweek Green Score | 0.0% | 38.6% | 84.2% | This score is derived from the following component scores: an Energy Productivity,Carbon Productivity, Water Productivity, Waste Productivity, Reputation, Pay Link, Sustainability Themed Committee, Audit ; weighted at 45 percent, 45 percent, and 10 percen |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2015 | Green Revenue | 0% | 10% | 20% | NA |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2015 | Water Productivity | 0% | 2% | 15% | Water Productivity is defined as Revenue ($US) / Total water use (m3). |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2015 | Audit Score | 0% | 5% | 5% | The company provides evidence that the latest reported environmental metrics are audited by a third party. |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2016 | Click here to see the 10 items available from this source | ||||
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2016 | Green Revenue | 0% | 12% | 20% | NA |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2016 | Sustainability Pay Link | 0% | 10% | 10% | A mechanism to link the remuneration of any member of a company's senior executive team with the achievement of environmental performance targets. |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2016 | Rank | 500 | 184 | 1 | NA |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2016 | Audit Score | 0% | 5% | 5% | The company provides evidence that the latest reported environmental metrics are audited by a third party. |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2016 | Newsweek Green Score | 1.0% | 38.4% | 88.1% | This score is derived from the following component scores: an Energy Productivity,Carbon Productivity, Water Productivity, Waste Productivity, Reputation, Pay Link, Sustainability Themed Committee, Audit ; weighted at 45 percent, 45 percent, and 10 percen |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2016 | Water Productivity | 0% | 0% | 15% | Water Productivity is defined as Revenue ($US) / Total water use (m3). |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2016 | Sustainability Themed Committee | 0% | 5% | 5% | The existence of a committee at the Board of Directors level whose mandate is related to the sustainability of the company, including but not limited to environmental matters. |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2016 | Carbon Productivity | 0% | 6% | 15% | GHG Productivity defined as Revenue ($US) / Total Greenhouse gas (GHG) Emissions (CO2e). |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2016 | Waste Productivity | 0% | 0% | 15% | Waste Productivity is defined as Revenue ($US) / [Total waste generated (metric tonnes) – waste recycled/reused (metric tonnes)]. |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2016 | Energy Productivity | 0% | 0% | 15% | Energy Productivity defined as Revenue ($US) / Total Energy Consumption (GJ). |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2017 | Click here to see the 4 items available from this source | ||||
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2017 | Rank | 500 | 114 | 1 | Overall Rank |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2017 | Newsweek Green Score | 0.0 | 40.2 | 83.7 | Sustainability performance is measured using all key environmental performance indicators (KPI), which are disclosed by at least 10% of industry peer group companies. |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2017 | Country | NA | United States of America | NA | NA |
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2017 | GICS Sector | NA | Consumer Staples | NA | NA |
Newsweek Top 300 Green Companies 2019 | Click here to see the 6 items available from this source | ||||
Newsweek Top 300 Green Companies 2019 | Environmental Score | 28 | 58 | 100 | NA |
Newsweek Top 300 Green Companies 2019 | Score | 60 | 69 | 94 | NA |
Newsweek Top 300 Green Companies 2019 | Social Score | 41 | 75 | 100 | NA |
Newsweek Top 300 Green Companies 2019 | Rank | 300 | 168 | 1 | NA |
Newsweek Top 300 Green Companies 2019 | Corporate Governance | 40 | 76 | 100 | NA |
Newsweek Top 300 Green Companies 2019 | State | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Newsweek Top 100 Global Green Companies 2010 | Click here to see the 3 items available from this source | ||||
Newsweek Top 100 Global Green Companies 2010 | Newsweek Global Environmental Impact | 1.0 | 38.92 | 100.0 | NA |
Newsweek Top 100 Global Green Companies 2010 | Newsweek Global Green Policies and Performance | 1.0 | 59.36 | 100.0 | NA |
Newsweek Top 100 Global Green Companies 2010 | Newsweek Global Reputation | 1.0 | 89.61 | 100.0 | NA |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2011 | Click here to see the 5 items available from this source | ||||
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2011 | Green Score | 17.5 | 64.4 | 83.6 | This score is derived from three component scores: an Environmental Impact Score, an Environmental Management Score, and an Environmental Disclosure Score; weighted at 45 percent, 45 percent, and 10 percent, respectively. |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2011 | Rank | 500 | 124 | 1 | Overall rank on the Newsweek Global Green Ranking |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2011 | Disclosure | 0.0 | 56.5 | 99.9 | For the first time this year, environmental disclosure was included as a stand-alone score to assess each company’s transparency with regard to its environmental performance. |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2011 | Envtl. Impact | 0.2 | 63.8 | 88.2 | Based on data compiled by Trucost, this is a comprehensive, quantitative, and standardized measurement of the overall environmental impact of a company’s global operations. More than 700 metrics—including emissions of nine key greenhouse gases, water use, |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2011 | Envtl. Mgmt. | 28.7 | 66.9 | 96.2 | Based on an analysis of companies tracked in Sustainalytics’ Global Platform, the Environmental Management Score is an assessment of how a company manages its environmental performance through policies, programs, targets, certifications, and the like. |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2012 | Click here to see the 5 items available from this source | ||||
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2012 | Envtl. Impact | 11.3 | 64.5 | 87.3 | Based on data compiled by Trucost, this is a comprehensive, quantitative, and standardized measurement of the overall environmental impact of a company’s global operations. More than 700 metrics—including emissions of nine key greenhouse gases, water use, |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2012 | Green Score | 0.0 | 68.0 | 100.0 | NA |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2012 | Disclosure | 0.0 | 75.8 | 100.0 | Environmental disclosure was included as a stand-alone score to assess each company’s transparency with regard to its environmental performance. Specifically, this score evaluates the breadth and quality of company environmen |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2012 | Rank | 500 | 99 | 1 | NA |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2012 | Envtl. Mgmt. | 28.6 | 69.8 | 91.9 | Based on an analysis of companies tracked in Sustainalytics’ Global Platform, the Environmental Management Score is an assessment of how a company manages its environmental performance through policies, programs, targets, certifications, and the like. To |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2013 | Click here to see the 9 items available from this source | ||||
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2013 | Pay Link | No | No | Yes | A mechanism to link the remuneration of any member of a company's senior executive team with the achievement of environmental performance targets. |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2013 | Audit | No | Yes | Yes | The company provides evidence that the latest reported environmental metrics are audited by a third party. |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2013 | Reputation | 0.005 | 0.01 | 1.0 | The Reputation score is made up of two components: (1) The RepRisk Index, which is a quantitative measure that captures criticism and quantifies a company exposure to ESG risks. (2) The second component is based on the number of environmental issues that |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2013 | Rank | 500 | 337 | 1 | NA |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2013 | Energy Productivity | 0.007 | 0.312 | 0.957 | Energy Productivity defined as Revenue ($US) / Total Energy Consumption (GJ). |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2013 | Water Productivity | 0.012 | 0.493 | 0.992 | Water Productivity is defined as Revenue ($US) / Total water use (m3). |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2013 | Carbon Productivity | 0.015 | 0.459 | 0.963 | GHG Productivity defined as Revenue ($US) / Total Greenhouse gas (GHG) Emissions (CO2e). |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2013 | Sustainability Themed Committee | No | Yes | Yes | The existence of a committee at the Board of Directors level whose mandate is related to the sustainability of the company, including but not limited to environmental matters. |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2013 | Newsweek Green Score | 0.0 | 0.291 | 0.843 | This score is derived from the following component scores: an Energy Productivity,Carbon Productivity, Water Productivity, Waste Productivity, Reputation, Pay Link, Sustainability Themed Committee, Audit ; weighted at 45 percent, 45 percent, and 10 percen |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2015 | Click here to see the 10 items available from this source | ||||
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2015 | Sustainability Themed Committee | 0% | 5% | 5% | The existence of a committee at the Board of Directors level whose mandate is related to the sustainability of the company, including but not limited to environmental matters. |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2015 | Newsweek Green Score | 0.4% | 38.8% | 89.2% | This score is derived from the following component scores: an Energy Productivity,Carbon Productivity, Water Productivity, Waste Productivity, Reputation, Pay Link, Sustainability Themed Committee, Audit ; weighted at 45 percent, 45 percent, and 10 percen |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2015 | Rank | 500 | 299 | 1 | NA |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2015 | Energy Productivity | 0% | 0% | 15% | Energy Productivity defined as Revenue ($US) / Total Energy Consumption (GJ). |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2015 | Sustainability Pay Link | 0% | 10% | 10% | A mechanism to link the remuneration of any member of a company's senior executive team with the achievement of environmental performance targets. |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2015 | Carbon Productivity | 0% | 7% | 15% | GHG Productivity defined as Revenue ($US) / Total Greenhouse gas (GHG) Emissions (CO2e). |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2015 | Green Revenue | 0% | 12% | 20% | NA |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2015 | Waste Productivity | 0% | 0% | 15% | Waste Productivity is defined as Revenue ($US) / [Total waste generated (metric tonnes) – waste recycled/reused (metric tonnes)]. |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2015 | Water Productivity | 0% | 0% | 15% | Water Productivity is defined as Revenue ($US) / Total water use (m3). |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2015 | Audit Score | 0% | 5% | 5% | The company provides evidence that the latest reported environmental metrics are audited by a third party. |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2016 | Click here to see the 10 items available from this source | ||||
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2016 | Energy Productivity | 0% | 0% | 15% | Energy Productivity defined as Revenue ($US) / Total Energy Consumption (GJ). |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2016 | Carbon Productivity | 0% | 6% | 15% | GHG Productivity defined as Revenue ($US) / Total Greenhouse gas (GHG) Emissions (CO2e). |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2016 | Sustainability Themed Committee | 0% | 5% | 5% | The existence of a committee at the Board of Directors level whose mandate is related to the sustainability of the company, including but not limited to environmental matters. |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2016 | Green Revenue | 0% | 12% | 20% | NA |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2016 | Newsweek Green Score | 4.7% | 38.4% | 87.7% | This score is derived from the following component scores: an Energy Productivity,Carbon Productivity, Water Productivity, Waste Productivity, Reputation, Pay Link, Sustainability Themed Committee, Audit ; weighted at 45 percent, 45 percent, and 10 percen |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2016 | Water Productivity | 0% | 0% | 15% | Water Productivity is defined as Revenue ($US) / Total water use (m3). |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2016 | Rank | 500 | 280 | 1 | NA |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2016 | Waste Productivity | 0% | 0% | 15% | Waste Productivity is defined as Revenue ($US) / [Total waste generated (metric tonnes) – waste recycled/reused (metric tonnes)]. |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2016 | Audit Score | 0% | 5% | 5% | The company provides evidence that the latest reported environmental metrics are audited by a third party. |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2016 | Sustainability Pay Link | 0% | 10% | 10% | A mechanism to link the remuneration of any member of a company's senior executive team with the achievement of environmental performance targets. |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2017 | Click here to see the 4 items available from this source | ||||
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2017 | Rank | 500 | 199 | 1 | Overall Rank |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2017 | GICS Sector | NA | Consumer Staples | NA | NA |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2017 | Country | NA | United States of America | NA | NA |
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2017 | Newsweek Green Score | 0.0 | 40.2 | 89.9 | Sustainability performance is measured using all key environmental performance indicators (KPI), which are disclosed by at least 10% of industry peer group companies. |
Non-GMO Project | Verified No GMO | NA | Yes | Verified No GMO | The Non-GMO Project Product Verification Program is North America’s only third-party verification for non-GMO food and products. Third-party verification is the highest quality system when it comes to product labeling and certifications because it ensures |
National Hispanic Corporate Council | National Hispanic Corporate Council (NHCC) member | NA | Yes | Yes | National Hispanic Corporate Council (NHCC) member. |
NIRAPON | Member? | NA | Yes | Yes | NIRAPON members share a common goal of maintaining high safety standards and management systems in our supplying factories in Bangladesh. |
National Minority Supplier Development Council | Member? | NA | Yes | Yes | National Minority Supplier Development Council Corporate Members |
National Veteran Business Development Council (NVBDC) | NVBDC Member | NA | Yes | Yes | Certified veteran owned business. |
Oceana's Red and Green List | Oceana's Red and Green lists of stores that post information on mercury | No | No | Yes | NA |
Omni50 2017 | OMNI 50 2017 | NA | 2 | NA | Rank on a list of companies selected as the most diverse by Diversity Business. |
Omni50 2018 | OMNI 50 2018 | 50 | 2 | 1 | Rank on a list of companies selected as the most diverse by Diversity Business. |
Omni50 2019 | OMNI 50 2019 | 50 | 2 | 1 | Rank on a list of companies selected as the most diverse by Diversity Business. |
Omni50 2020 | OMNI 50 2020 | 50 | 3 | 1 | Rank on a list of companies selected as the most diverse by Diversity Business. |
NASDAQ OMX CRD Global Sustainability Index | NASDAQ OMX CRD Global Sustainability Index | NA | Yes | Yes | The NASDAQ OMX CRD Global Sustainability Index is an equally weighted equity index that serves as a benchmark for stocks of companies that are taking a leadership role in sustainability performance reporting and are traded on a major US stock exchange. Th |
Planet Tracker Corporates' Nature Scorecard | Click here to see the 8 items available from this source | ||||
Planet Tracker Corporates' Nature Scorecard | Nature Action 100 Member | No | Yes | Yes | The member of Nature Action100 which choose companies on factors such as a large market capitalisation, representing both developed and emerging markets, and having a high potential impact on nature |
Planet Tracker Corporates' Nature Scorecard | Forest500 High Score | No | No | Yes | The Forest 500, an assessment of 500 ‘companies and financial institutions with the greatest links to deforestation, conversion of natural ecosystems and associated human rights abuses |
Planet Tracker Corporates' Nature Scorecard | Rank | 367 | 355 | 1 | Ranking a corporates' involvement across nature-related frameworks and initiatives, from the highest involvement to the least involved. |
Planet Tracker Corporates' Nature Scorecard | TNFD Early Adopter | No | No | Yes | Early adopters of Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) which rolled out the voluntary framework in late 2023. |
Planet Tracker Corporates' Nature Scorecard | PRI Spring | No | No | Yes | Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) launnched 'Spring' as stewardship initiative on nature. |
Planet Tracker Corporates' Nature Scorecard | ShareAction Pesticides WG | No | No | Yes | ShareAction has also targeted an important factor in the biodiversity crisis which affects land-use change and pollution.This is why they have created a Pesticides Working Group for investors. |
Planet Tracker Corporates' Nature Scorecard | SBTN For Nature | No | No | Yes | Science Based Targets Network (SBTN) launched “the world’s first science-based targets for nature, a significant milestone towards helping companies take integrated action across freshwater, land, ocean, biodiversity, and climate. |
Planet Tracker Corporates' Nature Scorecard | Appointed a Head of Nature | No | No | Yes | Companies that appointed a Head of Nature |
The Rainforest Alliance | Certified? | NA | Yes | Yes | The Rainforest Alliance Certified green frog seal is awarded to farms, forests, and tourism businesses that meet rigorous environmental and social standards. |
RE100 | List of the most influential businesses committed to 100% renewable electricity | NA | Yes | NA | List of the most influential businesses committed to 100% renewable electricity |
ReportWatch | Click here to see the 5 items available from this source | ||||
ReportWatch | Country | NA | U.S. | NA | REPORTWATCH RATING |
ReportWatch | Report Rating | D | B | A | REPORTWATCH RATING |
ReportWatch | Compare e.g. | NA | CARREFOUR | NA | NA |
ReportWatch | Rank | 400 | 0 | 1 | REPORTWATCH RATING |
ReportWatch | Rating | NA | B- | NA | REPORTWATCH RATING |
Reputation Institute | Click here to see the 11 items available from this source | ||||
Reputation Institute | Products | NA | 67.8822 | NA | NA |
Reputation Institute | Governance | NA | 60.0075 | NA | NA |
Reputation Institute | Leadership | NA | 66.2025 | NA | NA |
Reputation Institute | Workplace | NA | 54.6001 | NA | NA |
Reputation Institute | RepTrak® CSR Index | NA | 58.0402 | NA | NA |
Reputation Institute | Performance | NA | 69.3306 | NA | NA |
Reputation Institute | Citizenship | NA | 60.0293 | NA | NA |
Reputation Institute | Valid N | NA | 105.9 | NA | NA |
Reputation Institute | Pulse | NA | 68.2043 | NA | NA |
Reputation Institute | Innovation | NA | 65.5475 | NA | NA |
Reputation Institute | RepTrak® BrandStrength | NA | 63.9981 | NA | NA |
Responsible Minerals Initiative | Responsible Minerals Initiative Member | NA | Yes | Yes | The Responsible Minerals Initiative is one of the most utilized and respected resources for companies from a range of industries addressing responsible mineral sourcing issues in their supply chains. |
Reputation Quotient | Click here to see the 2 items available from this source | ||||
Reputation Quotient | RQ | 48.18 | 66.9 | 85.64 | The Annual RQ is an assessment tool that captures perceptions of corporate reputations across industries, among multiple audiences, and is adaptable to countries outside the United States, grouped into six dimensions of reputation: Products & Services, Fi |
Reputation Quotient | Rank | 60 | 79 | 1 | The rank within this year's RQ. |
Responsible Sourcing Network Mining the Disclosures 2018 | Conflict Minerals Performance Rating | (<40) | (<40) | (90+) | Mining the Disclosures 2018 aims to provide investors and other stakeholders with a comparative year-on-year analysis of the largest companies’ efforts to disclose and address their use, and associated risks, linked to conflict minerals in the DRC region. |
Sustainable Apparel Coalition | Members of Sustainable Apparel Coation | NA | Yes | Yes | NA |
SASB Reporter | Click here to see the 3 items available from this source | ||||
SASB Reporter | Referred to SASB | NA | Yes | Yes | At least one report referred to SASB for 2015-2019 |
SASB Reporter | Number of Reports | 1 | 1 | 5 | Number of places that referred to SASB. |
SASB Reporter | Number of Years | 1 | 1 | 4 | Number of years of SASB references. |
Sustainable Brands Members | Sustainable Brands Member | NA | Yes | Yes | The Sustainable Brands Member Network is the leading peer-to-peer, learning and networking group. |
Science Based Targets Initiative | Click here to see the 18 items available from this source | ||||
Science Based Targets Initiative | Target | NA | Walmart commits to reduce absolute scopes 1 and 2 GHG emissions 35% by 2025 and 65% by 2030 from a 2015 base year. Walmart will also work to reduce CO2e emissions from upstream and downstream scope 3 sources by one billion tonnes between by 2030 from a 20 | NA | NA |
Science Based Targets Initiative | Net-Zero Year | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Science Based Targets Initiative | Near term - Target Year | NA | 2025, 2030 | NA | NA |
Science Based Targets Initiative | Net-Zero Committed | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
Science Based Targets Initiative | LOCATION | NA | United States of America (USA) | NA | Location of the company committed. |
Science Based Targets Initiative | DATE | NA | 01/11/2016 | NA | Date of establishing a commitment to set a science-based target. |
Science Based Targets Initiative | Organization Type | NA | Company | NA | NA |
Science Based Targets Initiative | Target Classification ext | NA | The targets covering greenhouse gas emissions from company operations (scopes 1 and 2) are consistent with reductions required to keep warming to 1.5°C. | NA | NA |
Science Based Targets Initiative | Long term - Target Classification | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Science Based Targets Initiative | Long term - Target Status | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Science Based Targets Initiative | SECTOR | NA | Food and Staples Retailing | NA | Sector of the company committed. |
Science Based Targets Initiative | Committed to Business Ambition for 1.5 | NA | Yes | Yes | A company is committed to setting the targets covering greenhouse gas emissions from company operations (scopes 1 and 2) that are consistent with reductions required to keep warming to 1.5°C |
Science Based Targets Initiative | REGION | NA | North America | NA | Region of the company committed. |
Science Based Targets Initiative | STATUS | Committed | Targets Set | Targets Set | A company has a status "Commited" after submitting a letter establishing its intent to set a science-based target. A company has a status "Targets set" after its targets are validated and approved by SBT team. |
Science Based Targets Initiative | BA1.5 Date | NA | 01/04/2021 | NA | NA |
Science Based Targets Initiative | Country | NA | United States of America (USA) | NA | NA |
Science Based Targets Initiative | Long term - Target Year | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Science Based Targets Initiative | TARGET CLASSIFICATION | NA | 1.5°C | Well-below 2°C | The targets covering greenhouse gas emissions from company operations (scopes 1 and 2) are consistent with reductions required to keep warming to 1.5°C, well below 2°C or 2°C. |
Sustainable Packaging Coalition | Sustainable Packaging Coalition member | NA | Yes | Yes | NA |
SRI-Connect | Value | NA | Yes | Yes | A member of the marketplace |
Top Diversity Employers for Hispanics 2010 | Top Diversity Employers for Hispanics 2010 | NA | Yes | Yes | The top employers selected based on their unique diversity plan and policies. |
Top Diversity Employers for Hispanics 2013 | Top Diversity Employers for Hispanics 2013 | NA | Yes | Yes | The top employers selected based on their unique diversity plan and policies. |
Top Diversity Employers for Hispanics 2014 | Top Diversity Employers for Hispanics 2014 | NA | Yes | Yes | The top employers selected based on their unique diversity plan and policies. |
Top Diversity Employers for Hispanics 2017 | Top Diversity Employers for Hispanics 2017 | NA | Yes | NA | The top employers selected based on their unique diversity plan and policies. |
Top Diversity Employers for Hispanics 2018 | Top Diversity Employers for Hispanics 2018 | NA | Yes | Yes | The top employers selected based on their unique diversity plan and policies. |
Top Diversity Employers for Hispanics 2019 | Top Diversity Employers for Hispanics 2019 | NA | Yes | Yes | The top employers selected based on their unique diversity plan and policies. |
Top Diversity Employers for Hispanics 2020 | Top Diversity Employers for Hispanics 2020 | NA | Yes | Yes | The top employers selected based on their unique diversity plan and policies. |
Top Diversity Employers for Hispanics 2021 | Top Diversity Employers for Hispanics 2021 | NA | Yes | Yes | The top employers selected based on their unique diversity plan and policies. |
Top Diversity Employers for Hispanics 2022 | Top Diversity Employers for Hispanics 2022 | NA | Yes | Yes | The top employers selected based on their unique diversity plan and policies. |
Top Diversity Employers for Hispanics 2023 | Top Diversity Employers for Hispanics 2023 | NA | Yes | Yes | The top employers selected based on their unique diversity plan and policies. |
Top Diversity Employers for Hispanics 2024 | Top Diversity Employers for Hispanics 2024 | NA | Yes | Yes | The top employers selected based on their unique diversity plan and policies. |
Top 100 Diversity Supplier Programs for Hispanics | Top 100 Diversity Supplier Programs | NA | Yes | Yes | The top 100 suppliers selected by Hispanic Network Magazine's comprehensive study of each program and policies to include the development of disadvantaged business owner partnerships and the procurement process. |
Top 100 Diversity Supplier Programs for Hispanics for 2021 | Top 100 Diversity Supplier Programs for 2021 | NA | Yes | Yes | The top 100 suppliers selected by Hispanic Network Magazine's comprehensive study of each program and policies to include the development of disadvantaged business owner partnerships and the procurement process. |
Top 100 Diversity Supplier Programs for Hispanics for 2022 | Top 100 Diversity Supplier Programs for 2022 | NA | Yes | Yes | The top 100 suppliers selected by Hispanic Network Magazine's comprehensive study of each program and policies to include the development of disadvantaged business owner partnerships and the procurement process. |
Top 100 Diversity Supplier Programs for Hispanics for 2023 | Top 100 Diversity Supplier Programs for 2023 | NA | Yes | Yes | The top 100 suppliers selected by Hispanic Network Magazine's comprehensive study of each program and policies to include the development of disadvantaged business owner partnerships and the procurement process. |
Top 100 Diversity Supplier Programs for Hispanics for 2024 | Top 100 Diversity Supplier Programs for 2024 | NA | Yes | Yes | The top 100 suppliers selected by Hispanic Network Magazine's comprehensive study of each program and policies to include the development of disadvantaged business owner partnerships and the procurement process. |
Tea Party Patriots Boycott List | List of companies deemed unpatriotic by members of the Tea Party Patriots | NA | yes | Yes | NA |
The Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) | Click here to see the 23 items available from this source | ||||
The Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) | Q12L3|Does the company have a process to manage climate-related risks? | NA | Yes | Yes | Company's strategy on managing and assessing climate change risks. (yes/no/not applicable) |
The Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) | Q19L4|Does the company ensure consistency between its climate change policy and the positions taken by trade associations of which it is a member? | NA | No | Yes | A company's consistant policy and position on climate change as compared to the trade associations of which they are members of |
The Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) | Q17L4|Does the company undertake climate scenario planning? | NA | Yes | Yes | A company's inclusion of climate change into their business planning. (yes/no) |
The Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) | MQ Assessment Date | NA | 13/04/2023 | NA | NA |
The Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) | Q3L1|Does the company have a policy (or equivalent) commitment to action on climate change? | NA | Yes | Yes | A company's officially planned action(s) towards climate change effects. (yes/no) |
The Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) | Q4L2|Has the company set greenhouse gas emission reduction targets? | NA | Yes | Yes | A company's determination of goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. (yes/no) |
The Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) | Q6L3|Has the company nominated a board member or board committee with explicit responsibility for oversight of the climate change policy? | NA | Yes | Yes | The company's official creation of an entity for climate change policy enactment. (yes/no) |
The Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) | Q9L3|Has the company had its operational (Scope 1 and/or 2) greenhouse gas emissions data verified? | NA | No | Yes | The verification of a company's operational greenhouse gas emission data. (yes/no) |
The Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) | Q16L4|Does the company incorporate climate change risks and opportunities in their strategy? | NA | No | Yes | A company's incorporation of climate change risk and opportunities into their business strategy. (yes/no) |
The Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) | Q18L4|Does the company disclose an internal price of carbon? | NA | No | Yes | A company's inclusion and disclosure of internal price of carbon. (yes/no) |
The Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) | Q1L0|Does the company acknowledge climate change as a significant issue for the business? | NA | Yes | Yes | A company's acknowledgement that their business strategy will/might change due to climate change. (yes/no) |
The Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) | Q7L3|Has the company set quantitative targets for reducing its greenhouse gas emissions? | NA | Yes | Yes | A company's determination of quantative goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. (yes/no) |
The Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) | Q2L1|Does the company recognise climate change as a relevant risk and/or opportunity for the business? | NA | Yes | Yes | A company's determination that climate change is a risk/opportunity to their business strategy. (yes/no) |
The Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) | Q8L3|Does the company report on Scope 3 emissions? | NA | Yes | Yes | A company's Scope 3 emissions report. (yes/no) |
The Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) | MQ Publication Date | NA | 1/11/2023 | NA | NA |
The Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) | Performance Compared to Previous Year | NA | unchanged | NA | A company's score and level as compared to the previous year. (up/down/new/unchanged) |
The Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) | Q15L4|Does the company's remuneration for senior executives incorporate climate change performance? | NA | Yes | Yes | A company's policy of rewarding senior executives for climate change policy performance. (yes/no) |
The Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) | Q11L3|Does the company disclose its membership and involvement in trade associations engaged in climate issues? | NA | No | Yes | Company's disclosure of involvement in trade associations that particiapte in climate change agendas. (yes/no) |
The Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) | Q5L2|Has the company published information on its Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions? | NA | Yes | Yes | The official publishing of the company's plan to combat their greenhouse gas emission and impact of global warming. (yes/no) |
The Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) | Q13L3|Does the company disclose Scope 3 use of product emissions? | NA | Not Applicable | Yes | A company's disclosure of Scope 3 (use of product) emissions. (yes/no) |
The Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) | Q14L4|Has the company set long-term quantitative targets for reducing its greenhouse gas emissions? | NA | Yes | Yes | A company's long term strategy of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. (yes/no) |
The Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) | Level | 0 | 3 | 4STAR | Company's level of management of greenhouse gas emissions and of risk and opportunites to the low-carbon transition. (Level 0 - Unaware. Level 1 - Awareness. Level 2 - Building capacity. Level 3 - Integrating into operational decision making. Level 4 - St |
The Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) | Q10L3|Does the company support domestic and international efforts to mitigate climate change? | NA | Yes | Yes | Company's domestic and international support to combat climate change. (yes/no) |
Transparency International | Click here to see the 31 items available from this source | ||||
Transparency International | TOTAL POINTS FOR FOREIGN OPERATIONS | 0 | 11 | 90 | NA |
Transparency International | Does the company leadership demonstrate support for anti-corruption? E.g. is there a statement in corporate citizenship report or in public pronouncements to integrity? | 0 | 1 | 1 | NA |
Transparency International | Does the company’s code of conduct / anti-corruption policy explicitly apply to all agents and other intermediaries? | 0 | 1 | 1 | NA |
Transparency International | Does the company prohibit retaliation for reporting the violation of a policy? | 0 | 1 | 1 | NA |
Transparency International | ANTI-CORRUPTION PROGRAMME Percent Score | 0.0% | 76.9% | 100%% | NA |
Transparency International | Does the company disclose percentages owned in its fully consolidated material subsidiaries | 0 | 1 | 1 | NA |
Transparency International | Does the company provide channels through which employees can report potential violations of policy or seek advice (e.g. whistle-blowing) in confidence? | 0 | 1 | 1 | NA |
Transparency International | Does the company publicly commit to be in compliance with all relevant laws, including anti-corruption laws? | 0 | 1 | 1 | NA |
Transparency International | Does the company disclose countries of incorporation of its non-fully consolidated material subsidiaries | 0 | n.a. | 1 | NA |
Transparency International | No. of Foreign countries of operations | 5 | 15 | 96 | Country other than where the company originated, or company's place of domocile. |
Transparency International | % SCORE FOR FOREIGN OPERATIONS | 0.0% | 14.0% | 50%% | NA |
Transparency International | Is there a policy that explicitly forbids facilitation payments? | 0 | 1 | 1 | NA |
Transparency International | Does the company disclose countries of incorporation of its fully consolidated material subsidiaries | 0 | 1 | 1 | NA |
Transparency International | Does the company have a policy defining appropriate/ inappropriate gifts, hospitality and travel expenses? | 0 | 1 | 1 | NA |
Transparency International | DISCLOSURE OF SUBSIDIARIES Percentage Score | 18.8%% | 75.0% | 87.5%% | NA |
Transparency International | Does the company disclose the full list of its fully consolidated material subsidiaries | 0 | 1 | 1 | NA |
Transparency International | Home Country | NA | United States | NA | Country where company originated, or company's place of domocile. |
Transparency International | Does the company have a publicly stated commitment to anti-corruption? | 0 | 1 | 1 | NA |
Transparency International | Does the company disclose percentages owned in its non-fully consolidated material subsidiaries | 0 | n.a. | 1 | NA |
Transparency International | Does the company disclose countries of operations of its non-fully consolidated material subsidiaries | 0 | n.a. | 1 | NA |
Transparency International | % SCORE FOR HOME OPERATIONS | 0.0% | 90.0% | 100%% | NA |
Transparency International | TOTAL POINTS FOR HOME OPERATIONS | 0 | 5 | 5 | NA |
Transparency International | Does the company disclose the full list of its non-fully consolidated material subsidiaries (associates, joint-ventures, entities consolidated by equity method) | 0 | n.a. | 1 | NA |
Transparency International | Does the company have a policy prohibiting political contributions or if it does make such contributions, are they fully disclosed? | 0 | 0 | 1 | NA |
Transparency International | Does the company disclose countries of operations of its fully consolidated material subsidiaries | 0 | 0 | 1 | NA |
Transparency International | Does the company’s code of conduct / anti-corruption policy explicitly apply to contractors, subcontractors and suppliers? | 0 | 1 | 1 | NA |
Transparency International | ANTI-CORRUPTION PROGRAMME Total Score | 0 | 10 | 13 | NA |
Transparency International | Does the company’s code of conduct / anti-corruption policy explicitly apply to all employees? | 0 | 1 | 1 | NA |
Transparency International | Does the company carry out regular monitoring of its anti-corruption programme? | 0 | 0 | 1 | NA |
Transparency International | Does the company have an anti-corruption training programme for ist employees in place? | 0 | 0 | 1 | NA |
Transparency International | DISCLOSURE OF SUBSIDIARIES Total Score | 1 | 3 | 8 | NA |
Training Magazine Top 125 for Employee Development--2018 | Click here to see the 3 items available from this source | ||||
Training Magazine Top 125 for Employee Development--2018 | Rank/Award | 118 | 86 | 2 | NA |
Training Magazine Top 125 for Employee Development--2018 | Honored for Best Practice | NA | NA | yes | NA |
Training Magazine Top 125 for Employee Development--2018 | Honored for Outstanding Training Initiative | NA | NA | yes | NA |
Training Magazine Top 125 for Employee Development--2019 | Rank/Award | NA | 120 | NA | NA |
Training Magazine Top 125 for Employee Development--2020 | Rank/Award | NA | Yes | Yes | NA |
The Sustainability Consortium member | Member of TSC | NA | Yes | Yes | NA |
Black Collegian 2009 (Universum) | Universum 100 Diverse Employers | NA | Yes | Yes | NA |
Black Collegian 2012 (Universum) | Black Collegian 100 Diverse Employers | NA | Yes | Yes | NA |
UN Office on Drugs and Crime Anti-Corruption Measures | United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Anti-Corruption Measures | No | Yes | Yes | Information on which Fortune Global 500 companies have and don't have anti-corruption policiestheir business practices and use the assessment to better develop and integrate their CR agenda. |
Uzbek Cotton Pledge Signatories | Click here to see the 2 items available from this source | ||||
Uzbek Cotton Pledge Signatories | RSN Pledge | NA | Yes | Yes | Company Pledge Against Forced Labor in the Cotton Sector of Uzbekistan |
Uzbek Cotton Pledge Signatories | Sum of brands | 1 | 13 | 14 | Number of brands under one parent company that make the pledge against Forced Labor in the Cotton Sector of Uzbekistan |
America Is All In | Committed to We Are Still There | NA | Yes | NA | NA |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | Click here to see the 65 items available from this source | ||||
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 2.Commitment to respect the human rights of workers | 0.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | The company publicly commits to respecting the principles concerning fundamental rights at work in the eight ILO core conventions as set out in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. It also has a publicly available statement of |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 14.Gender equality and women’s empowerment fundamentals | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | The company publicly commits to gender equality and women’s empowerment and discloses quantitative information on gender equality and women’s empowerment. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 17b.The company describes the process(es) to identify its bribery and corruption risks and impacts in specific locations or activities covering its own operations. | Not Met | Met | Met | Indicator element 17b.The company describes the process(es) to identify its bribery and corruption risks and impacts in specific locations or activities covering its own operations. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 6.Engaging with affected and potentially affected stakeholders | Not Met | 1 | Met | The company publicly commits to respecting the principles concerning fundamental rights at work in the eight ILO core conventions as set out in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. It also has a publicly available statement of |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 17a.The company has a publicly available policy statement prohibiting bribery and corruption. | Not Met | Met | Met | Indicator element 17a.The company has a publicly available policy statement prohibiting bribery and corruption. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 13c.The company discloses the proportion of its total direct operations workforce for each employee category by race or ethnicity. | Not Met | Not Met | Met | Indicator element 13c.The company discloses the proportion of its total direct operations workforce for each employee category by race or ethnicity. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 11b.The company publicly states that all overtime work must be consensual and be paid at a premium rate. | Not Met | Not Met | Met | Indicator element 11b.The company publicly states that all overtime work must be consensual and be paid at a premium rate. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 3.Identifying human rights risks and impacts | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | The company publicly commits to respecting the principles concerning fundamental rights at work in the eight ILO core conventions as set out in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. It also has a publicly available statement of |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 16c.The company clearly discloses the amount of corporate income tax paid for each tax jurisdiction where the company is a resident for tax purposes. | Not Met | Not Met | Met | Indicator element 16c.The company clearly discloses the amount of corporate income tax paid for each tax jurisdiction where the company is a resident for tax purposes. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 5a.The company describes its global system to take action to prevent, mitigate or remediate its salient human rights issues | Not Met | Partially Met | Met | Indicator element 5a.The company describes its global system to take action to prevent, mitigate or remediate its salient human rights issues, AND this includes a description of how its global system ap |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 18b.The company has a publicly available policy statement that specifies that it does not make political contributions. | Not Met | Not Met | Met | Indicator element 18b.The company has a publicly available policy statement that specifies that it does not make political contributions. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 10c.The company describes how it works to support the payment of a living wage by its business relationships. | Not Met | Not Met | Met | Indicator element 10c.The company describes how it works to support the payment of a living wage by its business relationships. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 7a.The company indicates that it has one or more channel(s)/mechanism(s), or participates in a third-party or shared mechanism, accessible to all workers to raise complaints or concerns | Not Met | Met | Met | Indicator element 7a.The company indicates that it has one or more channel(s)/mechanism(s), or participates in a third party or shared mechanism, accessible to all workers to raise complaints or concerns related to the company. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 13b.The company discloses the proportion of its total direct operations workforce for each employee category by gender. | Not Met | Met | Met | Indicator element 13b.The company discloses the proportion of its total direct operations workforce for each employee category by gender. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 15.Personal data protection fundamentals | 0.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | The company publicly commits to protecting personal data and has a global approach to data privacy. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 14c.The company has at least 30% women on the highest governance body. | Not Met | Not Met | Met | Indicator element 14c.The company has at least 30% women on the highest governance body. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 10.Living wage fundamentals | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | The company is committed to pay a living wage to its workers and supports the payment of a living wage by its business relationships. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 15a.The company has a public commitment to protecting personal data. | Not Met | Met | Met | Indicator element 15a.The company has a public commitment to protecting personal data. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 13.Workforce diversity disclosure fundamentals | 0.0 | 0.5 | 1.0 | The company discloses the percentage of employees for each employee category by at least four indicators of diversity |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 5b.The company provides an example of the specific conclusions reached and actions taken or to be taken on at least one of its salient human rights issues as a result of assessment | Not Met | Not Met | Met | Indicator element 5b.The company provides an example of the specific conclusions reached and actions taken or to be taken on at least one of its salient human rights issues as a result of assessment |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 12b.The company describes how it works to support the practices of its business relationships in relation to freedom of association and collective bargaining. | Not Met | Not Met | Met | Indicator element 12b.The company describes how it works to support the practices of its business relationships in relation to freedom of association and collective bargaining. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 18c.The company discloses its expenditures on lobbying activities. | Not Met | Not Met | Met | Indicator element 18c.The company discloses its expenditures on lobbying activities. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 18a.The company has a publicly available policy statement(s) (or policy(ies) setting out its lobbying and political engagement approach. | Not Met | Not Met | Met | Indicator element 18a.The company has a publicly available policy statement(s) (or policy(ies) setting out its lobbying and political engagement approach. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 9a.The company has a publicly available policy statement committing it to respect the health and safety of workers. | Not Met | Met | Met | Indicator element 9a.The company has a publicly available policy statement committing it to respect the health and safety of workers. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 16a.The company has a publicly available global tax strategy, which is approved by the highest governance body. | Not Met | Not Met | Met | Indicator element 16a.The company has a publicly available global tax strategy, which is approved by the highest governance body. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 18.Responsible lobbying and political engagement fundamentals | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | The company has an approach to lobbying and political engagement and has related controls in place. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 11a.The company publicly states that workers shall not be required to work more than 48 hours in a regular work week or 60 hours including overtime. | Not Met | Not Met | Met | Indicator element 11a.The company publicly states that workers shall not be required to work more than 48 hours in a regular work week or 60 hours including overtime. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 1.Commitment to respect human rights | 0.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | The company publicly commits to respecting all internationally recognised human rights across its activities. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 8.Grievance mechanisms for external individuals and communities | 0.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | The company publicly commits to respecting the principles concerning fundamental rights at work in the eight ILO core conventions as set out in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. It also has a publicly available statement of |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | Total score (max. 20) | 0.0 | 9.0 | 17.5 | NA |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 17d.The company indicates that it has a confidential and anonymous channel/mechanism accessible to all stakeholders to raise bribery and corruption concerns and complaints | Not Met | Met | Met | Indicator element 17d.The company indicates that it has a confidential and anonymous channel/mechanism accessible to all stakeholders to raise bribery and corruption concerns and complaints without fear |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 9.Health and safety fundamentals | 0.0 | 0.5 | 1.0 | The company publicly commits to respecting the principles concerning fundamental rights at work in the eight ILO core conventions as set out in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. It also has a publicly available statement of |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 10a.The company discloses a time-bound target for paying all workers a living wage or that it has achieved paying all workers a living wage. | Not Met | Not Met | Met | Indicator element 10a.The company discloses a time-bound target for paying all workers a living wage or that it has achieved paying all workers a living wage. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 14a.The company has a public commitment to gender equality and women’s empowerment. | Not Met | Not Met | Met | Indicator element 14a.The company has a public commitment to gender equality and women’s empowerment. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 3a.The company describes the process(es) to identify its human rights risks and impacts in specific locations or activities covering its own operations. | Not Met | Not Met | Met | Indicator element 3a.The company describes the process(es) to identify its human rights risks and impacts in specific locations or activities covering its own operations. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 13d.The company discloses the proportion of its total direct operations workforce for each employee category by one or more additional indicators of diversity | Not Met | Not Met | Met | Indicator element 13d.The company discloses the proportion of its total direct operations workforce for each employee category by one or more additional indicators of diversity (e.g. disability, sexual i |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 3b.The company describes the process(es) to identify its human rights risks and impacts in specific locations or activities through relevant business relationships. | Not Met | Not Met | Met | Indicator element 3b.The company describes the process(es) to identify its human rights risks and impacts in specific locations or activities through relevant business relationships. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 4.Assessing human rights risks and impacts | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | The company publicly commits to respecting the principles concerning fundamental rights at work in the eight ILO core conventions as set out in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. It also has a publicly available statement of |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 14d.The company discloses the ratio of the basic salary and remuneration of women to men in its total direct operations workforce for each employee category | Not Met | Not Met | Met | Indicator element 14d.The company discloses the ratio of the basic salary and remuneration of women to men in its total direct operations workforce for each employee category, by significant locations of |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 12a.The company discloses the proportion of its total direct operations workforce covered by collective bargaining agreements. | Not Met | Not Met | Met | Indicator element 12a.The company discloses the proportion of its total direct operations workforce covered by collective bargaining agreements. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 9c.The company has a publicly available statement of policy that expects its business relationships to commit to respecting the health and safety of their workers. | Not Met | Met | Met | Indicator element 9c.The company has a publicly available statement of policy that expects its business relationships to commit to respecting the health and safety of their workers. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 11c.The company has a public expectation that its business relationships shall not require workers to work more than 48 hours in a regular work week or 60 hours including overtime. | Not Met | Not Met | Met | Indicator element 11c.The company has a public expectation that its business relationships shall not require workers to work more than 48 hours in a regular work week or 60 hours including overtime. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 5.Integrating and acting on human rights risks and impacts | 0.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | The company publicly commits to respecting the principles concerning fundamental rights at work in the eight ILO core conventions as set out in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. It also has a publicly available statement of |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 11.Working hours fundamentals | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | The company does not require workers to work more than the regular and overtime hours and places equivalent expectations on its business relationships. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 9d.The company discloses how it monitors the health and safety performance of its business relationships. | Not Met | Met | Met | Indicator element 9d.The company discloses how it monitors the health and safety performance of its business relationships. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 17c.The company includes anti-bribery and anti-corruption clauses in its contracts with business relationships | Not Met | Met | Met | Indicator element 17c.The company includes anti-bribery and anti-corruption clauses in its contracts with business relationships |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 16b.A governance body or executive-level position is tasked with accountability for compliance with the company’s global tax strategy. | Not Met | Not Met | Met | Indicator element 16b.A governance body or executive-level position is tasked with accountability for compliance with the company’s global tax strategy. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 8a.The company indicates that it has one or more channel(s)/mechanism(s), or participates in a shared mechanism, accessible to all external individuals and communities who may be adversely impacted by the Company (or individuals or organisations acting on | Not Met | Met | Met | Indicator element 8a.The company indicates that it has one or more channel(s)/mechanism(s), or participates in a shared mechanism, accessible to all external individuals and communities who may be adversely impacted by the Company (or individuals or organ |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 7.Grievance mechanisms for workers | 0.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | The company publicly commits to respecting the principles concerning fundamental rights at work in the eight ILO core conventions as set out in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. It also has a publicly available statement of |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 16.Responsible tax fundamentals | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | The company has a public global tax approach and discloses its corporate income tax payments on a country-by-country basis |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 2a.The company has a publicly available policy statement committing it to respecting the human rights that the ILO has declared to be fundamental rights at work | Not Met | Met | Met | Indicator element 2a.The company has a publicly available policy statement committing it to respecting the human rights that the ILO has declared to be fundamental rights at work |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 4a.The company describes its process(es) for assessing its human rights risks and discloses what it considers to be its salient human rights issues. | Not Met | Not Met | Met | Indicator element 4a.The company describes its process(es) for assessing its human rights risks and discloses what it considers to be its salient human rights issues. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 13a.The company discloses the proportion of its total direct operations workforce for each employee category by age group. | Not Met | Not Met | Met | Indicator element 13a.The company discloses the proportion of its total direct operations workforce for each employee category by age group. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 6a.The company discloses the categories of stakeholders whose human rights have been or may be affected by its activities. | Not Met | Met | Met | Indicator element 6a.The company discloses the categories of stakeholders whose human rights have been or may be affected by its activities. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 9b.The company discloses quantitative information on health and safety for its workers. | Not Met | Not Met | Met | Indicator element 9b.The company discloses quantitative information on health and safety for its workers. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 1a.The company has a publicly available policy statement committing it to respect human rights, which is approved by the highest governance body. | Not Met | Met | Met | Indicator element 1a.The company has a publicly available policy statement committing it to respect human rights, which is approved by the highest governance body. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 2b.The company has a publicly available statement of policy that expects its business relationships to commit to respecting the human rights that the ILO has declared to be fundamental | Not Met | Met | Met | Indicator element 2b.The company has a publicly available statement of policy that expects its business relationships to commit to respecting the human rights that the ILO has declared to be fundamental |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 12.Collective bargaining fundamentals | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | The company discloses information about collective bargaining agreements covering its workforce and its approach to supporting the practices of its business relationships in relation to freedom of association and collective bargaining |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 6b.The company provides at least two examples of its engagement with stakeholders whose human rights have been or may be affected by its activities or their legitimate representatives | Not Met | Met | Met | Indicator element 6b.The company provides at least two examples of its engagement with stakeholders whose human rights have been or may be affected by its activities (or their legitimate representatives |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 4b.The company publicly discloses the results of its assessments, which may be aggregated across its operations and locations. | Not Met | Not Met | Met | Indicator element 4b.The company publicly discloses the results of its assessments, which may be aggregated across its operations and locations. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 14b.The company discloses one or more time-bound targets on gender equality and women’s empowerment. | Not Met | Not Met | Met | Indicator element 14b.The company discloses one or more time-bound targets on gender equality and women’s empowerment. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 15b.The company has a global publicly available privacy statement in relation to the collection, sharing and access to personal data. | Not Met | Met | Met | Indicator element 15b.The company has a global publicly available privacy statement in relation to the collection, sharing and access to personal data. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 18d.The company requires third-party lobbyists to comply with its lobbying and political engagement policy (or policies). | Not Met | Not Met | Met | Indicator element 18d.The company requires third-party lobbyists to comply with its lobbying and political engagement policy (or policies). |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 10b.The company publicly states that all overtime work must be consensual and be paid at a premium rate. | Not Met | Not Met | Met | Indicator element 10b.The company has a publicly available statement of policy that expects its business relationships to commit to respecting the health and safety of their workers. |
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation | 17.Anti-bribery and anti-corruption fundamentals | 0.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | The company publicly prohibits bribery and corruption and takes steps to identify and address bribery and corruption risks and incidents |
World Business Council for Sustainable Development | List of WBCSD members | NA | Yes | Yes | NA |
World Benchmarking Alliance SDG2000 | Click here to see the 13 items available from this source | ||||
World Benchmarking Alliance SDG2000 | Financial | NA | NA | Yes | Financial transformation includes reorienting the flow of capital to accelarate the economy's tranistion toward long-term sustainable development |
World Benchmarking Alliance SDG2000 | Country | NA | United States of America | NA | NA |
World Benchmarking Alliance SDG2000 | Food and Agriculture Transformation | NA | Yes | Yes | Food and agriculture transformation includes producing healthy and nutritious food to feed a growing world population, while staying within planetary boundaries, and offer farmers, fishers and their families a decent standard of living. |
World Benchmarking Alliance SDG2000 | Social Transformation | NA | Yes | Yes | Social transformation includes achieving universal human development by respecting human rights, promoting equality and empowering people to pursue the choices they value. |
World Benchmarking Alliance SDG2000 | Circular | NA | Yes | Yes | Circular transformation includes decouple consumption and production from natural resources use and innovate to reduce waste and pollution. |
World Benchmarking Alliance SDG2000 | Social | NA | Yes | Yes | Social transformation includes achieving universal human development by respecting human rights, promoting equality and empowering people to pursue the choices they value. |
World Benchmarking Alliance SDG2000 | Decarbonisation and energy | NA | NA | Yes | Decarbonisation and energy transformation includes providing access to modern energy services while drastically reducing the world's dependency on carbon-based energy. |
World Benchmarking Alliance SDG2000 | Nature and Biodiversity Transformation | NA | Yes | Yes | NA |
World Benchmarking Alliance SDG2000 | Urban | NA | NA | Yes | Urban transformation includes creating sustainable, inclusive and connected cities that are safe, resilient and clean. |
World Benchmarking Alliance SDG2000 | Food and agriculture | NA | Yes | Yes | Food and agriculture transformation includes producing healthy and nutritious food to feed a growing world population, while staying within planetary boundaries, and offer farmers, fishers and their families a decent standard of living. |
World Benchmarking Alliance SDG2000 | Industry | NA | Retail | NA | NA |
World Benchmarking Alliance SDG2000 | Digital | NA | NA | Yes | Digital transformation includes harnessing the benefits of digital technologies while ensuring universal access and managing risks, including safequarding. |
World Benchmarking Alliance SDG2000 | Nature | NA | NA | Yes | NA |
Women's Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) | List of corporate members. | NA | Yes | Yes | NA |
WEConnect International | List of corporate members. | NA | Yes | Yes | NA |
World Economic Forum Members | Click here to see the 6 items available from this source | ||||
World Economic Forum Members | Technology Pioneers | NA | NA | Yes | Technology Pioneers are companies that are involved in the development of life-changing technology innovations and have the potential for a long-term impact on business and society. |
World Economic Forum Members | Global Growth Companies | NA | NA | Yes | Eligible Global Growth Companies demonstrate annual revenue between US$ 100 million and US$ 5 billion, and an average year-to-year growth rate of 15%. Importantly, GGC members are building a global business beyond their traditional markets and are committed to having a positive effect on the economies and societies in which they operate. |
World Economic Forum Members | Industry Partners | NA | Yes | Yes | Industry Partners come from a broad range of business sectors, including construction, aviation, technology, tourism, food and beverage, energy, engineering and construction, and financial services. These companies are alert to the global issues that most affect their specific industry sector. |
World Economic Forum Members | Regional Partners | NA | Yes | NA | Technology Pioneers are companies that are involved in the development of life-changing technology innovations and have the potential for a long-term impact on business and society. |
World Economic Forum Members | World Economic Forum Member | NA | Yes | NA | The Forum strives in all its efforts to demonstrate entrepreneurship in the global public interest while upholding the highest standards of governance. Moral and intellectual integrity is at the heart of everything it does. |
World Economic Forum Members | Strategic Partners | NA | NA | Yes | Strategic Partners comprise some of the world’s leading corporate citizens and provide essential leadership in support of the Forum’s mission. Strategic Partners are a key force in our activities and communities at the global, regional and industry levels. They help shape our initiatives, projects and task forces and give intellectual guidance through the participation of their most senior executives on steering boards and in advisory groups. Their considerable financial support and in-kind services – including the provision of dedicated staff to assist with our operations – allow the Forum to deliver its programmes and advance worldwide economic and social progress. |
WeGreen | Click here to see the 7 items available from this source | ||||
WeGreen | url | NA |!/hersteller/Wal-Mart%20Canada/nachhaltigkeit | NA | NA |
WeGreen | gradeWithoutCsrhub | 1.0 | 3.0 | 5.9 | NA |
WeGreen | colorWithoutCsrhub | NA | yellow | NA | NA |
WeGreen | Weighted score | 1.2 | 4.0 | 5.9 | NA |
WeGreen | Total source count | 1 | 3 | 13 | NA |
WeGreen | urlGradeImageWithoutCsrhub | NA | | NA | NA |
WeGreen | scoreWithoutCsrhub | 0.0 | 56.3 | 98.6 | NA |
We Mean Business | List of Organizations in We Mean Business | NA | Yes | NA | Businesses that recognize that the transition to a low carbon economy is the only way to secure sustainable economic growth and prosperity for all. |
Working Multicultural Women 2009 | Working Multicultural Women list | NA | Yes | Yes | NA |
Working Multicultural Women 2010 | Working Multicultural Women list 2010 | NA | Yes | Yes | Working Mother magazine's list of companies friendly to multi-cultural women. |
Working Multicultural Women 2011 | Working Multicultural Women list 2011 | NA | Yes | Yes | Working Mother magazine's list of companies friendly to multi-cultural women. |
Working Multicultural Women 2012 | Working Multicultural Women list 2012 | NA | Yes | Yes | Working Mother magazine's list of companies friendly to multi-cultural women. |
Working Multicultural Women 2014 | Working Multicultural Women list 2014 | NA | Yes | Yes | Working Mother magazine's list of companies friendly to multi-cultural women. |
Working Multicultural Women 2015 | Working Multicultural Women list 2015 | NA | Yes | Yes | Working Mother magazine's list of companies friendly to multi-cultural women. |
Working Multicultural Women 2016 | Working Multicultural Women list 2016 | NA | Yes | NA | Working Mother magazine's list of companies friendly to multi-cultural women. |
Working Multicultural Women 2017 | Working Multicultural Women list 2017 | NA | Yes | NA | Working Mother magazine's list of companies friendly to multi-cultural women. |
Working Multicultural Women 2018 | Working Multicultural Women list 2018 | NA | Yes | Yes | Working Mother magazine's list of companies friendly to multi-cultural women. |
Name Variants for Walmart Inc.