Ceres Resolutions 2025

Ceres tracks shareholder resolutions filed by our investor network participants on sustainability-related issues that companies are facing, focusing on climate change, energy, water scarcity, and sustainability reporting. These resolutions are part of broader investor efforts encouraging companies to address the full range of environmental, social and governance issues. The resolutions are filed by some of the nation’s largest public pension funds, foundations, and religious, labor and socially responsible investors. Many of the investors are members of Ceres’ Investor Network on Climate Risk (INCR). These investors work collaboratively to engage corporations and industries on sustainability risks and opportunities through the filing of shareholder resolutions. Ceres provides a complete list of resolutions filed and resolutions that went to a vote in the 2024 proxy season.

Ceres Resolutions 2025

Source Type Non gov org
Number of Companies Reported from Source 174 companies
Custom Reports Available? No Custom Reports are available from this source.
Link Ceres Resolutions 2025
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