You can use advanced search to find the companies you want to research.
To start setting up your search, pull down the left-most list selector--the one that is underneath the words "Advanced search." You will see a list of all the different things you can search on. For instance, "Community" allows you to specify that you only want to see companies with a Community category score above or below a certain number. "Industry" allows you to search for companies by the industry they participate in. "Text" allows you to search the names of the companies in our database--and all of the name variants we store. You can use normal search special codes (for instance, an asterisk at the front says you want to allow any characters to be present ahead of your search text and a question mark allows you to make any single character a wild card). You can also search all of the description, address, and other text information on companies by clicking the small box that appears next to the pull down, when you've chosen a text search.
You can combine search elements using boolean logic. We supply "AND," "OR," and "BUT NOT" functions underneath each search line. So, if you wanted to find companies in the UK in the Supermarket area, you would:
Build a search of geography + region = Europe + country = United Kingdom Turn on the "AND" indicator underneath your geography search In the second search line that now appears, put in industry + retail + Supermarkets, Food & Beverages Click on the "Find" button. You'll now see two companies on your list.
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