Support Consulting Services
with CSRHub ESG Data

Research more efficiently

  • Gather the data you need to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your client companies, using macro-enabled Excel template dashboards.

  • Quickly identify the policies and programs your client needs to consider.

  • Deliver fact-based charts and tables to support your findings.

Support all aspects of your client’s ESG data needs

  • Quickly assess supply chain ESG opportunities and risk.

  • Help your client assess their ESG risk as part of other business risks.

  • Look for new ESG-related product opportunities.

  • Track the adoption of ESG regulations (e.g., CSRD, SFDR, CSDDD) and ensure that your client can comply with them.

Monitor and manage your client’s progress

  • Get monthly updates on your client and its peers.

  • See where your client is gaining sources and what sources matter to their ratings.

  • Set and meet numeric goals for consensus rating performance.
Learn More

See Your Roadmap for
Company ESG Ratings Improvement


Get Started Today

Professionals who take advantage of CSRHub become an asset for their clients, as they have the data and resources readily available to help their clients save time, save money, and make better decisions. CSRHub is a practical solution to managing the chaotic world of ESG ratings. A subscription gives you access to:

ESG rating
Top level ratings

CSRHub’s ratings are synthesized from loading... sources and summarized into an overall rating and four category scores.


Detailed ESG Ratings
Detailed ratings
For each of the four category scores, CSRHub provides three more detailed ratings. Each of these twelve indicators helps advisors evaluate company practices and compare against competitors.
company ESG
Broad coverage
CSRHub has data on loading... entities in loading... countries. You have access to whatever ESG data or source is available for almost all peers and largest suppliers worldwide.
CSRHub Tools map2
Tools that simplify the complex web of ESG data

CSRHub’s web interface includes Advanced Search capability, charting functions and data source and data element visibility.
pre-designed Excel Dashboard templates for benchmarking, ESG data source research, reporting systems a company uses,  and a quick scan of a company’s supply chain.
RESTful API (Application Program Interface).

Corporate Intelligence and Tools