Get ESG Data for Student Assignments

Conduct academic research

  • Track the environmental, social, and governance performance of companies.

  • Spot trends on a company or industry using CSRHub’s 15 years of data.

  • Twelve ESG categories are consistently evaluated across all entities including public, private companies, not-for-profits, and government bodies.

Research investment opportunities

  • Explore best practices in ESG reporting in a particular country or industry.

  • Identify correlation and causality between ESG factors and datasets on company financial or stock market performance.

  • Understand the relationship between a brand’s reputation or credit scores and their ESG score.

Explore consumer purchase and other social behaviors

  • Rate consumer brands using ESG screening.

  • Examine twelve categories of ESG, each with their own unique distribution and coverage.

  • Include the views of investor analysts, crowd, NGO, and government expert sources.

Learn More

Typical Academic Areas of Research:

Performance of company
Social and environmental performance of a particular company (e.g., Amazon, Tesla, WalMart).
Industry analysis
Industry analysis - ESG data on the major players (coal industry, drug industry, airlines).
Correlation and causality
Correlation and causality between ESG factors and company financial performance and stock market performance.
Trends in ESG over time
Trends in ESG data over time (CSRHub has 12 years of historical data).
Relationship between ESG and reputation, brand, credit ratings.
Best practices
Best practices in ESG reporting in a particular country or industry.
Geographical analysis
Analysis of ESG performance of companies in a specific geography.

CSRHub is a practical solution to the chaotic world of ESG ratings. Join the thousands of academic researchers who use CSRHub’s data and tools monthly. A subscription gives you access to:

ESG rating
Top level ratings

CSRHub’s ratings are synthesized from loading... sources and summarized into an overall rating and four category scores.


Detailed ESG Ratings
Detailed ratings
For each of the four category scores, CSRHub provides three more detailed ratings. Each of these twelve indicators can help researchers understand company practices.
company ESG
Broad coverage
CSRHub has data on loading... entities in loading... countries. for almost any company under coverage.
CSRHub Tools map2
Tools that simplify the complex web of ESG data

CSRHub’s web interface includes Advanced Search capability, charting functions and data source and data element visibility.
pre-designed Excel Dashboard templates for benchmarking, ESG data source research, reporting systems a company uses,  and a quick scan of a company’s supply chain.
RESTful API (Application Program Interface).

Academic Intelligence and Tools