Access to extensive coverage of companies
CSRHub has aggregated virtually every available sustainability data source for more than loading... entities, including public and private companies, not for profits and geographies.
As much data as possible
CSRHub produces one rating system synthesized from loading... sources. You will have understandable metrics representing amassed data from Wall Street research firms, governmental, non-governmental, industry publications, crowd source publications.

A stable, consistently generated archive
CSRHub’s measurement methodology has remained stable since it began producing ESG ratings in 2008. This provides you stability in comparison, a broader understanding of a company’s ESG trends over time.
Tools that simplify the complex web of ESG data
CSRHub’s web interface includes Advanced Search capability, charting functions and data source and data element visibility.
Custom pre-designed Excel Dashboard templates. Using custom Excel functions, you can upload and quickly screen portfolios.
RESTful API (Application Program Interface) can stream CSRHub data into in-house tools and management systems.