Assess Suppliers with CSRHub ESG Data

Free match offer for 100 suppliers.*

Rapidly scan your supply chain

  • Quickly assess suppliers using a 57,000-entity global ESG database.

  • Leverage “outside-in” expert data to identify supplier risks, without relying on costly and time-consuming surveys or audits.

  • Take deep dives into the ESG scores of your critical suppliers using our  company pages.

*Send us a list of your critical or top spend 100 suppliers. We’ll run a free diagnostic of our match with your list.

Easy to add to your supply chain management system

  • Plug data into your other systems using CSRHub's RESTful API.

  • Bring in data using Snowflake, ADX, or Factset.

  • Use macro-enabled Excel templates to structure industry analysis and monitor supply chain ratings over time.

  • Add CSRHub-recommended vendors if you need surveys or AI data.

  • Find new high-quality suppliers.

Get a “big picture” view of your supply chain

  • Tie supplier performance to your overall ESG goals and risk strategy.

  • Design/improve survey questions for efficient, distilled surveying and audit.

  • Get overviews of how ESG regulations (e.g., CSRD, CSDDD) affect your suppliers.

Learn more

Our tools help companies customize their benchmarking, reduce the need for surveys, and increase supply chain accountability. CSRHub is a practical solution to the chaotic world of ESG ratings. A subscription gives you access to:

ESG rating
Top level ratings

CSRHub’s ratings are synthesized from loading... sources and summarized into an overall rating and four category scores.


Detailed ESG Ratings
Detailed ratings
For each of the four category scores, CSRHub provides three more detailed ratings. Each of these twelve indicators can be used to evaluate company practices, compare against competitors, and flag risks.
company ESG
Broad coverage
CSRHub has data on loading... entities in loading... countries. You should be able to see whatever ESG data is available for almost any supplier, as well as identify new suppliers with less risk.
CSRHub Tools map2
Tools that simplify the complex web of ESG data

CSRHub’s web interface includes Advanced Search capability, charting functions and data source and data element visibility.
pre-designed Excel Dashboard templates for benchmarking, ESG data source research, and evaluating a company’s supply chain.
RESTful API (Application Program Interface).

Supply Chain Intelligence and Tools