Track the environmental, social, and governance performance of companies.
Spot trends on a company or industry using CSRHub’s 12 years of data.
Complete industry and geographic analysis.
Explore best practices in ESG reporting in a particular country or industry.
Identify correlation and causality between ESG factors and datasets on company financial or stock market performance.
Understand the relationship between a brand’s reputation and their ESG score.
Include private companies, not for profits, and government entities in your study.
Gain insight from a wide range of experts including Wall Street, crowd, NGO, and government sources.
CSRHub’s ratings are synthesized from loading... sources and summarized into an overall rating and four category scores.
CSRHub’s web interface includes Advanced Search capability, charting functions and data source and data element visibility.
Custom pre-designed Excel Dashboard templates for benchmarking, ESG data source research, reporting systems a company uses, and a quick scan of a company’s supply chain.
RESTful API (Application Program Interface).
See more academic research using CSRHub data on our Research page.