Computer World 100 Best Places to Work in IT 2011

Computerworld conducts a survey to identify the 100 best places to work for IT professionals. In March 2010, Computerworld started accepting nominations. Participants were asked to provide the name and contact information of the appropriate individual at their company who was familiar with or had access to employment statistics and financial data, as well as benefits policies and programs for the IT department and company. In January 2011, each contact at the more than 500 nominated companies received a 75-question company survey asking about the organization's average salary and bonus increases, percentage of IT staff promoted, IT staff turnover rates, training and development, and the percentage of women and minorities in IT staff and management positions. In addition, information was collected on retention programs, how each organization rewards outstanding performance, and benefits such as elder and child care, flextime, and reimbursement for college tuition and technology certification. Information from those surveys was used in compiling the 100 company profiles. Upon completion of the company survey, participants were e-mailed instructions on selecting a random sample of their U.S.-based full- and part-time IT staffs. All participating companies were required to obtain feedback from their employees. The responses to the employee survey went directly to a third-party research company. Topics covered in the survey include satisfaction with training and development programs, compensation, benefits and work/life balance. In addition, employees were asked to rate morale in their IT departments, the importance of various benefits, and their agreement with a variety of statements, from career growth to management's fair and equal treatment of employees. The nomination survey, company survey and employee survey were all conducted via the Internet. The company and employee survey phase of the research ended in March 2011. To qualify to complete the company survey, participating companies had to employ a minimum of 50 IT employees.

Computer World 100 Best Places to Work in IT 2011

Source Type Publication
Number of Companies Reported from Source 90 companies
Custom Reports Available? No Custom Reports are available from this source.
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